All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2086: Chefs who do n’t want to be directors are not good investors

"666, I believe that Teacher Six is ​​really Goku. This snake seems to have at least five hundred years of cultivation in order? Don't dare to move it in Teacher Six's hands. It must have been shocked by Teacher Six's momentum." Netizens sent a happy barrage.

"Brother Er seems to be drooling, so the question is coming, does Brother Er really want to eat snake meat? Or is this actually a female snake? Is there a snake essence in Journey to the West?"

"Don't you ever see" Journey to the West "sequel? There is a big red python cultivated into fine, two light-handled guns in hand, two eyes like lanterns, often playing monsters in Qijue Mountain, and eating devouring humans and animals Without spitting his bones, he ate Six Teachers in one bite. Six teachers played awe-inspiring in the stomach of the red python essence, and there was no way to cure the python essence. Sun Wukong still did not stop. . "

"After all, the actress who plays python is pretty good. What did Brother 2 think? It's really hard to say, um, it's really hard to say."

Shen Long looked very happy, so he simply found a lot of tidbits recorded when shooting the four famous works, and found some content that would not reveal his identity as a traverser, such as Lin Chong wearing a wooden pail. In the game, such as Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian dancing, or Ding Haifeng who was beaten down by Wu Dalang.

These are all things that have happened in the real world, only because of the limitations of the conditions, only photos were left at the time, and there was no video to pass on. If they were taken out, the parties would only have a little doubt, hey, I remember that time No one is recording, where did these videos come from?

Then they will soon find a relatively reasonable explanation for themselves; oh, maybe the camera was taken in without turning off? And soon fell in love, when I was shooting these, I was really happy, and I really wanted those little friends.

Shen Long released several videos in one breath. The number of broadcasts, fans, and coins went up. The comments and the barrage kept pouring out. "Hey, Lin Jiao, you really like to play football and practice by yourself, just watch Hairy? Use your martial arts to play football, then there is a soup of Gao Ji? Isn't he fragrant when he is a second lieutenant? "

"Teacher Lin became the second lieutenant, then the Song Dynasty imprisoned army would not be so weak? By then, it would not be a problem to hang Xixia and Liao Kingdom! Even Jin Guo might not lose?"

You don't have to worry about this. Lin Jiao is very happy to slap Jin Guo under my hands. Shen Ma Jin Wushu and Shen Ma Nianhan are not his opponents.

"It turns out that Dalang and Pan Jinlian are so affectionate! I remember that the real Wu Dalang in history is the harmony of the husband and wife. Is the crew restoring the truth of history?"

"Hahahaha, Director Zhao, what the **** is going on? You can't beat even a small vendor, how can you protect the safety of the people in Jingzhou!"

"Shocked, the majestic navy captain was knocked down to the ground by a one-meter-three merchant. Isn't our army weak to this point?" The big guy amused Ding Haifeng.

Some people also sent the video to Ding Haifeng on Weibo, and Ding Haifeng immediately responded, "This, this is not my fault, everyone must know that the teacher Song Wenhua is a real national martial art champion! When I was in the crew, I learned a lot from Teacher Song! "

After the reply was over, Ding Haifeng was a bit strange. Was I beat by Mr. Song when I was in the crew? I really want to remember that he taught me Kung Fu. Am I old? Can't even remember what I have personally experienced?

"Understood, understood, it turned out that Wu Dalang was the best martial art in" Water Margin "."

"That's not necessarily the case. Meng Gengcheng, who played Shiqian, won the national stick martial arts championship at the age of 13! If you really do it, Wu Dalang may not necessarily play out of date! Oh, yes, Mr. Meng is still playing in" Sword " Pass Sakata Osa! "

"If that's the case, Li Yunlong will definitely not be able to win if he singles out with Sakata?" Someone immediately found inspiration. "No, I'm going to be a ghost animal video of Li Yunlong being beaten by the times!"

The efficiency is quite fast, and I immediately found the material editing of "Sword of Swords" and "Water Margin" and took out the finished product. Li Yunlong took a big knife to invite Sakata Dasuo to fight, and then everything on the screen, Sakata Dasuo became a time shift, then Li Yunlong was moved from time to time to lay down again and again, and Shen Long's stomach was almost cramped with laughter.

After posting a few days of video at Xiao Po Station, and watching the magical brain holes of sand sculpture netizens, Shen Long had a great time, and during this time, Bai Ze also completed the preliminary negotiations with the three companies. Reported to Shen Long, "The acquisition intention has been initially reached, and they will come to visit you soon!"

"That's good! Finally there is something serious to do!" Shen Long reluctantly put down her phone and took a tablet to look at the information. These three are small companies that have just started their business. The shareholding structure is simple, and they are basically single. People invest, and as long as they convince these bosses, they can win the company.

The experiences of these three bosses are also quite similar. They are all technical talents who have spent time in large companies such as BASEFX, Tiangongyicai, Juguanghuaying, etc., and they will start business in the future. ~ There is nothing wrong with leading a team to produce special effects, but the company can't keep up with it, so the company's development is not smooth.

Hey, the field of specialization is not the same, so it ’s just right to let them stay in the company, and bring a group to each other; you are not good at running the company. I am good at it. I do n’t even have to worry too much about it. Write Bai Ze After the special effects production software is taken out, they can learn to use it with peace of mind.

When the "Three Body" series is taken out, the new company will immediately surpass industrial light and magic and become the most powerful special effects company in the world. Is it worth worrying about business?

Shen Long studied the information for a while. The three bosses arrived one after another. The special effects production circle was small. They all knew each other and admired each other ’s abilities. The boss is still a little puzzled. Those who can afford this kind of courtyard will certainly not lack money, but they want more than just selling the company.

"Mr. Shen, take the liberty to ask, what industry are you doing? What is your plan to acquire our company?" Someone asked after chatting for a while.

"Me? I'm a cook now! I plan to be a director in the future." Shen Long replied, a cook who doesn't want to be a director is not a good investor.

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