All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2090: TV is not repaired, but car repair is OK

"Iron you! Hurry up and start work! If you don't start work, you won't have to eat any food!" Next to the partner at Fang Zhanbo's work, he is now settling on the street with Fang Zhanbo to repair electrical appliances for a living, this line Their income is extremely unstable, so they cannot afford to rent even the most dilapidated houses and can only sleep under the overpass.

Since Fang Jinxin ’s death, Fang ’s family has plummeted. Luo Huiling alone has no money and no energy to take care of the four children. Affected by Fang Jinxin ’s death, Fang Zhanbo has become muddled. Luo Huiling has no choice but to send him Go to be an apprentice and endure the master's scolding in the electrical shop.

Bah, who would say that the traditional culture of Xiangjiang is well protected, I must spit him! What kind of culture do you save? The culture of marrying a concubine? Does the apprentice depend on the culture of relationship? Why is this culture coming?

Fang Zhanbo therefore resented Luo Huiling and refused to go home all year round. He only returned home during the Chinese New Year with Luo Huiling and the three younger sisters Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Fang Min, and left after eating; this year For a long time, Fang Zhanbo became more and more dismal, and finally did not even go home for the New Year.

I ’m so muddled every day, I do n’t know what I want to do, I just like to lie down and sleep under the overpass, I have to be urged by his partner to get up every day, um, this partner is the big player in "Shaolin Football" Brother Brother's role-player, no wonder Shen Long felt his eyes were familiar at first glance.

In the past, Fang Zhanbo had to be kicked by the master brother for a long time before getting up. Today Shen Long immediately turned over. He did n’t want to live under the flyover all the time. Hurry up and find Luo Huiling and three younger sisters. From the current situation Judging from this, it should be the time ten years after Fang Jinxin's death. Fang Zhanbo will soon meet Luo Huiling again, and the key to this is Ruan Mei played by Zhou Huimin.

"Hey, get up, get up! Start work, start work!" Shen Long directly turned over and sat up, packed up the tools for repairing electrical appliances and parts and prepared to go to the stall with the master.

"Huh, why are you so energetic today? Zhanbo seems to be a lot more handsome! Isn't that how I look?" He was so neat and he was a little uncomfortable.

Fang Zhanbohei is Liu Qingyun, even if I am black, it is Gu Tianle! Shen Long said while carrying things, "I foresee that there will be a transshipment recently, and the time for transshipment is today!"

"Cut, if you can transfer, then I can win the lottery!" The master sneered. His character of the other exhibitor couldn't be more clear. The two men quarreled with each other to the place where the stall was fixed. After setting up the work, the big Senior Brother opened chess and wanted to kill Shen Long with two games, in order to pass the boring time waiting for customers.

"Play for yourself, I can read books!" Shen Long turned out a math book bought from an old bookstore next to it. This was to pave the way for Fang Zhanbo's personality change. In addition, Shen Long didn't want to play chess with him at all. At the level of the elder brother, let him be able to kill him in a horse and cart.

"Isn't it? Are you a ghost upper body! How did you look like you changed yourself today?" The old master stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes. It was something that Fang Zhanbo could do.

Shen Long just ignored it, and Master was so bored that he could only sit and sigh behind the stall. Maybe he had eaten something spoiled yesterday. Master ’s stomach was a bit overwhelming, so he asked Shen Long to watch the stall all by himself, and he ran Going to the toilet; Shen Long continued to stay here, reading books while reading stalls, while pondering the opportunity to make a fortune in his mind.

Fang Zhanbo, as the parent and child of Fang, has never assumed the responsibility of his eldest son. He has left the responsibility of raising the three younger sisters to Luo Huiling. From this perspective, he is not comparable to Ding Xiao crab, Ding Xiao crab It ’s not much bigger than him. It ’s also because the father is not around. It is better for him to take care of the three younger brothers.

For the sake of the three younger brothers, Ding Xiao crab went to the underworld to work hard at the age of eleven or twelve. He brought up three younger brothers. The second child, Ding Yi crab, followed him in the underworld. Crab was supported by him to study all the way, one became a lawyer and one became a doctor. The lawyer and the doctor in Xiangjiang are absolute gold-collar workers who can support these two children. force.

Compared with him, Fang Zhanbo is simply a scum. He can't even feed himself badly. Fang Fang can only abandon his studies and take responsibility for him, helping Luo Huiling feed Fang Ting and Fang Min. He was furious, and Fang Fang would not have such a hard time.

"Hey, can't the TV be repaired?" Thinking wildly here, a sweet voice suddenly came from my ear.

Shen Long looked up and said subconsciously, "The TV set is not repaired, but the car repair is OK!" Zhou Huimin was really beautiful when he was young. The facial features are exquisite and the figure is good. It must be very enjoyable to repair.

"Ah? Don't you put all the TV repair parts and tools? My TV is broken, can you fix it for me? Can you fix it for fifty yuan?" Ruan Mei, played by Zhou Huimin, can understand Shen Long's words Means, pointing to the tools on the stand.

"Fifty yuan is too little ~ ~ get one hundred yuan!" This price is too low, Ruan Mei is really stingy, of course, this is because she has congenital heart disease, she is afraid that she will die suddenly My mother was alone and left unattended, so she wanted to save money and save money, so that even if she died, she would leave some money for her to provide for her old age.

"Sixty lines can't ... seventy? Or is it fifty, or can the parts be considered?" Ruan Mei kept bargaining with Shen Long, and the tossing Shen Long was about to collapse.

"Repair, repair, repair!" Brother Master returned from the toilet and quickly agreed to come down, "If you don't open it, you won't even have money to eat today!"

After speaking, he still whispered in Shen Long's ear, "Help her repair first, then keep some hands, and wait for her to come to us!" This is also the old way of repairing and sneaking.

Shen Long and his brother came to the public house she rented with Ruan Mei, turned on the TV and checked it, and finally found that there was no major problem with the TV. It was just that there was dust in it. Just clean the dust. .

So the two removed the parts and sat in the hallway of the public house to wipe the dust. The master continued to suggest to Shen Long that he should do some tricks, but Shen Long didn't make sense, looking at the room in the corridor while wiping the parts. , Luo Huiling and Fang Zhanbo ’s three sisters just moved here to live.

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