All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2096: Repulse Bay Mansion

"Do you think I am a three-year-old child? An article can sell for 10 million US dollars? If that is the case, Jin Yong will be the down payment of Xiangjiang early!" And this matter was so unbelievable that she could not accept it for a while.

"Sister Ling, I really haven't cheated. How much face can I have Mr. He cheat on me? Do not believe you can go to the Macau Gaming Group's office in Xiangjiang with a contract to verify that this contract is signed by Mr. He The word? Tingting, you are a college student, you explain to Sister Ling, the difference between the thesis and the paper. "

"Tingting, you come and see!" Luo Huiling handed the contract to Fang Ting. "Tell Sister Ling, what paper can be worth so much?"

"Sister Ling, I don't know much about mathematics papers, but our school does have teachers who make a lot of papers and apply for patents to make a lot of money. If this paper is really as powerful as the elder brother said, Mr. He spent 10 million dollars to buy it out There is no loss at all. "Fang Ting had studied in university, and her vision was wider than that of Luo Huiling.

"Now, our dad is a stock tycoon. I also want to inherit my dad's will to engage in the stock industry, and the stock is a game of numbers. I want to do this line well, I don't know how to do mathematics? So I have been devoted to mathematics all these years This paper is the result of my accidental study of probability theory. Sister Ling, if you do n’t believe me, let Tingting take a few math questions to test me! "Anyway, Fang Zhanbo did n’t go home very much these years, and Luo Huiling did n’t know Fang Zhanbo. What did you do outside, so Shen Long can brag boldly, don't believe you go and ask the people who passed by the public house downstairs that day, am I reading it with a math book.

"Tingting!" Luo Huiling, Fang Fang, and Fang Min looked at Fang Ting at the same time. Fang Ting took out a pen and tried to write a math problem on the paper that Shen Fei found difficult.

"Tingting, is this too simple? It can be easily solved with the method of finite groups." Shen Long glanced at it and wrote the correct problem-solving process without thinking.

"Sister Ling, the eldest brother got it right, and borrowed the question faster than the math professor in our school." Fang Ting was shocked. If my math is so good, it's only college.

"Will it be Mongolian? Tingting, you have another question." Sister Ling asked Fang Ting to ask two questions, which were also solved by Shen Long without thinking. At this time, they gradually believed, "Zhanbo, you Really a mathematical genius? "

"Of course, you don't look at who I am?" It's not just a mathematical genius, I'm also a computer genius, a chemical genius, a physics genius, a martial arts genius ... a full set of skills can be scared to death.

"Hey, after talking for so long, the dishes are getting cold. Look at what Xiao Min is greedy. Come and come. Everyone eats first, and the world eats the most. What will fill your stomach!" With the persuasion of Shen Long, everyone finally picked up the chopsticks and tasted the food that had not been tasted in more than ten years.

"Jinxin, how happy you are if you can see the exhibition!" Luo Huiling cried as she ate, and her eyes were so wet even with the three sisters, she couldn't even taste what was in her mouth.

"Today is a happy day. Why do you say so many sad words? Don't cry, please be happy, Xiao Min, give your brother a smile!" The three sisters of Fang family are of course the most beautiful of Fang Ting, but Fang Min The shy and shy cute girl is also very cute, so Shen Long could not help but want to tease her.

"Brother, don't make fun of me!" Fang Min lowered his head shyly. The other three people looked at her like this, and their mood eased a lot.

After finishing the meal, Shen Long asked the waiter to take down the tableware and sent tea to continue to chat with them. "Sister Ling, you are too hard to be a minibus driver. Generally, men can't carry it, let alone women, you and A Fang should have rested after so many years of tiredness. I do n’t think you can quit your job tomorrow. I will find a lighter job for you! "

"A Fang, you do n’t have to go to work anymore. I was not good at that time, and you were n’t able to continue studying. You are still young. Just take advantage of this time to go to the night school to sign up to continue studying. After graduation, Big Brother will arrange it for you. "

"Tingting, do you plan to work as soon as you graduate or continue to study? Now you don't need to let you come out to work as soon as possible. If you have anything you want to learn, you can tell your elder brother whether you are studying or studying abroad or studying abroad. Big Brother will help you find a way! "

"Xiaomin, you study hard in high school. When the elder brother takes you to buy clothes on the weekend, and then buy you a Walkman, you can use it whether you listen to songs or learn English."

"It looks like a big brother. I don't care anymore. Sister Ling has worked so hard all these years. To support us a lot of crimes, you should take a good rest! You should also take care of Tingting and Xiaomin. Okay, otherwise I wo n’t forgive you. ”Hearing this, even Fang Fang, the toughest person, eased.

"No, don't you? I've been used to it for so many years; I don't know much about exhibitions, but I heard your dad say a little bit in those years. The stock market is very dangerous, so I should continue to work. Lest ... "Luo Huiling wanted to express her worries, but felt unlucky.

"It doesn't matter, I won't invest all the money in the stock market! I'm going to buy a big house first ~ ~ Our family will move in together and live. By then each of you can have a large bedroom with a bathroom Xiao Min and Ting Ting still have study rooms; half of the remaining money is invested in the stock market and half is for business! "Shen Long comforted." We will go to the house tomorrow, and we will move out of the public house when we are done. "

"Ah? Only a few days after moving, I have to move again?" Xiao Min said subconsciously.

"You don't need to do it yourself this time. Let's throw away everything that can be thrown in the public house. Then buy all the new ones." With Shen Long's current assets, taking the villa on the top of Taiping Mountain is not enough. In the past, Repulse Bay was not a problem at all. In such a place, the ruins in the family will naturally not be used.

In the evening, Shen Long spent a night on the sofa of the public house. After having breakfast in the morning, he took Luo Huiling and Fang Fang to see the house. Under the leadership of the agent, Shen Long looked at several Repulse Bay villas. Entering the house, Luo Huiling and Fang Fang were both a little afraid to settle down, but Shen Long commented on the quality of these houses very calmly.

In the end, I chose a relatively large number of bedrooms and signed a contract. The head of the family immigrated to Canada last year. The house has been fully entrusted to the intermediary. After paying the money, I can stay directly.

"Choosing a day is worse than hitting a day, Sister Ling, let's move in today!"

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