All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2084: For the time being

"Come over and eat when you miss me. Aunt stews reed chicken for you at night! Bring your daughter-in-law too." Aunt Zhao's laugh is still hearty.

"Well, then I'm really gone!" Since the filming of "Journey to the West", Shen Long has often been to and from Aunt Zhao. The relationship between the couple and Aunt Zhao's family is not bad. You don't need to be polite.

So Shen Long went to Aunt Zhao's house with Xicheng after work, and Aunt Zhao was very happy to see him coming, "Hey, you see you come, why do you bring something."

"It's not a valuable thing, but I made some medicine myself. I asked a very powerful Chinese medicine prescription. You can use stewed chicken soup to adjust your body." Well, this very powerful Chinese medicine is just under me. Aunt Zhao is not in good health, Shen Long has to make up for her.

"Then I will accept it. You two will sit down first, and I'll be fine here!" Aunt Zhao happily accepted it, and was ready to go to the kitchen to work hard. Xicheng hurried over to help, and the food was ready in a few moments. It is an authentic Tangshan dish and it tastes pretty good.

At the time of dinner, Shen Long told Aunt Zhao how to use herbs and diet. Aunt Zhao trusted Shen Long, so she listened very carefully. If she can continue to drink soup with this recipe, her health will definitely be much healthier.

After dinner, Shen Long talked about the business, "Aunt, I guess you also know that I have been the director of the Spring Festival Gala. I have been reviewing the show for the past two days. I have watched a lot of sketches. I always feel that I am without you. It ’s a little less flavorful, so I ’m here to invite you to come out and play a sketch again! ”

It is a pity that this year's Chen Xiaoer's program cannot be changed. Otherwise, Mr. Chen Xiaoer and Mr. Zhao together with Uncle Zhuyaozi's face, the king of three sizes will contribute classic works together, and this Spring Festival Gala will definitely explode.

"Someone told me this happened, and Xiao Gong and I wanted to play, but there was no good book." Aunt Zhao also felt very sorry.

"It's okay, I have prepared this book for you, this book is definitely for you!" Shen Long took out her 99-year Spring Festival Gala "Veterans Out of Horses", the sketch is about a unit leader to meet foreign friends Practice a funny story in English with dialect flavor, although there is still a gap between "So Packed" and "Working Adventure", but it can also be regarded as a classic.

"I have a look." Aunt Zhao took the art very seriously, and didn't agree immediately because it was Shen Long's book. Instead, he took out his glasses and read it carefully. He read it in Tangshan dialect according to the content of the script. Started English, and carefully pondered the taste.

Amazed for more than half an hour, Aunt Zhao raised her head, "This is a good book, I will call Xiao Gong here, and I will start rehearsing tomorrow, so I can try to get it to you for early review."

Another program was completed, Shen Long went back to the station to review the program, and then it was the turn to review the song program. Before Shen Long asked Feng Dayou to help Hua Zi, Cai Qin, Luo Dayou, Li Zongsheng and others, they came, they The performances were very exciting; the national team also sent out powerful leaders, and produced songs such as "Spring Story", "Hand in Hand", "Eternal Love" and other songs that are extremely in line with the environment of 1997.

In addition, Liu Huan's "Heroes", "Star 1997", "Hug Tomorrow" and other songs sung by the stars, but Shen Long feels that there are popular and ethnic ones, but there is still a lack of rock style. Simply call it again Let's perform a rock singer, and take care of the preferences of the younger generation audience.

Even if Cui Jian and Moyan Sanjie are all right, these tempers are too big, and I do n’t like to suffer from the Spring Festival Gala. Then look for it from the new generation of rock singers. Well, you have to find a better image, do n’t have that. What a negative news, then Shen Long thought of Zheng Jun who had been on the Spring Festival Gala. He sang "Ashima" on the Spring Festival Gala in the future, so let him sing it in advance, that time he only sang for more than a minute , This time it's all sung.

Time passed quickly. The cross talk of the little black fat man, Hua Zi's "Chinese" and "Pearl of the East", "Uncle Zhu Yaozi's Face" and "Abduction by the Veteran" have all been rehearsed.

On the day the program was recorded, Shen Long, who had been an audience for many years at the Spring Festival Gala, was finally unable to sit in the audience this time. He was responsible for overall control in the background.

It was another year and thirty nights. Audiences from all over the country sat in front of the TV watching the Spring Festival Gala. The song and dance of the opening reunion brought everyone into the cheerful atmosphere where Xiangjiang was about to return, and then Hua Zi and Ye Henalaying To debut, use "Pearl of the East" to express the joy of Xiangjiang's return.

Then a group of children went on stage to perform Peking Opera, and then the little black fat man and the smoking and drinking hot head appeared. A section of "I want to go to the Spring Festival Evening" made the audience amused, "Oh, hey, I have n’t heard such a cola crosstalk for many years. This little black fat guy came from there! It's really good to say. "

Then a screen appeared on the stage. A hostess stood on the stage and recited "Speaking Skill". With her words, the bark of the dog, the rat barking, the crying of children, the sound of fire, Cries for help .... At the end the screen was withdrawn, there was only one person, one table, one chair, one fan, one foot.

Then Liu Huan's "Han Han Ge" gradually lifted the atmosphere, and "Selling Kid" performed by Uncle Zhu Yaozi's face made people who don't know how many laugh out of breath. The song sung by Luo Dayou and others and Zheng Jun's "Ashima" have excited many young people.

Coupled with Aunt Zhao ’s “Selling Kid”, Jackie Chan and Ding Haifeng ’s “Drunken Boxing” and other programs, this Spring Festival Evening became a classic, and most of the subsequent audience feedback gave extremely high ratings, even exceeding the previous sessions The leader in this step is both happy and worried. I am glad that the party is well done. What I am worried about is what to do next year?

It is no longer possible for Shen Long to continue to preside over. He has formally proposed to resign, and the leadership will not be used again and again. Next year, he can only find someone else.

After spending the Spring Festival with my family, after returning to work, Shen Long went to his company to become the boss, preparing to make movies and make more TV series.

Before shooting the new film, Shen Long chose to return to the real world for a while, and stayed in this world for fifteen or six years without paying attention.

As a white light flashed, Shen Long returned to his bedroom. The memory of this world slowly settled deep in his mind. The memory of the real world emerged clearly. Shen Long entered the system in his mind. It ’s time to look at this What can be gained in this time, the familiar voice of the system sounded again.

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