All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2092: Papers that can destroy roulette

"Okay, come here today!" After sending the last tip to the three gamblers, Shen Long followed the casino staff upstairs. He was not worried that something would happen. Thousands of dollars, what reasons do casinos deal with themselves? If something goes wrong, who else will gamble here?

At the office upstairs, a casino manager came to receive Shen Long. He opened the door and asked, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb your interest, but your win rate of roulette today is really unusual, so we think Verify some things with you, as long as you prove that you have not cheated, you can continue to play. "

"Actually, I don't usually gamble! My interest is mathematics." Shen Long said seriously, "I accidentally found a formula in the process of studying mathematics, as long as four people each time according to this formula, according to specific By betting regularly, the winning side of roulette can be increased to 74%. "

"In this case, as long as the amount of each bet is allocated, I will definitely win!" If you push all the time, you will definitely lose, and this formula is not 100%.

This is actually a formula developed by a group of American math enthusiasts in the 1990s. They are all professionals, some are math teachers, some are computer experts, and some are algorithm engineers. After they worked together to formulate this formula, they wanted to contribute to the math magazine. However, the mathematics magazine refused to use the algorithm to be rigorous enough to do self-consistently in mathematical logic.

These young people embarked on a journey to sweep the world ’s casinos, from Atlantic City to Las Vegas, from Vancouver to Monte Carlo, and finally blocked by the representatives of the World Gaming Federation in Macau, and finally carried out a small range After the test, the World Gaming Federation determined that the formula was valid and opened the conditions.

If the thesis is bought out at a high price, first give them 20 million US dollars at a time, and then pay 2 million US dollars in math research sponsorship every year until the last member of the team dies; the only condition is that they guarantee that they will never take this The paper was leaked again, and the formula can no longer be used to make money. The team readily agreed.

The World Gaming Federation seems to have paid a lot of money, but these costs are definitely worth it, because once this formula is leaked, the world ’s roulette is completely finished, which is comparable to the annual income that roulette can bring. For comparison, what is the 20 million dollar buyout fee and the 2 million dollar annual sponsorship fee?

This formula has not been announced, but with Shen Long ’s IQ today, it is not difficult to analyze the final formula based on some clues. Now it is precisely through this formula in exchange for his first pot of gold.

After Shen Long finished speaking, the casino manager showed an unbelievable expression, and Shen Long was not surprising. This statement was indeed unacceptable, so he took out the paper from his arms and gave it to the other party, "If you do n’t believe it, you can try it. Your casino is sure Also have a mathematician, let him experiment based on the paper once or not? "

"Thank you!" Since Shen Long was willing to take out the paper, he was not here to look for something. The manager was relieved immediately, and quickly took the paper to a mathematician for research.

Shen Long was taken to the restaurant to enjoy the food and watch the singing and dancing performances. These are all invited by the casino. Even if he wants to find a few girls to play multiplayer sports in this posture, the casino will help him do it properly; The inspection took a long time, and Shen Long was not in a hurry. It was estimated that they should have found a few people to test Shen Long's formula on the spot.

After tired of playing, Shen Long was taken to a luxury suite to rest, woke up after a sleep, after eating breakfast, the bloodshot casino manager appeared again, "Mr. Fang, we are sure that your formula is true, Could you please meet me with Mr. He? He wants to talk to you! "

"Trouble leading the way!" Shen Long is also not surprised. How can Macau gambling king not come forward for such a big matter? So with him, he saw the person in Macau who was the king of gambling.

He Gengwang is also very simple, and the conditions are set as soon as he meets, "Young man, I will give you 10 million US dollars, and I will give you another 1 million every year from now on."

"Okay, Mr. He is refreshing. I promise that I wo n’t disclose this formula to anyone." This number sounds less than the few American mathematicians got, but considering the time and exchange rate, it is actually even more. And they were taken by a team, but this time Shen Long was exclusive.

"Let's sign the contract!" He Gengwang waved his hand. Someone immediately took out the cheque and the contract he had prepared earlier. Shen Long had no doubt about He Gengwang's integrity and immediately signed his name on it.

In fact, in the real world, He Gambler did similar things. When the "God of Gamblers" series was first released on the mainland, a young man in Lanzhou took the gambling in the movie seriously and practiced it for more than ten years. He had a fascinating dice roll, but he didn't think of going to the casino to win money with this, but gave a show in the bar.

Once Shui Junyi returned to Lanzhou, went to this bar to drink, and after seeing the young man's technology ~ ~ Seeing the knowledgeable Shui Junyi, he thought it was a fake dice. It turned out to be true, and then the dice was changed and continued to shake. After the shake was over, it continued to smash. After hitting dozens of dice in one breath, no problem was found.

Then Shui Junyi arranged for him to appear on the TV program. After the program was broadcast, he laughed. Shui Junyi could not hang on his face. He asked someone to talk to Fa Ge, who was more enthusiastic and spread the news to Macau gaming. Group, Macau Gaming Group didn't believe it after listening to it, smiled and asked the boy to come over and try.

The guy took the casino's standard dice and shook it on the spot. The Macau Gaming Group was suddenly scared. This world really has such a god! In the end, He Gaiwang rushed over and heard the news after seeing a bunch of dice. He hired him to work in Macau at a high salary. He would do everything in one day and get paid in vain.

For casinos, it is absolutely punishable to be caught on the spot, but if someone wins the casino based on their true skills, they ca n’t do that. Otherwise, who else would dare to continue to spend money in your casino?

It's enough to discuss the problem and solve it. Since Shen Long signed the contract and received the money, the management of He Gengwang and Putin Casino also relieved collectively and smiled again on their faces. They even offered to invite. " Mr. Fang, your attainment in mathematics is really amazing. I wonder if you are interested in working in Lisboa? "

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