All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2074: Pan Jinlian's buns

The next place to go is Yanggu County. Yanggu County is not far from Dongping County where the site of Bailiang Mountain in Baibaishui is located. After shooting here, you can go directly to Liangshan for shooting, but here you can only shoot some scenes of Liangshan. .

After the vicissitudes of the sea and the vicissitudes of the sea, today's Shuibo Liangshan is no longer the grandeur of the Song Dynasty. The area of ​​the water area has been greatly reduced. Here, there is no way to shoot the magnificent water features. Hepu Xingdao Lake and Beihai Shili Silver Beach were filmed.

There are many legends about "Water Margin" circulating in the counties and cities around Shuiboliang Mountain. With the development of the economy, here gradually began to build tourist attractions with the theme of "Water Margin". Yanggu County has such good resources, and of course it will be carried out. Use, so Feng Dayou worked with the local government to build the Water Margin Cultural Street.

Taking the history and culture of the Song Dynasty as the background, the historical stories and cultural landscapes that took place in Yanggu were combined to show the original architectural style and folk customs of the millennium ancient city, and the style of Jingli Lane in Yanggu County during the Song Dynasty was reproduced; main attractions There are Wu Dalang's house, Wang's tea house, Ximen Qing five shops, Lion Restaurant, Jade Emperor Temple and so on.

In the future, there will be a sentence called "Dayi Liangshan, Heroes Yuncheng, Shuiyun Dongping, Heroic Yanggu, Junjie Gaotang". It is said that the counties and cities around Liangshan united to use the Water Margin culture as a link to jointly create the Water Margin theme tourism resources. By taking the opportunity to film "Water Margin", Shen Long asked Feng Dayou to build a lot of landscapes in these cities in advance, which is not only conducive to shooting, but also ushered in a wave of tourism boom after the TV drama is broadcast.

Shen Long came here with the crew, Song Wenhua and Wang Siyi who came here in advance to adapt to the environment greeted him, and Wang Siyi brought out a large plate of pancakes, "These are made by others, everyone taste how it tastes!"

Cooking cakes are steamed buns or steamed buns, also known as steamed cakes. The ancients like to call all pasta cakes, such as noodles called soup cakes and boiled cakes. And because the main folk cooking method in the Song and Yuan Dynasties was cooking and steaming, And in many cases, the cooking utensils commonly used by the people refer to steaming utensils and boilers. In addition, the name of Song Renzong is Zhao Zhen. In order to avoid taboos, steamed cakes become cooking cakes.

With this simple historical common sense, many people really didn't know that at that time, some of the Water Margin dramas were basically replaced by biscuits, even big cakes, and Shen Long would not make such a mistake; In order to prevent the audience from misunderstanding, he intends to play "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" the same way, and let everyone explain at the end of each episode.

After each episode of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the main explanation is historical common sense, while "Water Margin" Shen Long intends to talk about the customs of the city. After all, the two dramas are different. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a historical drama, "Water Margin" It ’s the Jianghu City Opera, and some have to be around the theme.

"It looks pretty good! You, a treasure island girl, has actually learned how to steam buns. This is not easy." The crew of the crew and many Wang Siyi looked at each other. Someone took the buns and tasted it. This taste made them feel again. Accidentally, the buns are soft and sweet, and they are really delicious.

"It's better than my home, Xiaowang, you can really sell the buns! I think, we have been eating buns every day in Yanggu County for the past few days!" Even Shandong in the crew People can't help but praise.

In the TV series, Pan Jinlian got up every day to make breakfast for Wu Dalang. Later, after Wu Song lived in the house, he also had to make breakfast for him, so making noodles and making steamed buns became an indispensable ability.

But Wang Siyi never did. She had never been in touch before. In order to fully master this skill, she began to practice dough making, kneading dough, how to steam buns, how to make buns. Men knows how to learn, and really makes himself the same as Pan Jinlian in the Water Margin. This professionalism is indeed commendable.

"Of course it's okay. Anyway, people have to do filming every day." Wang Siyi continued to use the babble of Baodao. This sound will definitely make people play in "Water Margin", but it doesn't matter, there will be A dedicated voice actor to voice.

Thinking of this Shen Long recalled a small detail I saw before collecting data in this world. In the "New Water Margin", the voice of Pan Jinlian and Gu Dasao turned out to be one person, so Shen Long saw Pan Jinlian and Xi Menqing could not help but replace Pan Jinlian with Gu Dasao in his mind.

Especially when Xi Menqing threw chopsticks to the ground while drinking, and then got to the bottom of the table to touch Pan Jinlian ’s feet by reason of picking up chopsticks. Gee, Ximen, dare you dare to touch the feet of the mother, the big insect Gu Dasao? Should I admire you for having a different taste? Are you afraid that Gu Dasao immediately lifted the table and chopped you?

There are three majors in "Water Margin", Yan Poxi, Pan Jinlian, and Pan Qiaoyun. The TV series did not make too many modifications to Yan Poxi and Pan Qiaoyun. Only when Pan Jinlian arrived, he made a deeper dig.

There is a reason for this. The biggest feature of "Water Margin" is that it is extremely rash and heavy. From the perspective of contemporary moral ideas, this film is full of killing and tyranny, and there is also a lot of blood.

If the filming is entirely based on the original work, the viewers at UU Reading will certainly not accept it. Then, under the contemporary moral system, how to adapt this film to a TV series that can be broadcast on the screen and can be recognized by contemporary people is a Big problem.

Fortunately, the court platform has many resources and a large number of experts are invited to conduct research. The three consultants Li Xifan, Feng Qiyong and Meng Fanshu may not have heard of them. In fact, they have a high status in the literary world and are all famous literature. Marxist-Lenin team is good at interpreting ancient literary classics with Marxist-Leninist view of history and literature.

Do n’t think this sounds funny. “Water Margin” can shape the characters in a very limited space. They ca n’t do without their credit. These experts have real materials and are familiar with classics. , And a deep understanding of what moral values ​​are needed at the moment, so the adaptations made by them are reasonable and do not seem a little abrupt.

Choosing Pan Jinlian as the main adaptation object, in addition to the above reasons, also has an inseparable relationship with a cultural hot spot, that is, the Bashu ghost talent Wei Minglun's drama "Pan Jinlian", which re-deconstructed Pan Jinlian and caused it in the cultural world. In response to the huge response, the new Pan Jinlian created in Water Margin can also be said to follow suit.

That's why Pan Jinlian, who is totally different from the film and television works of the past.

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