All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2094: Be honest

When going to Macau, Shen Long had only a few hundred Hong Kong dollars, but when he came back, he carried 10 million US dollars. Since 1983, Xiangjiang has fixedly linked Hong Kong dollars to US dollars. The exchange rate was one US dollar for 7.8 Hong Kong dollars, which is It is said that Shen Long sold 78 million Hong Kong dollars for a paper and stepped into the rich class.

Long Jiwen ’s father, Long Chengbang, has been embezzled for a lifetime, but only earned 500 million Hong Kong dollars. Shen Long has now received one-sixth of his total assets; of course, the Hong Kong dollars in earlier years are much more valuable than they are now. It can't be calculated in this way, but it is enough to show that Shen Long's trip to Macau was very fruitful.

After returning to Xiangjiang, Shen Long first went to the bank to cash the cheque, opened an account at the bank and stored most of the money in it, only took millions of cash and slipped it out with a suitcase; after coming out, it was still too early to see, Luo Huiling He and Fang Fang should still be working. Fang Ting and Fang Min must not have left school, so they did not rush home, but turned to the real estate agency.

When it was time to eat lunch, Shen Long returned to the place where he often stalled. The master was sitting there lazily to solicit the guests, but the business did not seem to be very good. It seemed that the lunch of the master was not over yet.

"Exhibition?" Master looked at Shen Long, who suddenly appeared in front of him, wearing a high-end suit, and he was a bit afraid to recognize it. "Are you ... getting rich?" Macau's money is so profitable? Or should I give it a try?

"Have a little fortune, let's go, leave the stall alone, I invite you to Fulinmen for a big meal!" Shen Long said with a smile, Fulinmen is the most famous high-end restaurant in Xiangjiang, many rich people like to eat here .

"It seems that you are really rich!" The elder brother jumped up immediately and said excitedly, "Go, what do we eat? Rat spot or abalone? Zhanbo, will I not let me in if I dress like this?"

"What are you afraid of? As long as they have money, can they still not receive it?" Shen Long beckoned a taxi and took the brother to the Fulinmen Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. After entering, he ordered a bunch of raw seafood, and the brother was gulping. In the end, I couldn't eat it until I stopped willingly.

"Zhanbo, how much did you win? You will definitely move to a mansion after you make a fortune?" The master is envious and sad. He knows that when someone makes a fortune, he certainly won't live with him under the overpass.

"Actually, not much. I plan to start a company to do something in the future. As the house is already being watched, I will move in a few days." From now until 1997, Xiangjiang's housing market has been rising all the way, with house prices from 700 An extra foot has risen to more than 7,000 a foot, and it has risen tenfold. Even from the perspective of investment, buying a house is now a matter of making a profit.

"Hey, you are well developed now!" Brother Master's eyes are full of envy, but I don't know that I haven't used the opportunity to follow him to Fulinmen for a big meal.

"By the way, I have already bought the repair shop for household appliances near the overpass. You can go there to do business in the future, just pay the rent on time." Shen Long patted him on the shoulder, anyway, he ate with himself Bitter, now that he has money, it should be appropriate to pull him.

However, Shen Long will not directly give him a large amount of money. With the personality of the master, after receiving the money, he may soon be defeated. It is better to give him a way to make a living. "With a store, you will have to do business in the future. Speaking of honesty, put away all those small means. "

After coming out, Shen Long and his brother came to the store and took a look. The repair shop is a two-story structure, the first floor is the storefront, and the second floor can be rested or spare parts can be stacked. Shen Long even bought all the parts in the store. In this way, I do n’t have to worry about the starting capital. As long as I do a good job, it is not possible to get rich, and mixing food and clothing is not a problem at all.

The master was naturally grateful for the sadness, but Shen Long did n’t want to see the men ’s tears, so he asked the master to sign the contract quickly and put it away. “I will not invite you to dinner at night. I have been away from home for so many years. It ’s been difficult to go back, and now it ’s not easy to turn over. You have to go home and have a look. You have to tidy up the store first. I will come over and have tea with you when I have time. "

When I got out, I called a taxi and came to the public house in Rainbow Village, Niuchi Bay. I went to the 12th floor and knocked on the door in Room 1206. No one opened the door. It seems that Luo Huiling and the three sisters Did not return; Ruan Mei next door heard the knock on the door, "Sister Ling went to work, it will take another hour to come back, what are you doing with her?"

Luo Huiling and Ruan Mei moved about at the same time. When she moved, Luo Huiling also helped Ruan Mei with a lot of help, so she had a good impression of Luo Huiling's family.

"Huh, didn't you ... didn't you fix the TV for me last time? Wow, did you win the lottery? Last time you saw that you were in shabby clothes, so you put on a high-end suit so quickly?" Ruan Mei Shen Long was recognized.

"I'm lucky to make a little money." Shen Long said with a smile, then looked at Ruan Mei, "An hour and so long? Can I go to your house to sit and wait?"

"Yes, but I said well in advance. My family has no soft drinks and no tea. I can only drink plain water for you." Ruan Mei's stingy character was undoubtedly revealed at this time.

Shen Long agreed, but when he entered the room he began to measure in, "Oh, my stomach is a bit hungry, can you make me something to eat? I give money, two hundred yuan is enough?"

Ruan Mei did n’t want to agree ~ ~ But as soon as she heard that Shen Long was going to give money, she hurried to live after two tweaks. Ruan Mei had good craftsmanship, and Shen Long had a great time. After eating, Hearing the voice of Luo Huiling and others in the corridor, he quickly paid for Ruan Mei, came out of the house, and stood in front of Luo Huiling and others, "Sister Ling, Ah Fang, Ting Ting, Xiao Min, I'm back ! "

"Exhibition?" Luo Huiling couldn't help but covered her mouth, tears could not stop flowing out.


"Brother!" Fang Ting and Fang Min shouted in unison.

"Why are you still coming back! I said yes, I will leave when he comes back!" Fang Fang was a fire to his stomach, and when he saw him, he went home angrily, ready to pick up his luggage and leave .

Shen Long grabbed her, "A Fang, I have been wrong these years, causing you and Sister Ling to suffer so much, I apologize to you!" Hey, after all, Fang Zhanbo did something wrong, then Only let me admit that he is wrong, and the attitude of admitting it must be correct.

"Fang Fang, it's not easy for Zhanbo to come back. Let's go back and say something!" Luo Huiling persuaded that Fang Ting and Fang Min were also on the sidelines. Five people entered 1206 together.

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