All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2087: Special effects software

"Mr. Shen ... This movie is actually quite professional." The three entrepreneurs immediately heard the idea that they would fall into the pit. Brother, even if you have money, the movie will not be made casually. Ah, one of them said in as gentle a tone as possible, and at the same time he had planned to stop this negotiation.

He also sold the company because the market environment is not good, the film and television industry is difficult to operate, and has not received any work for several months, but the expenditures such as wages and office rents are continuous. Not going any longer, but he did not plan to sell all the shares, he still wanted to keep a part of it to continue to develop.

But looking at the posture in front of me, I don't think it's reliable at all. I'll find another person. The three of them looked at each other, and they all had similar ideas.

"It doesn't feel too difficult. I can be a director when I write, and I can also be a director when I drive. Why can't I be a cook?" Shen Long joked, "I'm going to invest in" Three Body "by myself. It does n’t matter if it ’s suitable for filming, let ’s do the special effects first, as long as we first practice our internal skills, we wo n’t worry about making a more sci-fi blockbuster than “Wandering Earth” in the future! "

Yes, the more unreliable the more you say, you want to say that you like to make movies, we can make a small-cost movie to try the water first, so that even if you lose it, there is not much. As a result, you will shoot "Three Body" as soon as you come up , How much investment is needed? The cost of the filming of "Wandering Earth" will be more than 300 million!

You have so much ...... Well, look at this quadrangle, just when you can get so much money, but what is so bad with so much money, do you have to burn it like this? Several people hesitated for a while, and another spoke, "Mr. Shen, as far as I know, the film and television adaptation rights of" Three Body "have been sold? How do you shoot?"

"I know, is this not related to the other side, how many years have they taken the adaptation rights? Up to now, they haven't come up with the work, since they don't shoot it, then don't take it, or let me take the picture. It ’s estimated that it wo n’t take long before I can get it back! ”The information on Bai Ze's side has already been collected, and I will talk to them in a few days.

If they are willing to talk, Shen Long ’s price will not let them lose money, but if they do n’t let go, they want to spoil such a good theme, Shen Long will not agree, at that time, it must be opened. Fucked, those who refused ordinary people can't refuse Shen Long.

Isn't it, elder brother, can we be more reliable? Since the "Wandering Earth" became popular, Da Liu's copyright has risen to nothing, not to mention the epic masterpiece "Three Body", even those short stories, those companies that have obtained the purchase right will certainly not Let go, do you still want to get "Three Body"?

"Inside, Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, the company is suddenly in a hurry. Should we talk about it today and let's make another appointment next time?" These people don't want to talk anymore, hey, the email said It's quite reliable. Why did you become like this when you saw a real person?

"Don't worry, if you still have work on hand, don't you want to sell the equity?" Shen Long said with a smile, and pushed the laptop in front of him smoothly. "For this special effect, I am not a layman. I ’ve written some special effects production software when I ’m idle, or should you give it a try? I forgot to tell you, before I was a cook, I was actually a programmer! A little confident. "

We have been academicians of the two academics in the computer field. Although these softwares were written by Bai Ze, Bai Ze was written by me, so these softwares are also written by me!

You must be too bored to find us, and we are here to make fun of you. Although the special effects production software is not a big software, this is not something that can be written by one person ... um? This software seems a bit interesting. Is this software for 3D model design? The trio just glanced, and they were shocked by the unfinished space warship model on the software interface.

This styling is much more delicate and true than what they have done. Judging from their years of experience in the industry, they even exceed the standard of those warships in Star Wars.

"Let's take a look!" The one among them immediately pulled over the computer, and his eyes were almost touching the screen. The other two felt a little slow when they felt regret and hurried to the past.

"This can be used not only to design characters, scenes, props, but also to perform various destructive effects. For example, if you give this battleship a missile, as long as the attack angle and destruction equivalent of the missile are set, the system can Automatically give the effect that the battleship is destroyed. "Shen Long pointed to an area on the interface and said," Well, enter the data here. In this case, a battleship only needs to make a model, and no other design is needed. Destroyed warship. "

"I try!" The man in the middle entered the data without hesitation. After a while, the unfinished warship was blown up halfway, and then click the restore button, the warship returned to its original state, re-enter the data and then explode , And then re-recovered and exploded, but where the data is different, the battleship immediately showed different damage effects.

"This is too great! MAYA is not enough to see in front of this software. It can't be so delicate at all; how much computing power is there? I'm afraid it's not just software!" Look at Shen Long's computer together ~ ~ With such a small notebook, can it have such a powerful ability?

"Using some cloud computing methods, I mobilized the computing power of some idle computers!" Shen Long was afraid to scare them. In fact, the laptop computer he had tinkered with was absolutely so powerful that he could definitely be used as a super computer. After all, a lot of things were brought out of the Marvel world.

"Not only the software for 3D model design, but also the software for special effects such as explosions, fires, and broken distortions. It is also better than MAYA and Houdini; there are also software for the synthesis of real scenes and virtual special effects. It ’s more real. ”Shen Long said that all of Hollywood ’s popular special effects production software.

"I look at the special effects!"

"I have a look at the synthetic software!" The three people are about to fight for the right to test the software.

"The software can be tried at any time, but aren't we going to talk about share transfer today? Just looking at what you look like, I don't seem to want to sell the company to my cook!" Shen Long pulled the computer back.

"No, as long as my company can use the software, the acquisition is easy to say!"

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