All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2066: Qingming River Map

The crew came to Feng Dayou's film and television city. The Song city here has been built. The film crew must complete the shooting of scenes in Bianliang, Damingfu and other local cities in Tokyo. The film and television city is ready for the crowd actors. They changed into costumes and became passers-by, merchants, shop boys, bastards, and small officials. They have lived in this city for decades. They do whatever they want, and the camera tilts this camera from mid-air. The prosperity of the city.

Shen Long told the director, "What I want for the opening scene is" Qingming Shanghe Tu ". No picture can better reflect the natural beauty and prosperity of Tokyo's Bianliang than" Qingming Shanghe Tu ". "

"If this set of lenses is well taken, even if I haven't done my photography for so many years, I will finally be able to leave a classic for myself!" The photographer was very excited, not everyone is qualified to shoot this kind of handed down classics, he Carefully controlling the camera, aiming at the street below, the two servants were carrying the sedan.

They passed by a dyeing workshop. On the tall shelf of the dyeing workshop, the dyed blue cloth and the white grey cloth that were taken out to dry were gently fluttering in the wind. A man climbed the ladder to the top of the shelf and was putting A piece of freshly dyed blue cloth was put on the shelf, and a burst of fireworks with a strong atmosphere of life came out.

The sedan continued to move forward, and a car carrying wine was encountered in front of it, blocking the street. Bianliang, Tokyo is now the most prosperous city on the planet. Traffic jams are completely normal.

Another group of cameras began to take close-up shots. A peddler pushing a wheelbarrow was the protagonist. Through his eyes, he watched the bustling metropolis. The picture became more lively. The laughter of children and the hawking of hawkers, After another, it was not as rigid and rigid as other costume dramas, and everything became very vivid.

The camera scanned the palace lantern hanging under the porch of the shop, passed an official who was riding on the street, and aimed at the rivers and lakes who were performing martial arts on the street. The rivers and lakes danced the sticks to attract the audience. The battle was applauded, and the taste of the rivers and lakes in the Water Margins came out, letting people immediately understand the origin of the Water Margin heroes and the market.

In the teahouse, an old man pulled Erhu, a little lady sang a small song, the small song attracted the passing pedestrians, two men who looked like scholars stopped at the door, nodded slightly with the tune, and hummed along Get up, then walk into the tea house, sit down and enjoy quietly.

On the street side, an old man was making a face-to-face meeting. A mother said something to the old man with her child in her arms, and seemed to be telling him what his child liked. There was a bigger child on the opposite side. Holding the old man in the hands of the old man, he couldn't help but lick his lips.

The sound of Xiaoqu is still in my ears, and the lens has been transferred to the medical hall next door. Some people are enjoying massage massage in the medical hall, and some cupping is in the medical hall. There is an obvious entrapment on the rough ceramic cupping. After many times, the props were deliberately worn out so as not to appear abrupt.

The camera came back to the dyeing workshop again. One guy was pulling the bellows hard to make the fire in the stove more vigorous. The other guy was stirring the cauldron on the stove. A blue cloth passed through After cooking, it was dyed, and was pulled to the rack by the third man to dry. There was also an indigo blue cloth with plum pattern beside the blue cloth, and a red cloth. Well, the craftsmanship of this dyeing workshop is very good. All cloth colors are dyed pretty well.

At the end of this set of shots, the protagonist of the first episode finally appeared, but at the beginning did not show up, a colorful Cuju flew from the crowd, rhythmically, there was a burst of applause next to it, but generally Anyone who knows a little bit about "Water Margin" knows that this is the big song ball king Gao Ji is about to play.

For the opening two minutes and six seconds, the film was taken for three days, and Shen Long's request for this classic lens was too high. Even if there was something wrong, the expression of the group performance was a little bit If something is wrong, you have to retake the picture. Even if the layout of the shop is a little unreasonable, you have to retake the picture. Even if the angle of the lens is slightly deviated, you have to retake the picture.

Even if the donkey screamed, it must be remade. These shops, characters and even donkeys are very particular. They almost copied the original scene in the "Qingming River Picture". This street is also in accordance with the "Qingming River Picture" The "picture" was built, completely engraving the Bianliang street in Zhang Zeduan's painting.

Because Feng Da is rich, the original dramas built by these shops and streets are better and more refined. Of course, this kind of refinement does not mean new and beautiful, but it completely restores the original appearance. During the construction process, they also invited Song Shi experts. 3. Experts in ancient architecture help with the research and guidance. It must be done exactly the same as the Bianliang street market in the Song Dynasty in all places where people can see it.

After the construction was completed, I did not rush to shoot immediately, but first invited some people to live and operate in these shops, and used some methods to make these buildings, tables, chairs, unicycles, and sedans to different degrees, so that people can see them at a glance. I can feel that these places may have been used for a few years, ten years or even decades.

There are also stains and patches on the clothes of passers-by, which is definitely not the spotless and brand-new style of the costume dramas of the later generations. Many costume dramas of the later generations play just by seeing the clothes It ’s enough for Missy ’s clothes to be clean and beautiful. Even if it ’s a beggar ’s disciple, the clothes on her body are also clean and clean, so who wants to give them alms!

"It's finally good!" When Shen Long announced that the last lens had passed, the photographer was relieved. The countless repetitions over the past few days not only made him physically exhausted, but also accumulated huge pressure psychologically.

However, he didn't have any complaints. He was able to shoot such a classic lens, and he also had a sense of accomplishment. Not to mention, even bragging in the future can be more confident.

"Go here first today! Let's take the picture tomorrow." Shen Long announced that he would finish work and eat.

"It's finally our turn to play!" The formal actors in the crew can't wait. It's been three days since they started shooting. They haven't played once.

The filming continued on this street the next day, and the character who is going to appear today is naturally the protagonist of the first episode, King Song Qiu Gao Ji. Hey, this unlucky child was born nine hundred years earlier. Will that carry such infamy? I am afraid that it has become an idol in the hearts of fans all over the country!

After getting ready, King Song Song finally played.

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