All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2088: New mission: "Big Times"

"I'm actually not worried about this. In addition to the three of you, I have also invited representatives from other companies. They will probably come later. You each copy a piece of software and go back. I will give you a temporary key. You take it back to try it for a few days, and we will continue to talk about it at this time next week! "I guarantee you will use it the longer you are.

"OK!" These three people are not completely business idiots, they also know that they really like this software will definitely be in an extremely disadvantaged position in the negotiation, but who will let them be technical personnel in the end, see such a good Things that can control their own ideas, have copied the software and hurried back.

In the next few days, Shen Long asked Bai Ze to fix the copyright issue. Although the copyright owner was reluctant, he still had to come over and sign the transfer contract. After signing the letter, Shen Long closed the contract, "Okay, also Do n’t be unhappy. Compared with the price you bought when you bought the copyright, you have already made enough! How much did you spend on buying the copyright? How much did you get back now? This investment is not lost! "

"But we should have earned more!" The representative of the copyright party was still unwilling and said reluctantly, "If the film can be filmed, the box office will definitely exceed" Wandering Earth "!"

"Then you have the ability, the big scene of" Three Body "can be much more than" Wandering Earth ", can you make the three-body planet destroyed again and again, and the spectacular rebirth? Can you make the shock of the Guzheng project The effect? ​​You ca n’t do anything? Even if the film is made, it is estimated that it is the same thing as "XX Fortress". Thank you for not losing money, but also thinking about making money? "Shen Long also said unkindly," You can really make it. , So that it ’s not released yet! "

"Okay, let's go quickly, I won't stay here!" The thought of holding such a good copyright in their hands, wasting so many years, Shen Long was very unhappy, and he rushed.

It was only five days since the last three special effects companies came, and it had not been a week. As a result, the gang ran over and saw the embarrassment of each other in the yard. Before leaving last time, they said that they formed a united front. It turned out that everyone ran faster than anyone else, but Shen Long understood them very well. As long as they were doing special effects, no one could see such awesome software.

Not to mention a few of their entrepreneurs, even if George Lucas came, seeing Shen Long ’s software, they were willing to exchange the shares of Industrial Light and Magic, he smiled and poured tea to the three, "Look Have you thought about it? Then let ’s talk about the issue of share transfer officially! ”

"The matter of shares is easy to say, as long as you can guarantee that the patents of these software belong to you, I am definitely willing! It's just that I still want to keep a small number of shares and still want to stay in the company." The three people's opinions are the same.

"The patent application is already in progress, we can reach an intention first, and wait for the patent to come down and then formally sign the contract." This matter Shen Long also let Bai Ze do it, although Bai Ze can make the patent application process faster, but related It still takes a certain amount of time for the department ’s review and approval. One week is definitely not enough.

Shen Long presented the relevant documents, and the three of them were relieved for the time being. The contract was signed only after the patent certificate was finally obtained. So, he began to discuss with Shen Long the proportion of the shares transferred and the price.

"After the patent certificate comes down, I will put the patent in the newly established company, and then inject a sum of money to maintain the company's operation. The three of you will own 5% of the new company's shares and will become the manager of the technical department. I will hire professional managers for the technical work you like. ”Shen Long exchanged their shares with patents and money, and then merged the three companies together to work in a new office.

"Your original staff can continue to pass the review and continue to retain, and the severance is really insufficient. I will pay them the severance fee according to the contract so that they will not have problems in life in a short time." Shen Long does not seem to be able to Those who disturb the wind and the rain, so the conditions are particularly generous.

"That's no problem! By the way, Mr. Shen ... Oh, no, you should be called Mr. Shen now! Can we still use your software from now until the formal signing of the contract? Is it true? Say, since I used your software, I do n’t want to use MAYA or AE anymore! "They agreed readily.

Although at first glance their own shares have shrunk to 5%, but after the new company is set up, the 5% of the shares will definitely exceed their original company ’s total assets by several times, tens of times, or even tens of times. It seems that this company has already seen the prospect of surpassing domestic big companies such as BASEFX, Tiangong Colors, and Spotlight.

"If it's practice, I can't ask for it. After all, you should continue to be familiar with these software when you come to a new company. It is better to start trying some special effects in" Three Body "now; Oh, yes, the copyright of" Three Body "I It has been won, and I will show you the contract! "Shen Long threw the contract away.

Seeing the signature and official seal of the copyright owner, the three were even more surprised. As for the copyright transfer fee, it was the second. That company did not lack this money ~ ~ and it did not seem to be easily persuaded, we What's the origin of your new boss? Can such a great thing be done?

They originally wanted to use the new software to do the work, but now it ’s okay to see it. Since people have this skill, it is definitely not a problem to pass the patent review. We still concentrate on adapting to the new software and wait for the move.

Shen Long bought a few floors of office space for the new company's office not far from his home, and hired headhunters to help them find suitable professional managers. Now that the film and television industry is in a slump, there are many talents on the market. , A core team was formed without much effort.

Shen Long asked them to go to the company to register, complete the renovation of the new office and other tasks, and then idle themselves, so what should I do? Why not bring Da Liu to talk about the script of the "Three Body" movie version? I guess he still doesn't know that the copyright of "Three Body" has been owned by me, right?

When he comes, seeing the special effects model made by my new company, I don't know how surprised it will be! Will we have full confidence in the future of Chinese science fiction movies?

Shen Long was thinking happily here, a system prompt suddenly came from his mind, and a new task came, "From the world of" Great Times "..."

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