All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2073: Yanqing beat

"Ah? You just let me fall in love after playing the tiger, is this a bit too big?" Zhao Xiaorui blinked and froze on the spot. It was a big psychological adjustment in such a short time. It's difficult.

Shen Long smiled and left. He believed that Zhao Xiaorui's strength would definitely be able to adjust his mental state in a short period of time. He still has to go back to Mr. Hetian Lianyuan to discuss the scene. There is hardly any emotion in "Water Margin" Drama, which is very inappropriate for a TV series, so the crew added some content.

Of course, these are not the same as those TV dramas that are exclusively in love, just add some embellishments to make the characters of "Water Margin" more plump. The added content includes Yan Qing and Shi Shi elopement, and Li Kui and Yan Qing go to Taishan to fight, Then I met Pang Wanchun who was under Jiang Nanla, Li Kui fell in love with Pang Wanchun's sister Pang Qiuxia and so on.

These are not fictions made out of nothing, but originated from teacher Tian Lianyuan ’s storytelling and some folk operas. In fact, there are many similar contents in folk operas and storytelling. Why did you choose Li Kui and Pang Qiuxia to fall in love? The reason is that Li Kui's plays are relatively heavy. Let him fall in love with someone. Are you interested in the audience with Golden Retriever Duan Jingzhu?

The second is to make Li Kui's image more easily accepted by the audience. It is really necessary to shoot Li Kui completely according to the content in "Water Margin" and take all the shots of his innocent killing. The audience is definitely unhappy, Jin Shengtan commented Li Kui is a naive person, so just follow this path.

Let Li Kui talk about a relationship, which will undoubtedly deepen his innocent image. Of course, this scene cannot be described too much. Just a few shots will be explained. In fact, the next day is to shoot "Yan Qing Da" "Leng", the part of Li Kui and Pang Qiuxia in love is just one of the episodes.

Optimus Prime Ren Yuan set up a fight in Tai'an, and had no rivals for three years. Many of Liangshan's heroes were dissatisfied, so Yanqing, the most proficient in sumo on the mountain, planned to go down the mountain to fight, Li Kui also followed, and arrived in Tai'an. When I was in the inn, I met the same hero who came to fight in Tai'an, Pang Wanchun, a nine-day flying dragon from Jiangnan Nanla, and Pang Qiuxia, who was Pang Wanchun's sister and dressed as men.

Li Kui played by Zhao Xiaorui didn't recognize her as a woman, but Yan Qing saw it, but didn't break it, and then when the fight broke out the next day, Yan Qing's fight was probably the most exciting of the whole show. One of the three episodes, the first episode is Wang Jin playing Gao Ji in the first episode, the second episode is Wu Song drunk against Jiang Menshen, Jiang Men Shen stunned against Wu Song twice BGM, it is not a classic, the third paragraph It was Yan Qing who was fighting.

The styles of these three pieces of freehand fighting are different. Wang Jin fights Gao Ji because his opponent is fighting five slags, so the scene has become a unilateral crush. Gao Ji is being beaten all the way, only highlighting the brilliance of Wang Jiaotou. .

Wu Song drunk hit Jiang Menshen protruding Wu Song Yang's sturdy and strong strength and beautiful body, and especially showed the word "drunk", which is one of the drunk hits of Jiang Men Shen-and also added Wu Song's "Jade Ring Step, Yuanyang Feet", which can be described as drunk Beautiful.

When it comes to Yanqing's beating, it highlights a clever word, which not only reflects from Yanqing's body, but also uses Pang Qiuxia and Pang Wanchun and Qingtianzhu to fight against each other.

Pang Qiuxia stepped on the stage, punched her legs, twirled her body, attacked like a rainbow, but her fist was too light, hit Ren Yuan ’s chest, like a tickle, but was twisted by Ren Yuan to the waist and tugged on the platform— -Four times before and after! Ren Yuan laughed, looking at the earrings of this "lad", and finally learned the truth, "It turns out to be a female bird!"

At this time, Li Kui from the audience realized that the **** the stage turned out to be a girl. Her vision of Pang Qiuxia was suddenly different. She was about to go up to help. Pang Qiuxia's brother Jiu Tianlong, Pang Wanchun, had already stood up to take revenge for her sister.

Pang Wanchun is the top general of Fang La's men. His kung fu is naturally powerful. As soon as he plays, he launches a rapid offensive. A heavy boxing hits Ren Yuan. Ren Yuan can't stop it, and he takes a few steps backwards to stabilize.

But Ren Yuan was not a vegetarian. Using his superb sumo skills, Pang Wanchun suffered a loss. The next is the most exciting scene. Ren Yuan grabbed Pang Wanchun high above his head, and was about to die on stage. However, Pang Wanchun hugged Ren Yuan's neck in mid-air and used his waist strength to turn around in mid-air. He turned from death to life and turned into victory. He actually threw Ren Yuan heavily on the stage! This is definitely Yuan Baye's handwriting, and it is very similar to the shot of Donnie Yen knocking down Hong Jinbao.

Then Ren Yuan used a hidden weapon to injure people, and the audience was bursting with anger. Seeing that his uncle was going to lose, Li Kui wanted to play again. This time, Yan Qing took the lead again and flew to the stage to fight with Ren Yuan.

Yan Qing and Kung Fu are different from Pang Wanchun, who has a big opening, highlighting a clever word, sliding away from Ren Yuan ’s attack, cutting his wrists and folding his elbows to use joint skills, and then sumo techniques to bring one belt and one free Then Ren Ren fell; after a few more rounds, Yan Qing retreated to the upright at the end of the ring, swiveling around with his feet, and a "return carbine" hit Ren Yuanmen door ! This time it changed to the American wrestling routine.

Yan Qing ’s kung fu combined the most ingenious tricks in a variety of techniques. It was really good-looking. Finally, Ren Yuan ’s impulse threw him into the air, and a side kick kicked Ren Yuan under the ring. Yan Qing achieved Victory.

Li Kui immediately went to ~ ~ to end Ren Yuan. Perhaps in his mind, at this time, I am afraid that who made you bully my huge sister, I chopped you to avenge the big sister.

Afterwards, Li Kui protected Pang Qiuxia out of the encirclement. When he was about to leave, Li Kui wanted to say too much, but he couldn't say a word, only to bring his horse to Pang Qiuxia to sit, and then looked at Pan Qiuxia Walk away.

They became opponents when they met next time. When Li Kui and Pang Qiuxia met on the battlefield, Li Kui tried to persuade Pang Qiuxia not to fight again and escape quickly. He had been covering Pan Qiuxia, even taking his own life to protect each other. , And persuaded each other, "Big sister, hurry up."

But people couldn't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, Pang Qiuxia walked away there again, and when Li Kui saw Pang Qiuxia's death under the ruined sword of the Ruan Brothers, he immediately waved two big axes to separate him from the enemy.

This hacking is completely in line with the description of Li Kui in the original book, but the audience will not be disgusted by it after reading it, but it will become more sympathetic. On this point, the adaptation is obviously successful.

After filming this scene, the next film to be filmed is another adaptation.

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