All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2085: Surprised 6 teachers

"Feng Du from the world of" Our Forty Years "is very grateful to you for helping him realize his wish. Now he is gifting you the talent of film and television program production. If you accept it, please confirm."

"Accept!" This reward was also not beyond Shen Long's expectations. He decisively clicked to accept, and then a white light flashed, Shen Long felt a lot of things in his mind.

Well, talent and experience and IQ are really different. After receiving it, Shen Long carefully pondered the reward he had just received. He had filmed TV dramas in the mission world for more than ten years and had received a full set of professional training for directors of the Film Academy. With his current IQ, he has easily digested the knowledge he has learned.

Combining these theoretical knowledge with his practical experience, even in the real world, Shen Long can give a brand new script, and then give the crew members, he can also shoot quite good film and television works; but there is Talent rewards, Shen Long felt that his understanding of film and television works has reached a new level, and the works he can present now are not only good.

Whether it is the application of the lens, the mastery of the rhythm or the mastery of the audience's psychology, he has reached a new level. As long as there is a suitable theme, he will definitely be able to shoot the classic works that are selling well.

It ’s not bad, I ’m so annoyed to watch the traffic stars rushing around in the film and television dramas. I ’m so busy that day, I ’m going to make a project myself, invest in myself as a director, choose an actor and make a film, Anyway, we are not short of money at all, what is it worth investing in a movie?

As for the manpower, it is not a problem. There are many people in the film and television circle who have eaten before me. Just pull a few over. We will find some really dedicated acting talents if we do n’t look for traffic stars. Let Bai Ze tinker with some advanced special effects production software. Let's make a Liu Cixin science fiction movie come out?

Who owns the copyright of "Three Body"? It ’s a matter of direct acquisition and making a trilogy. If he does n’t agree with Shen Long, there is also a way. Is it a big deal? Can we open it? Anyway, the copyright has been in your hands for so many years, and I have n’t seen anything decent from you. Come, it ’s a waste to stay in your hands, it ’s better to give it to me.

This sounds interesting, or do you want to act now? I spent a little half a year at home, and now that the capital has returned to normal, let's just go back and count.

Shen Long found an interesting project, so he spoke to the family the next day, and took Arya back to Beijing that night, cleaned the courtyard house, and visited the acquaintances in Beijing such as Academician Ma Lin and Shi Pu. Friends, and then stayed in the courtyard of the courtyard and slowly figured it out.

It ’s not suitable for starting filming right now. The film and television industry has n’t gotten out of the predicament yet, but some preliminary work needs to be handled in advance, such as copyright issues, such as the formation of special effects teams, and Bai Ze has made more advanced software. It's easy, even if it includes all the special effects, but it's not easy to explain.

The software can be said to be developed by itself, but it still has to be produced by a team. It should be to help improve the strength of the film and television circle in the country. Shen Long thought about and issued an order, "Bai Ze, help me check the special effects in Beijing. According to the company's information, choose a company with good staff strength and easy acquisition. "

"Received, please wait." A stream of data flashed on Bai Ze's screen, and the information was instantly collected. "According to the information, there are 276 special effects production companies in Beijing, but most of them work in small jobs. Room-based, average strength, and relatively lack of talents. The production of promotional films for advertising companies is the main source of income. The number of companies that can produce special effects for large investment film and television works is relatively limited. Special effects companies covering all post-production processes are rare. "

"Affected by the rapid development of the domestic film and television industry, there are few special effects companies with advanced production processes and training processes that have also achieved higher performance. Although this year has caused a decline in performance due to the impact of the large environment, they It still has strong strength and it is more difficult to acquire. "

"However, there are a few newly established companies that have certain potential and have a good talent reserve, but because of the big environmental problems this year, they are caught in operational difficulties and it is easy to acquire." Bai Ze found from the vast network of information Shen Long ’s desired goals list one, two, or three options based on company value.

As for the issue of acquisition funds, it is not within its scope at all. Special effects companies are a light asset industry. The most valuable of special effects companies are their own proprietary software and talents, as well as customer channels. The candidate companies it lists are just A small company that hasn't started a business is not an industrial light magic. How much can it cost to acquire these companies?

"It looks okay, don't even choose it at all, the three will be acquired together and then merged! You email their boss and ask them to come and talk!" Shen Long glanced at the funds needed for the acquisition and arbitrarily placed Waved his hand.

Bai Ze went to contact, these people received an email and then responded. The preliminary communication will take some time. Shen Long is lying on his chair and is bored, so he took out the documentary filmed in the mission world ~ ~ Tidbits.

This shot of the sixth teacher and the second brother playing the snake is very interesting. Shen Long remembered this. At that time, for the purpose of shooting, a thick bowl of python was brought over. The sixth teacher and the second brother were brave and looked at the personality of the python. Gentle, I ran over to tease and play. Brother II held the seven-inch of the python, and teacher six grasped the waist of the python with both hands to prepare to measure how thick the snake was. .

Send it to Xiaobo Station to show everyone the excitement. Shen Long registered a new account, uploaded the video, and attached the title: Shocked, what did Teacher Six do to this snake?

Teacher Six is ​​a celebrity in Xiaobo Station, and this lens is really interesting. So it did n’t take long for the video to become popular, and some people even forwarded it to the bib, Teacher Six.

Teacher Six was curious for a moment, and clicked in to have a look, and immediately he was happy, "Yes, yes, there was such a thing when I filmed the Journey to the West, I said how thick I want to measure this snake. Help me grab the snake's head and let me measure it, but I remember only taking pictures at that time, no one recorded? "

Is n’t that nonsense? At this time, we did n’t have that kind of friendship. When you filmed "Journey to the West", I was just born.

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