All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2091: Go to Macau

Luo Huiling and the three sisters of Fangjia have just applied for public housing. The so-called public housing is a public housing estate. It is a public house built by the Xiangjiang Housing Commission or the Xiangjiang Housing Association. It is rented to low-income residents. Low-rent housing in the mainland today.

In the 1960s, the Xiangjiang Building Committee launched public housing estates, including Changsha Bay Suwu Village, Tsuen Wan Fulai Village and Niuchiwan Rainbow Village. Shen Long is now in Niuchiwan Rainbow Village, and Luo Huiling is a minibus driver. The running route is Kwun Tong to Niuchiwan Generation.

In 1970, MacLehose continued to build public housing, making the Xiangjiang government the largest owner in the world with the highest value of property. This is a good thing for the civilian class of Xiangjiang, but it has attracted many scholars. And the criticism of real estate businessmen that the government's public housing plan is a kind of intervention in the operation of the free market, which makes the government bear too much financial burden, and makes the real estate developers unprofitable. These scholars feel like the brick house .

The rent of public housing is relatively low, as long as the household's monthly income is 10%, which is a rare benefit in Xiangjiang, so there are many people applying for it. Luo Huiling and they have also been in the queue for several years.

"Hey, what are you looking at? The feng shui of that house is just too bad, and the people living in it are absolutely ruined and die of fate!" The master looked down at Shen Long's eyes, and at a glance To Luo Huiling's room.

"You still know Feng Shui? Why don't you be a Feng Shui master because you are so powerful!" I didn't see that you have this skill, Master Luo Huiling and the three sisters Fang Jia really died very badly. Luo Huiling was shot dead, Fang Min committed suicide, and Fang Ting and Fang Fang were led by Ding Xiao Crab and thrown downstairs. This family is indeed miserable.

"Hurry up, I still have to pay for my meals. I haven't eaten for a day!" Shen Long urged his brother to speed up the wiping of the parts, knowing that Luo Huiling lived there, he didn't talk to Luo Huiling, The idea of ​​Fang's three sisters reuniting.

In the past ten years, Fang Zhanbo owes too much to Luo Huiling and her three younger sisters. What is the point of meeting them before they can compensate? Let's find a way to make some money first.

After repairing the TV, Ruan Mei saw that they had no replacement parts, and they only gave them fifty yuan. Shen Long was too lazy to care about her. After receiving the money, he left. When he left, he saw a sofa placed in the corridor. Can not help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, this sofa was prepared by Luo Huiling for Fang Zhanbo, but Fang Fang didn't want Fang Zhanbo to go back and pushed it out at will.

Hey, she hated Fang Zhanbo too, but it was all deserved. Who made Fang Zhanbo so wasteful before? Shen Long walked by the sofa, took the brothers downstairs together, went to the stall to eat bowl car noodles, and went back to set up the stall again.

In the next few days, Shen Long became diligent, got up early every day, and even took the initiative to solicit guests to make their business better. Shen Long also saved a few hundred dollars, and the ticket to Macau The starting capital is enough. After being busy this day, Shen Long said to his brother, "Okay, tomorrow you will be alone, I will go out and make a lot of money!"

"What are you doing? Going to bet on horses again? You should save yourself! It's better to buy some delicious food! At least you can fill your stomach and go to bet on horses. There is nothing left!"

If I were to go betting on horses, I would definitely win, but Shen Long did not plan to do so. The money earned by betting on horses, Luo Huiling and her three younger sisters were probably unwilling to accept them. Trip to Macau. "

"Go to Macau? Do you think you are a gambling god! Is the Macau casino money so profitable?" The master continued to sniff, "Hey, go if you want to go, don't ask me to smoke when you lose. "

Hey, is there a gambler in this world? I hope to meet him in Macau. This is quite interesting. Shen Long was too lazy to care for him. He slept under the overpass for another night and got on the boat to Macau early the next morning.

After arriving in Macau, he came to the Lisboa Casino, and a signboard written by Ye Han stood at the entrance of the casino: gambling is inevitable, betful and pleasant, come to play in leisure, and keep entertaining; it seems to be reminding people who swarm in Gamblers, but the vast majority of gamblers are as if they haven't seen them, and still speculate that they can get rich by gambling and eventually lose their money.

Entering the casino, Shen Long didn't play anything like dice, baccarat, blackjack, etc. The money was too slow and didn't meet his plan. He came to the front of the roulette, After a few laps, I found three gamblers who had lost all but were reluctant to leave and let them bet with themselves.

"Come on, I'll give you money later. You can buy me a few figures. The winners and losers are mys. If you lose, I will tip you!"

These people are already gamblers, and they still have tips to take, how can they not agree? So they all got close to Shen Long and bought the numbers according to his instructions. The four people bet together, winning more and losing less, and soon the hundreds of Hong Kong dollars brought by Shen Long turned to thousands of Hong Kong dollars and tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Shen Long really gave them tips as scheduled, and the three gamblers reacted almost simultaneously. "Sir, can we use your tip to bet with you?"

"If you think about it, I won't stop ~ ~ But only if the four of us are together can we guarantee a win. You alone may not win by your own number!" Shen Long shrugged and said it didn't matter They did n’t stop them, even if he stopped them, they would lose the tip on the table of dice and baccarat after a while.

However, some people did not believe in evil. After Shen Long distributed the new numbers, they invested their money in the numbers they were responsible for buying. As a result, they immediately hit the float, but although he lost here, others bought However, Shen Long still won the money.

Almost every one of the four people led by Shen Long was pressed. This scene aroused the curiosity of gamblers and casino staff. There were more and more people around him, and they also wanted to learn to suppress Shen Long. But each time Shen Long put four different numbers on them, they didn't know who to press.

Shen Long did not use his superpowers to cheat this time. He used mathematics completely, which contained profound mathematical formulas that most people would not learn.

When Shen Long's total chips turned to hundreds of thousands, there were more and more people around the roulette, and the casino could not sit still. Some staff sent an invitation, "Sir, why not sit upstairs! "

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