All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2077: Ximen Qing, an explosion of force

"Teacher Li, are you so dedicated? I help you get in the car, let's go to the hospital!" As soon as this shot ended, Shen Long hurried forward to support Teacher Li and was ready to send her to the hospital. Secretly prepared Xianshui.

"It's okay, it's okay, has this one passed? Haven't we done it again, and can't delay shooting because of this little thing." The clothes on Teacher Li's knee all oozed and bleed, but she responded first. But still shooting.

"After, after, the effect is very good!" Shen Long nodded again and again, this attitude is really admirable, Ding Haifeng, Wang Siyi and others have cast their respectful eyes, such performing artists are definitely their role models.

"It's fine after it's over, it's fine after it's over!" Teacher Li breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't agree to go to the hospital. "It's just a little injury, just a little bandage, I'm not going to have a few more The lens? Let's finish before we talk. "The lens where she was killed by Wu Song has not been shot yet.

"It really doesn't matter, anyway, this scene can't be finished in a day, now the actors are there, and the props are ready, let's first shoot the Wusong Lion House to fight Ximen Qing!" Shen Long quickly persuaded Ding Haifeng and Wang Siyi Photographers, assistant directors, etc. also stepped forward to persuade.

But Teacher Li just didn't agree, "How can I change the filming plan if I change it? Isn't it a delay when I leave this way? Don't persuade Feng Dao, I'm not a big problem. Let's take the rest of the shots quickly! "

"Then I'll bandage you!" Hey, the old lady is really stubborn. Shen Long can only take Teacher Li aside, secretly smeared a little water on the bandage, bandaged Teacher Li, and then continued to shoot .

"Feng Dao, your craft is really good. I don't feel any pain when I wrap it up. Look, I said it's not a big deal. Let's continue to shoot!" Teacher Li got up and walked two steps, thinking it was fine. Go out and continue shooting.

This is all right. If I used Xianshui, the blood might not stop now; and this is not the only time when Li was injured while filming, she also encountered when shooting "Returning the Pearl" Have been to the same situation.

The scene was a needle-punching drama that made countless audiences scold at Mrs. Rong, who played Li. When I came in, I didn't think that the door was just right, and it just hit Mr. Li. The door is real. The young people can't stand it, let alone the elderly? But teacher Li stunned his teeth and insisted on shooting the scene.

Look at her biography of Rong Ma's character: Rong Ma was once a good-law daughter-in-law, but her husband died of serious illness during pregnancy, and the child born because of excessive sadness also died. There is nothing for the milk. In such an extremely helpless situation, a large household is found to be a nurse and feed her own daughter.

Later, this daughter became the queen. She pinned her thoughts on the child to the queen, and regarded the queen as her closest relative. She was willing to do everything for the queen. Because of the pain of losing her loved ones, she did not want to bear the first. The second time, so she dared to do the most evil thing, but she only wanted to protect the queen, if anyone threatened the queen, she would go back and desperately.

With this background, this character Rong Ma was completed, and her actions became extremely reasonable. Just like the previous analysis of the role of the wife, she could be so hateful with sufficient preparation. Grandma Wang and Grandma Rong come, this is the effect of professionalism and dedication. Any classic character shaping needs these two.

After the filming of the wife was killed, Teacher Li was finally able to go back to rest. With the infection of Teacher Li, the other members of the crew also became more dedicated. Soon, the shooting of this scene was completed, and the teacher moved to the next scene immediately, ready to shoot The scene of Wusong Lion House fighting Ximen Qing.

The original book was written like this: Wu Song kept hitting upstairs, and when he went to the front of the pavilion, he saw Xi Menqing sitting in the main window, one sitting opposite the guest seat, and two singing fans sitting on both sides; Wu Song put that The bag opened and shook, and the head rolled out bloody; Wu Song took the head in his left hand, pulled out the sharp knife in his right hand, pulled out the curtain, and the drill will come in, looking at the woman's head to Ximen Qing's face; Wu Song, taken aback, shouted "Oops!" He jumped up on the stool, straddled the window sill with one foot, and wanted to walk. Seeing the street below, he couldn't jump, and he was panicking.

It was too late to say, it was fast; Wu Song pressed it slightly with his hand, and the floor had jumped on the table, kicking off some dishes. The two singing houses were so shocked that they could not move. The rich man was panicked and fell. Seeing that it was fierce, Ximen Qing flicked his finger and flew his right foot early. Wu Song just ran in and saw that his feet were up and flashed slightly. It happened that the foot was kicking Wu Song's right hand. The knife kicked up and fell straight down the street.

Ximen Qingjian kicked the knife, and he was not afraid of him. He took a photo with his right hand and a punch with his left hand. Get in, hold the head with the left hand, only mention the shoulder blades, grab the left foot of Ximen Qing with the right hand, and cry "Go down", then Xi Menqing, one is entangled in the wrong, the second is a matter of reason. Wu Song's divine power saw his head down, his feet up, and fell into the heart of the street. People on both sides of the street were taken aback.

The process is very simple. Wu Song lost his head when he went upstairs. He fell to Ximenqing by one or two strokes. It must not be the case when filming TV shows. , Has accumulated a lot of negative emotions, and now it is time for negative emotions to vent.

If you clean up Ximen Qing with two clean shots, the negative emotions of the audience cannot be evacuated well, and they are not good-looking, so you must play a game. The more miserable Wu Song beat Ximen Qing, the happier the audience will be. , The more addictive.

According to the original book, Ximen Qing had two sons, so they should not be abrupt about their plans; but they could not change too much. In the new version of the Water Margin, Wu Song was beaten by Ximen Qing with blood, which was too much. The audience was originally planning to See how Wu Song kills Ximen Qing, you give me this!

How suffocating the audience is, is this so impressive? Ximen Qing is so powerful? If this Ximen official went to Liangshan, wouldn't Lu Junyi have anything to do?

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