All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2093: And Gao Jin

"Thank you for Mr. He ’s kindness, but no, I ’m not interested in gambling. This formula was discovered by accident. I want to work in the financial industry and industry! With this money, I can also try Try the water in the stock market! "If the father and son of the Ding family still want to enter the stock market to make a profit as in the TV series, Shen Long will definitely make them look good, and it will not be finished without them ruining their families.

The industry is for a longer-term plan. What can be expected is that this task must be a long-term task. Since you are here, make a Xiangjiang tycoon. If you want to be a tycoon, you ca n’t rely on the financial industry alone. Supported by industry.

As for the gambling industry, I'm tired of it. At that time, almost the entire Las Vegas was mine. That stall is much larger than Macau. I used to entertain Ye Han in Las Vegas.

"It's a pity, if Lisboa has a talent like you, performance will definitely be improved a lot." He Gengwang really regrets that gambling is just a game of numbers and probability. With the help of this mathematics master, it is guaranteed that gamblers can have fun and bring more benefits to the casino.

"Since Mr. Fang has got an idea, then I can only wish Mr. Fang a successful career in the future. With Mr. Fang wanting to come to Macau to play, I definitely welcome it!" He Gengwang said he was ready to leave.

"Well, when I was playing below yesterday, I seemed to hear that God of Gamblers Gao Jin was in Macau? I wonder if I could play a game with him?" It must be interesting to play Stud with Fa Ge?

"Honestly, Ah Sheng, you have arranged for Mr. Fang!" He has never suffered a defeat since Gao Jin defeated his brother Gao Ao and his master Jin Neng seven years ago. He Wang also wants to see the top Gambling masters and mathematicians mastered the effect of recruiting, so I agreed without hesitation.

Ashen took Shen Long to the VIP room, He Gengwang and others watched under the stage. After a while, a man with a big back combed and his hair so bright that he could n’t even stand a fly came in. He bit chocolate. Sitting across from Shen Long, "Hello, I am Gao Jin! What do you call it?"

"I've heard about the name of the God of Gamblers. My name is Fang Zhanbo. I'm a mathematician." Shen Long reached out and Gao Jin shook hands, and then the two sat on the side of the gambling table.

Gao Jin is very curious. He used to be gamble with professional gamblers, and this is the first time he has played with a mathematician. "So, Mr. Fang, what are we going to play today? What is the quota?"

"Mr. He just gave me 10 million US dollars." Shen Long waved his hand, and the casino staff immediately changed the chips of 10 million US dollars and placed them next to Shen Long. "As for the project, I would like to play Stud."

"I have no problem!" Gao Jin thought for a while and promised to let the casino help himself to change his 10 million dollar chips. The casino dealer came on the stage, opened a new deck of cards to show everyone, and washed it. After the cards are cut, the cards are dealt.

At the beginning, the situation was a bit turbulent. Both of them tried carefully. Shen Long did not use special functions such as see-through eyes. He calculated the probability completely according to the mathematical method to place a bet. Both are small bets of hundreds of thousands, and the total amount of chips for both of them has not changed much.

"It's a bit interesting, but he's too safe to do this. What would he do if Gao Jin stepped up his attack?" He Hewang and others from the audience looked at it with interest.

"Mr. Fang's expression control is doing well. No matter what card he plays, it's an expression. It's probably not easy for Gao Jin to see things in his eyes." Ashen said with a smile next to him.

He did n’t know that this was Shen Long ’s last practice in the real world when he came to Macau to play Texas Hold’em, and he experienced much more than Gao Jin. It ’s actually a very easy thing to be moody. .

"With this kind of knowledge, you can do a lot in the casino even if you don't learn a thousand skills. Fortunately, he is not interested in gambling. Otherwise, it will be hard to say how long the title of God of Gambling can remain.

Sure enough, as He Wang commented, Gao Jin quickly changed his strategy and increased the amount of betting, the frequency of betting also became higher, while Shen Long was still the same, still calculating the probability and The rate of return determines the amount of bets, and is not affected by Gao Jin.

So there were a few more, Shen Long caught Gao Jin several times to steal chickens, although he was also fooled once or twice, but in total Shen Long won more, seeing that the chips in front of him had exceeded one Fifteen million, and Gao Jin only had more than four million chips left.

Gao Jin's face didn't dignify. He was the first to encounter such an opponent. No matter what he did, others were the same, but this set was very useful and made him passive.

"Stud!" Gao Jin pushed all his chips over. It seems that he won't be able to win slowly. So stud, pure luck. As long as I win two straight, I can get his chips. Eat up.

Shen Long was not in a hurry. He looked at Gao Jin's hand as he just did, and then looked at his hole card. He calculated the probability a little, "The probability of me winning in this round is more than double that of you. Stud is worth it. "So he also pushed more than 4 million chips to the table.

The dealer dealt them the rest of the cards in turn ~ ~ Finally, the two of them showed the opening card, Gao Jin and a small pair luckily won Shen Long. Shen Long didn't care, and luck couldn't always stand in Gao Jin Aside.

Sure enough, while waiting for the next high advance to continue the stud, Shen Long looked at the board. This game had a higher chance of winning than before, so he pushed 9 million chips up, and now he has the remaining chips. Less than a million.

However, this time luck did not bless Gao Jin, neither of them got the desired card, but Shen Long had a higher K than Gao Jin, and cleared Gao Jin's chips by points.

"You are very powerful, but this is not my full strength, I hope there will be a chance to fight with you next time." Gao Jin is a little unwilling.

"Fortunately, it shouldn't be the next time. In fact, I am not very interested in gambling. If Mr. Gao has time in the future, I can come to Xiangjiang to drink with me." All the strength you said should be added with a thousand skills, but When it comes to cheating, you are no longer my opponent, even if you call A Xing over, my strength has already surpassed him.

The two went to the casino bar for a drink, and then Shen Long said goodbye to leave and returned to Xiangjiang by boat. This time, they could go to Luo Huiling.

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