All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2099: Electronic Xiangjiang (Thanks for the great reward of the big bears that let the shee

Although Ye Tian is still wearing dirty clothes, his hair is messy, and his face is black and white, but his eyes have regained his sight, showing a momentum that cannot be underestimated. This is the stock **** of the past. .

When the two went to the company together, Shen Long showed him his account balance and the various qualification certificates of the company. Ye Tian was very satisfied, "Well done, you can do this at a young age. Your dad couldn't match that. "

"Brother Tian, ​​come and drink tea." Luo Huiling brought in two cups of tea and saw that Ye Tian couldn't help her nose sour, she almost cried out, and saw Luo Huiling remembering the things of the year.

"Hui Ling, you have worked hard all these years. If Jin Xin sees the exhibition in the sky so well, he will be grateful to you." Ye Tian nodded and thanked, Luo Huiling was a little embarrassed. Fang Zhanbo is so good now. Not much to do with her.

Ye Tian picked up the tea cup and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the prosperity of Xiangjiang through the glass, and then asked, "Zhanbo, you tell me, what should your stock market look like?"

"In my opinion, the stock market should be a channel for entrepreneurs to help them grow and develop, and at the same time provide investors with the opportunity to increase their property value, so that there is a place for fund-raising investment, social prosperity, and everyone can make a pity. Human greed, exhaustion of mind, skillful seizure, happy land becomes purgatory, blood rain wakes up the wind, killing ceaselessly, countless people lose their lives and lose their lives, winners lose their conscience and personality, and become a battlefield without winners. "Shen Long Moved out the emotion of Ye Tian at the end of the TV series.

"Good talk! Good talk! Now Xiangjiang's stock market is like you said! It has long since departed from the original intention of establishing the stock market, and it has become a hunting ground for Chen Wanxian, a big crocodile devouring small fish and shrimp. How many people can really learn from it? Profitable! You can think of this level when you are so young, so I can rest assured! "Ye Tian was very satisfied with Shen Long's answer.

"If you can't be blindfolded by interests, you can survive in the stock market for a longer period of time. Based on your statement, I am willing to come to the company to help you! Let's not accumulate power now, accumulate strength slowly, and wait for Chen Wanxian when the time is ripe. Overstroke. "Ye Tian knew that the company's tens of millions is far from enough to fight against Chen Wanxian.

"I think so too." This view coincides with Shen Long. Stock market battles and battlefield battles also have something in common. Whoever has more money and who has more extensive information channels will have an advantage. Chen Wanxian has been in these years. Hundreds of millions of family wealth have already been accumulated, and the Chinese will be controlled for many years. The network is vast. It is not something that can be done casually if you want to defeat him.

"So I plan to hire some more people and let them come in for trading. We will control it behind the scenes. While Chen Wanxian hasn't found it, he will accumulate enough funds as soon as possible." If Chen Wanxian saw Ye Tian and Fang Jin's new son reappear In the stock market, you must be on your guard.

"Very good, I can help you pick, I can also help you choose the specific stock investment! These things are left to me to do it!" Ye Tian feared that Shen Long had inexperience and wanted to help him preside for a while .

In fact, my experience is much richer than yours, but Shen Long had originally planned to hand over these to him, so he did n’t refuse, “Then it ’s hard for Uncle Ye, I ’ll accompany you to buy some clothes, and then Find a house nearby and wait for a light meal at my house at night. A Fang, Ting Ting and Xiao Min, haven't you seen them in years? "

"Oh, by the way, Amei, come with you after work. Your cooking skills are so good. Help Sister Ling cook together! After dinner, I will take you and Uncle Ye home." Shen Long took the opportunity Inviting Ruan Mei to visit his house, is this a good opportunity to increase feelings, and I can't let it go.

"Got it, boss, Sister Ling, do we want to buy food in advance? When we first leave work, the food in the vegetable market is the most expensive." Ruan Mei didn't think much, and immediately agreed to come down.

So they divided their soldiers in two ways. Shen Long took Ye Tian to buy clothes and looked at the house; Luo Huiling took Ruan Mei to buy vegetables, and then went home early to prepare for the evening feast.

Ye Tian has lived in a broken house for more than ten years and has no requirements for living conditions, but Shen Long still rented him a high-end apartment nearby and hired a Filipino maid to help him do laundry, cooking and cleaning. After taking care of the room and living, I took Ye Tian back home.

"Uncle Ye, brother, you are back!" The three sisters greeted them together.

Ye Tian was so moved when she saw the three sisters, "Are you Afang? You are Tingting? You are the youngest, needless to say, Xiaomin! When I saw you last time, they were all little girls, and I blinked It ’s all so big! Uncle Ye has n’t been able to take care of you all these years.

"Brother Tian, ​​today is a happy day, don't say these sad words, come, the meal is ready, let's eat and talk!" Luo Huiling and Ruan Mei brought a dish to the dining table together, everyone sat At the dinner table, talking about the past, after a meal, the relationship between each other has increased a lot.

After eating, Shen Long sent Ye Tian and Ruan Mei home, and Ye Tian started to work as soon as he went to work the next day. In his words, he was muddled for more than ten years, and now he is still old He should make up for the lost time, recruit interviews, study the recent stock market developments, and choose the right stocks to start. UU reading is extremely proficient in these things, and he does not need to worry too much about Shen Long.

With more and more employees in the office, this new company has gradually taken shape, and Shen Long is completely relieved. He begins to hand over most of the company's things to Ye Tian management, and he starts to work on the business of another company.

"Amei, go out with me." Since I had to go out, I naturally had to bring my secretary.

"Boss, where are we going?" These days, Ruan Mei has also adapted to the secretary's job, carrying a briefcase on his shoulder, and with his brother Shen Long in his hand, he followed.

"Going to Meixing Industrial Building, Kwun Tong Industrial Zone, Kowloon, I am planning to acquire an electronics manufacturing company!" In Xiangjiang, I want to develop my career. The electronics industry is the best choice now. Shen Long is ready to open the electronic age of Xiangjiang in this world.

At the Meixing Industrial Building, Li Ke, the boss of Keji Electronics Manufacturing Company, and his younger brother, Li Xuan, were already waiting downstairs. When Shen Long came over, he quickly stepped forward to help drive diligently, "Mr. Fang, welcome to our company Visit. "

Shen Long followed the two brothers to the fifth floor and looked at the situation in this small factory.

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