All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2079: Start broadcasting

There are also masters among the people who create soundtracks for film and television works in China. Zhao Jiping is undoubtedly the best among them. He created works for "The Yellow Land", "Red Sorghum", "Red Lanterns" and so on The soundtrack has long been known around the world, and now Shen Long has invited this master to make the soundtrack for "Water Margin".

In fact, when he saw this, Shen Long was a little bit embarrassed. When he was in other mission worlds, he copied the master ’s work. After meeting, he asked Zhao Jiping to watch the rough-cut TV series. Zhao Jiping watched a few episodes. Nodded afterwards, "When you told me this matter before, I appreciated that point of view, excellent music is regional and national, so I went to Yuncheng, Liangshan and other places to collect a few Month, I learned about local folk music. "

"I focused on the study of Yuncheng Cheng's zither" Yaeryou "and Yudong's famous song" Aunt Wang Wangcang "in the song. In the song," the road sees unevenness and roars "is fully equipped with rich Shandong characteristics. It ’s like a shirtless, muscular Shandong big man, holding a bowl of hot, rich and fragrant sorghum liquor, with the heroic spirit of whoever chooses me between heaven and earth. ”Zhao Jiping said excitedly .

"So I wrote this" Han Han Song "based on this song and the lyrics. Please ask Yi Ming to match the lyrics." Zhao Jiping handed over the music score and continued to explain to Shen Long. The high-pitched tones are interspersed, and each note looks mellow and round. This clever connection between the past and the past has formed a natural transition between the two lyrics. Suona has not only set off the characteristics of the heroes of the Song Dynasty heroes who are ruthless and reckless, It also expresses the regional characteristics of Shandong Dahan's outright arrogance and boldness. "

"Mr. Lei's sentence" It's time to shoot "has been held for many years, and now it can finally be used, and it is particularly suitable for putting it together with" Roaring with uneven roads! " Long pointed to the lyrics and said with a smile.

The lyrics of "Hao Han Ge" were written by Yi Ming, but this sentence was written by his wife Lei Lei. In 1987, Lei Lei once wrote the song "The Young Men Are Aspiring" for the TV series "Underwear Police", in which There is a saying: "Golden shield, made with blood, you should shoot when you should."

When the lyrics were reviewed, Mr. Gu Jianfen saw it, and Mr. Gu ’s ideology was higher. He commented, “People ’s police, you should shoot when you get it, and you got it.” The lyrics of the sentence were crossed out and modified to "show your skills in a crisis", which would be more in line with the image of the People's Police.

However, Lei Lei has been keeping this lyrics in his heart. This time I saw that her husband wrote the lyrics to "Hang Han Ge", and immediately felt that "it should be shot when it is used" may be so inappropriate for the police, but The use of Liangshan heroes is extremely wonderful, so after a lapse of many years, this lyrics finally came in handy.

"It's a coincidence. I also planned to let Liu Huan sing this song. In the end, the lyrics still fell on him!" "Youth's Aspirations Do Not Say Worry" was also sung by Liu Huan. He built.

"Liu Huan's voice is very good, but he doesn't seem to have used operatic singing before, can he sing well? Didn't anyone suggest Xing Lin to sing before? This song might be better sung by rock?" Zhao Jiping slightly slightly Hesitate.

"Xing Lin's singing style is quite powerful. This style is indeed more suitable for rock songs, but our song is not rock music after all. Liu Huan should almost come. We will know when he arrives. He has learned drums before, and he is no stranger to opera. "Shen Long is full of confidence in Liu Huan's singing. Perhaps this experience was achieved in his early years? If you do n’t have the experience of learning drums, maybe Liu Huan ca n’t interpret "Han Han Ge" so perfectly.

Liu Huan arrived soon. Zhao Jiping followed Shen Long into the studio with a try attitude. After the first song, Zhao Jiping frowned slightly, and Liu Huan ’s performance was much better than he thought, but there are still One thing is not enough, he opened his microphone and gave his opinion, "Can you try to mix some opera singing on the second pass?"

"Mr. Zhao, your opinion is very pertinent. I actually had this idea when I was singing. Just wait a moment and let me brew for a while." Liu Huan closed his eyes slightly, tapped his right hand, and hummed in his mouth. With the song, sometimes frowning, sometimes stretching, Shen Long they were not in a hurry, just waiting there quietly.

It didn't take long for Liu Huan to finally open his eyes, "I'm ready, let's do it again!" So the familiar music immediately sounded in Shen Long's ear, taking him back to his childhood, "The river flows eastward. , The stars in the sky go to the Beidou ... "

"Absolutely!" Zhao Jiping snapped his hands together, holding two words between his teeth.

"Yes, this is what I want!" Shen Long echoed. They and Liu Huan were separated by thick soundproof glass, so they didn't have to worry about affecting Liu Huan's performance.

The sound engineer Zhang Xiaojie shook his hands and feet with excitement while tuning, and kept mumbling a sentence, "This song is going to happen!" And the record company representative who arrived at the news agreed to be excited and red-eared, "Feng Dao, our album must be popular with this song. No, I have to go back and discuss with the leaders. The number of first prints of this album is still Need to increase! "

The theme song in the early stage is a good one, and the latter is not a problem. The singing performance of that person is even better than that of Liu Huan, and he is also a fellow Shandong native of Liangshan heroes. He almost passed it once.

The theme song is available, and the soundtrack is ready soon. Zhao Jiping has carefully studied "Water Margin" and went to Shandong to collect wind for so long, which is quite handy in comparison with the TV plot.

Special effects production, editing, adding subtitles, post-production of the opening and ending of the film were also successfully completed under the impetus of Shen Long.

After the leaders on the stage watched it, they made almost no amendments and arranged for the broadcast. "The skills of director Xiao Feng have improved again. This film is much more complete than the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In my opinion, we can put a big satellite in our ratings this time! "

Soon, "Water Margin" was officially released, and Liu Huan's "Han Han Ge" sounded in the streets and all over the country.

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