All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2078: End of shooting

This version of the adaptation is better. It is definitely not possible to shoot people with their heads. You have to consider that there are children in front of the TV. How much psychological shadow does the child see? So instead of using a wooden box with a human head to send it up, Xi Menqing opened the box and glanced at it, then quickly switched, meaning it was enough.

Next is the fight between Wu Song and Xi Men Qing. This fight must be Wu Song hanging Xi Men Qing. The more miserable the Xi Men Qing is, the happier the audience will be, and Wu Song ’s martial arts skills must be shown; so give Xi Men Qing Jia With two knives, Wu Song lifted Ximen Qing with a pair of knives empty-handed, so that the audience could understand Wu Song's power at a glance.

As for where the two knives came from, there is no need to delve into it. People like Qi Menqing who are everywhere in the house of enemies go out and bring two knives to defend themselves. Isn't it reasonable to consider them seriously?

There was no need to let suona in this fight. The Ximen Qing ’s kung fu had not reached the point where Wu Song had to open a BGM to win. So in a minute, Xi Men Qing was dropped by Wu Song from the Lion Building, the Lion Building There are also carts where merchants send rice to the restaurant. It is reasonable for Ximen Qing to fall on it without dying.

Then Wu Song jumped downstairs, kicked the Feimi bag and smashed Ximen Qing down, then lifted Xi Menqing with one hand and hit the ground fiercely. The knife went down on the spot and the audience watched it.

"Okay, this one is over, is the Hadron okay?" Shen Long was very satisfied with the shooting results, and then quickly stepped up to support Li Qiang, who played Ximen Qing. In order to achieve the shooting effect, Gang Ding Haifeng's few hits were real.

Ding Haifeng also hurriedly came to apologize, "Brother Qiang, I'm really sorry, it's a bit heavy to start!"

"It's okay, it's okay, if you start lightly, it is estimated that we have to shoot a few more times. In this way, I will be beaten more often." Li Qiang waved his hands again and again, but he counted clearly, but Shen Long rubbed it. When he was wounded, he grinned his teeth, opened his clothes, and looked at some places green.

"Take a good rest, and then let's go to Liangshan tomorrow!" After the filming of this scene, the shooting in Yanggu was almost over. Take the time to shoot the remaining shots, and they arrived in Liangshan the next day. The scene there now The props are all ready to start shooting.

The previous martial arts were mainly single protagonists, such as Lu Zhishen punching the town of Kansai, Lu Zhishen drunk hitting the mountain gate, Lin Chongfengxue grass yard, etc., and on Liangshan, they would start shooting big scenes, which is different from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms." The big scene of "Water Margin" requires more water battles. After all, is it Shuibo Liangshan?

The Shuihu heroes are mainly divided into horse army commander, infantry commander, water army commander and other miscellaneous commanders. Among them, the horse army is dominated by five tigers and eight tigers. The five tigers are Dadao Guansheng, Leopard Head Lin Chong, and Double Whip Huyan Zhuo. , Thunderbolt Qin Ming, Shuanggun general Dong Ping, Baji refers to Xiao Li Guanghua Rong, Golden Gunner Xu Ning, Green-faced Beast Yang Zhi, Pioneer Suo Chao, Wuyu Arrow Zhang Qing, Meiran Gong Zhu Zhu, Jiu Wen Long Shijin and Mu Hong did not block Mu Hong. In the TV series, Lin Chong, Hua Rong and Yang Zhi were highlighted.

There are many more memorable roles for the leader of the Marine Army, because those few water battles are really wonderful. The first game is Liang Shan against Liu Menglong. Liu Menglong led the army to attack. The three Ruan Erzhang and the Jieyang Sanxiong are the eight heads of the navy. There are flash points.

The army of Liu Menglong is approaching the port, and countless small boats emerge from the reeds, approaching the big ship! Three Ruan Erzhang and Jieyang Sanxiong stood on the bow of the boat to shoot, then jumped into the water, dived to avoid the arrows and approached their opponents, all shot up again to shoot the gun, the court army suddenly suffered heavy losses, and then the heroes boarded the ship.

Ruan Xiao five-handed two-headed steel fork, Tong Wei two-headed steel fork, Tong Meng three-headed steel fork; Ruan Xiao five battled on the ship deck, Tong Wei battled on the top of the ship, Tong Meng battled on the cabin, Ruan Xiaoqi seven Drag people into the water, a few knives to kill! Zhang Henghou's big machete even chopped several people, and Li Jun, Jiang Long, and Bai Shun, a white man in Langli, waved his sword and slashed. The eight heroes have their own characteristics, and there is no confusion at all.

Liu Menglong ’s first battle was just an appetizer, and the battle that packed up Gao Wei was the place. From the time before the war, it can be seen that hundreds of sturdy men wearing only crotch cloth went to one stop, each of them was full of muscles. I do n’t know what it feels like to have Li Xuejian standing in the middle to toast the heroes. Will it be scared to be stared by hundreds of naked men?

Shen Long also made a special arrangement for the shooting of this lens. In addition to the well-trained eight soldiers, it is not easy to find so many good actors, so he let the eight soldiers stand together. Behind Song Jiang, the muscles stood behind them in the group show.

Ding Haifeng, Zhao Xiaorui, Zhou Yemang, etc. took off their clothes and stood in front of them. The camera could only capture their backs and could not see their faces, which would make the scene look better than the original TV series without revealing flaws. As for Master Lu, His figure is too striking, he is still bald, even if he takes off, he can recognize it.

This is probably the scene with the most naked men except for the scene of May Ludu in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right? And it ’s still a close-up. If the rotten girl of the future generations sees it, I ’m afraid the saliva will come out, right?

The next shot was shot underwater. Although it is not the long shot that Wu Jing will use in the movie in the future, the number is much larger. The heroes and the soldiers battled together underwater, and finally the officers and soldiers were eliminated. The boat was chiseled, and finally the loach boats were all pierced, and the officers and soldiers submerged in the water became the meat on the cutting board ~ ~ The generals of the navy came up and climbed on the side of the boat, like in a zoo Looking at animals like Gao Ji, Tong Meng mischievously spit water; Tong Wei laughed and scolded "old thief!", Zhang Shun and Zhang Heng laughed in the sky, heartily and joyously, San Ruan laughed heartily, and the audience was also happy.

These two water war dramas were filmed for many days. After the filming, they continued to shoot various horse battles, foot battles, and the ranking of Liangshan heroes. The crew stayed in Liangshan Shuihu City for half a year before the filming ended.

Then I went to the south to shoot the scenes, solicit the plot of Fang La, and shoot the scattered scenes in other places. After a few months, all the shots were considered to be finished.

Now the funds in Taiwan are also generous, so there is no need for Shen Long to pay his own money, and Taiwan has arranged a grand killing banquet for everyone. When the time to parting is up, everyone is a little bit reluctant. Have an affection for the crew.

After the killing feast, the crew disbanded directly, and the actors either went home to rest, or rushed to other crews to continue shooting, and Shen Long still had a lot of work to do. He returned to Beijing the next day and began post-production.

Liu Huan also came to the TV station at the appointment, preparing to sing the theme song.

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