All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2095: I am rich

"Zhanbo, where have you been in more than a year? We are all worried about dying you? Are you hungry? Will I give you something to eat?" Luo Huiling asked with concern as soon as she entered the room.

"Yes, elder brother, Sister Ling also went to the police station to check for several times, but did not find you. Sister Ling came back and cried!" Fang Ting and Fang Min also said beside them.

"Huh! You leave, why do you want to come back!" Fangfang alone was still full of complaints to him, and he said that he was ready to go out, "I already said, I will leave if he comes back!" "

"A Fang, it's all me wrong! Do you forgive me? I will take the responsibility of being the elder brother from now on, make up for the hardships you and Sister Ling have suffered over the years, for Tingting and Xiaomin to go to college!" Shen Long pulled Fang Fang and said that she complained that Fang Zhanbo should be, because after Fang Zhanbo left, the burden of the family fell on her and Luo Huiling.

Luo Huiling is just a girl who has just graduated from high school. How can she raise four children by herself? As soon as Fang Zhanbo left, she could only help Luo Huiling carry the heavy burden of the family. For this reason, she could not study like Fang Ting and Fang Min, and entered the society early to suffer. How could she not be resentful?

Indeed, Luo Huiling does have some problems in the treatment of Fang Zhanbo, but can this be blamed? She was already unlucky enough, first forced by Ding Crab to be his girlfriend, and then watched Fang Jinxin as a fool by Ding Crab, died in front of herself, it was too difficult to take four children at a young age. People.

Fang Zhanbo doesn't study well at school, what other ways can he send besides being an apprentice? As for the apprentice who was scolded by the master when he was an apprentice, didn't Quan Xiangjiang's apprentice come here? To be honest, it is not easy for Luo Huiling to support Fang Ting and Fang Min, and it is even more difficult for Fang Ting to go to university. Although Fang Ting only attends college, Xiangjiang ’s college in the 1980s was already very Great, Luo Huiling definitely contributed to this.

"Sister Ling, I booked a private room at Fulin Gate. Let's go out to eat today! I will tell you about my recent situation while eating! A Fang, our Fang family has now turned over. You and Sister Ling don't need to be like before Suffering like that; Tingting, you study hard. After graduation, your elder brother will arrange a good job for you; Xiaomin, you will also go to university like Tingting in the future, even if you want to study abroad, your eldest brother will be for you! "Hey, Fang Zhanbo is right Let me make up for the deficiencies of my family.

"Wow, Fulinmen, brother, you are rich!" Fang Ting and Fang Min looked surprised.

"Exhibition? What did you do? Shouldn't we break the law? We can't do anything that breaks the law!" Hearing his fortune, Luo Huiling first expressed concern but this woman was so miserable for her whole life. I have n’t encountered any good things. Almost every time I saw hope, I quickly fell into the abyss. Fang Jinxin rescued her from Ding Crab once, Fang Jinxin ’s condition just improved again, so she became her Sensitive character.

"I will believe you? If you are reliable, your family will not be like this now!" Although Fang Fang said so, the expression on his face eased a little.

"These things will take a long time to tell. Anyway, it's time to eat now. Let's talk while we eat!" Shen Long said he would take the big guy out, Luo Huiling was not willing to waste money, but in Shen Long's Persevere, the five of them went downstairs and took two taxis to Fulinmen.

In the car, Luo Huiling kept talking and said, "Really, why is it so wasteful to take a taxi? Wouldn't it be fine if I drove a minibus?"

"Miss, drive a minibus to Fulinmen. If you can figure it out, if you do this, you might be able to get a newspaper tomorrow." The taxi driver couldn't help but interject.

"No one speaks no one. When you are dumb, drive your car!" Shen Long said, and the taxi arrived. Shen Long took them into the box, and the waiter started serving. Shen Long said with emotion, "Our family has already I have n’t been to Fulinmen for more than ten years. I remember when my dad brought us here when I was a kid, you have to eat Dongxingban every time, Tingting, you like to drink Yangzhi Ganlu, Xiaomin. Although you are young, you are the four of us. The most greedy ...

Fang Jinxin was a stock tycoon and had a wealthy family. He often came to Fulinmen to eat without any pressure. But since he was injured, the Fang family has plummeted. They have never had the opportunity to eat in such high-end places. Shen Long In the words, they brought back to the distant memories, and they were all sad for a while.

"Do n’t be too sad, although I did n’t get upset in the past and failed to do my best, but from now on, I will definitely let you live a good life; I ’ve been here for the dishes you loved to eat as a kid. Does it taste the same as when I was a kid? "Shen Long greeted the big guy for dinner.

Fang Min, the youngest, could not bear the smell of the food. Shen Long said she wanted to take chopsticks, but at first sight, the other few did not move, and she quickly retracted her hand.

"Zhanbo, make it clear before you eat. What the **** did you get from there? Did you do something bad? Your father has been disciplined, law-abiding, and kind-hearted all his life, but he has never done anything unseemly. .com ~ If you dare to do it, I will definitely teach you your father! "Luo Huiling still can't accept it.

When he last saw Fang Zhanbo more than a year ago, he was still working in a repair shop for electrical appliances. Why was he well developed within a year? It is impossible to make so much money in a legal business? Wouldn't he be a gangster like Ding Xiao crab? If this is the case, it might as well continue to be poor.

If you knew that I only made 156 million in just one day, I'm afraid you would be more surprised? Shen Long put the box on the table. "Sister Ling, I know I was too disappointed in the past. You don't believe me should be, but I can guarantee that all my money is earnestly earned."

"Look, this is the contract I signed with Mr. He in Macau. He gave me 10 million US dollars and will give us another 1 million every year in the future!" Shen Long handed the contract he signed with He Gengwang to Luo. Hui Ling.

"Ten million dollars? What the **** did you do? Mr. He would give you so much money?" Luo Huiling was so dizzy by this number that she stayed for a while before taking the contract seriously. Fang Fang, Fang Ting, Sister Fang Min also gathered around, looking at the contract with four heads and eight eyes.

Shen Long sat next to him and watched quietly, ready to greet them with more questions.

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