All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2097: You come to be my secretary

"It's too late today, it's so tiring to watch the house for a day, and how to live without cleaning here? Or go back to rest first, come here to clean up tomorrow!" Sister Ling and Fang Fang couldn't bear it anymore.

"I want you to live in too early." Shen Long slapped his forehead and almost forgot. Their physical strength is far from me. "Then we will go back to rest first, and we will not need to do our own cleaning. Just let the cleaning company do it. Let ’s continue to look at the furniture and appliances tomorrow! Although there are still houses in the house, many things are out of fashion. "

"Just tomorrow is the weekend, let Xiaomin and Tingting come together too!" Simply go back and buy a car, and buy a larger business car, otherwise the five people will be too crowded.

So when he went back, Shen Long asked the taxi driver to take them to the car dealership and bought another Pingzhi. Well, it was Mercedes-Benz, and he drove directly to the downstairs of the public house. When he came home, Tingting, who came back from school, was already cooking. When talking about the experience of viewing a house during dinner, Fang Ting and Fang Min are full of yearnings.

So after the meal, Shen Long simply drove with the family back to the villa in Repulse Bay, and took them to visit them for a good life, "Xiaomin, this bedroom is closest to the study, so I will leave it to you. I will be at home later. When you do n’t know what to do in mathematics, just ask Brother. "In fact, I can also give you tutorials for other subjects.

"Sister Ling lives here, this one has the best view of the sea, and I deserve it for you ... Tingting, you live in this room, and it is also very close to the study. Then you can review your homework with Xiaomin in the study. And, by the way, assist Xiaomin's homework; now, this big one is reserved for A Fang, the one I live in the smallest one is better. "Shen Long assigned them a room.

Anyway, I estimate that I will go out to live in the future. It ’s enough to have a room here. Otherwise, there are so many people in the family and it will affect my sister. Long Jiwen and Ruan Mei are good girls. It ’s wrong to live up to that one, and ... This doesn't seem to be just the world of "Great Era", maybe you will meet other beauties, by then ...

He Kang Jianfei can make so many girls in Xiangjiang, I am not too demanding, it should be satisfied with his one-fifth and one-tenth, hey, I am really a man who is easy to meet.

"This room is good as a piano room. When you buy a piano, Xiaomin and Tingting will be fine if you have nothing to do. It is just to relax after reviewing your fatigue! This is a Finnish bathroom. Sister Ling and Afang You can come in and steam frequently, you can relax your body and delay aging. In addition, every room must have a TV and a video recorder ... "After finishing the room, Shen Long helped to count the furniture and appliances to buy.

The next day I drove the whole family with my family, Xiangjiang, and started a big purchase. I bought a lot of TV sets, VCRs from Japan, imported sofas from Italy, and bone china from the UK. The cars delivered by various stores continued to drive to Repulse Bay.

In addition, I went to the department store to buy four of them a lot of clothes, bags, cosmetics and other things. Usually, the daring Ling sister, who put on brand-name clothes, didn't know where to put her hands and feet. When I walked out of the fitting room, I couldn't even say, "While wearing this kind of clothes, how can I still drive a minibus? Forget it, or not!"

"Sister Ling, your eldest brother said, you don't need to open your minibus in confidence anymore. I think this suit matches your temperament, so you should wear it!" Fang Ting also knows that Ling's hard work also hopes She could live a better life, and quickly pulled persuasion.

They were busy for more than a week before they were ready to move. Shen Long also used the time to let the agency help register the company, rent the office building, and go to work when he was ready to move.

Returning to the public house in Rainbow Village, Niuchi Bay, Sister Ling felt quite emotional, "When we first rented a public house, how happy were the few of us, who knows that we have moved in for half a month and will move out Hey, I do n’t know if we moved into the house where the public house left the fastest. "

Regarding Sister Ling's emotions, Shen Long also felt that this should be the case. It takes a lot of time to apply for public housing. Generally, low-income people are eligible to apply. Once the income exceeds a certain standard, even if you don't want to move, the department that manages the public housing also Won't allow you to continue living.

People who live in public housing do not fail to turn over to achieve a class rise, but it is true that a few of them are climbing rapidly like this. Apart from Zhongcai, Shen Long really can't think of anyone who can be faster than himself.

"You guys ... move to move so quickly? I will help you move things!" Ruan Mei has a good impression of their family. She was reluctant to see that they were going to move, plus she had helped a lot last time. , So I took the initiative to help out.

"No, actually there is not much to move." The furniture and electrical appliances in the room are no longer needed. Apart from the learning materials of Ting Ting and Xiao Min, the rest are some commemorative items, five people each. It's enough to carry a little, and even the trunk of that car is not full.

"By the way, Amei, we can't use the things at home. It's better if you come to see what is needed and move to your house. If you don't want it, we can only throw it away." You have to take a good look before her before leaving.

"Ah? That's inappropriate!" Ruan Mei was hesitant. UU read She was a bit mean, but she knew what to take and what shouldn't be taken.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is a neighbor of the neighborhood, you should do us a favor, otherwise we have to be transported downstairs and thrown into the garbage dump." Ling sister also helped to persuade, and finally Ruan Mei agreed, so the family People helped Ruan Mei pick and choose, and moved all the things that could be used to her home, until her home was really a bit jammed.

"Thank you, it's such a big advantage for you." Despite this, Ruan Mei didn't want to say anything to invite them to dinner.

"You're welcome, oh, a little tired, let's sit down and go again!" But we can't leave now, otherwise there is no reason to come again, so Shen Long relied on sitting down, and Amei was naturally bad. When they left, the two chatted. "Amei, what are you doing? Would it be hard to take care of your mother alone?"

"Actually, it's alright, I'm used to it!" Amei replied, revealing all her information without knowing it.

"You are amazing, many men are not as filial as you are, but your salary is a bit low now, it is really sorry for your hard work, it is better, you come to my company to work." Well, just be mine Secretary!

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