All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2100: arcade games

This company is small in scale and has not many employees. It is less than 30 people. Half of them are ordinary young workers who are responsible for labor such as assembling the machine frame; the remaining half are Li Ke ’s instructions from his brother Li Xuan. Skilled workers dug up at high prices in other electronics factories specialize in technical tasks such as soldering chips.

This Li Xuan is a personal talent. He is a talented student who graduated from Xiangjiang Chinese University. When he was studying at school, he started a business with his brother. He started this company, which specializes in pirating Japanese arcade games for sale. However, due to Xiangjiang ’s stricter management of patent rights and the squeeze of associations, the company ’s life became more and more sad, and now it has reached the point where it has to sell the company.

Most of Xiangjiang ’s arcade halls are under the control of major associations. They make pirated games to reduce the costs for the associations, but also allow the associations to see the benefits inside, so they continue to squeeze them and use various means while cooperating. Wanting to take down this factory as his own, Li Ke used to be a short mule, although he was a gang, he could not speak in front of the big brother.

And Li Xuan is just a scholar, so he has no problems with professional skills, and can not deal with the relationship with the community, so the company has fallen to this point.

"Mr. Fang, do n’t look at our company ’s small size, but its strength is still quite good. These technicians are veterans, and they are very good at soldering chips. This thing is not easy for ordinary people to learn. If you are not careful, you may damage the chip or the circuit board, and the loss will be even greater. "Li Xuan explained to Shen Long.

"Well, good, good." Shen Long nodded while looking at it, "Your company's equipment and staff technology are good, and it really has the value of investment, it is a pity that you give up like this."

"Hey, there is no way not to give up. Now that pirated games are not easy to do, the government has strictly checked them. Those agencies ... The arcade hall keeps squeezing prices, making our profits lower and lower, and our days are going to go down. "Li Ke sighed. He just wanted to say that the club was here, and was afraid to scare Shen Long. So he quickly changed his mind and wanted to sell the company.

"I've seen it almost, let's go talk inside!" After looking around for a while, Shen Long and Ruan Mei went to their brother's office. "How do you want to sell the company?"

"Mr. Fang, we invested more than two million Hong Kong dollars for this company, rented factories, purchased machinery, recruited talents, and spent five years to achieve the company to the present level. Now because of something at home, we have to We are reluctant to sell, to be honest. "Speaking of these, the brothers were a little sad.

"Mr. Li, this is not the case. Many of your machines are so old that I ca n’t use them anymore. I ca n’t spend money on rubbish, right? After buying your company, I have to invest money to buy new equipment ... and, I I heard that several societies want to win your company. I will have to bear the pressure of them for you in the future. This is all cost! "Shen Long began to bargain.

"This is good, I will give you two choices!" After a few rounds between you and me, Shen Long showed his own conditions, "Or, I will give you three million, you will leave the company to me; or I will give You are 2.8 million, your brothers continue to stay in the company, I leave you 5 percent of the shares, and you continue to manage the company. "These two are good at technology, and one is good at dealing with all kinds of people in society. Is a good talent.

"Mr. Shen, stay in the company, we don't know what to do?" Li Xuan is a little confused. The business of pirated games can't be done anymore. He has no clue about other business, but there is no way to do anything. Want to sell the company.

"This is no hurry, pirated games are not allowed to be done. We can make genuine games. Who said that only Japanese and Americans can develop games? Xiangjiang has also accumulated a lot of talents in electronics over the years. This basis." In fact, the foundation of Xiangjiang's electronics industry is developing well.

In 1959, Sony Japan opened a local radio factory through a Xiangjiang company, producing 4,000 radios per month. The germination of the Xiangjiang electronics industry began here; by 1960, there were three radio factories in Xiangjiang, 1961 It increased to 12 and increased to 14 in May 1962.

At the same time, several well-known American electronics companies set up factories in Xiangjiang to assemble discrete components, such as magnetic core storage components, diodes, transistors and capacitors, etc., which promoted the rapid development of the Xiangjiang electronics industry. According to statistics, Xiangjiang Electronics in 1960 There are only four factories, and in 1970 this number has become 230, and the number of employed workers has increased from 183 to 38,000.

In the 1970s, large-scale integrated circuits came out, and computer and electronic watch products grew rapidly. More foreign capital set up factories in Hong Kong, bringing more "babies"-advanced technology and equipment for assembling integrated circuits, electronic watches, speaker equipment, computers, televisions and other electronic products, giving Xiangjiang Electronics Industry a first place Once developed.

By 1980, the number of electronics factories in Hong Kong had increased to 1,316, with 93,000 employees and an export value of 13.417 billion Hong Kong dollars. At this time, it has accounted for 12.2% of the total export value of Xiangjiang, becoming the second largest industry in Xiangjiang; semiconductor radio in 1981 Has more exports than the United States and West Germany ~ ~ ranks first in the world.

At its peak, the export value of Xiangjiang's electronics industry once accounted for a quarter of the total output value of Xiangjiang's manufacturing industry. The rapid development of Xiangjiang's electronics industry is because Xiangjiang is a free port, import and export are not taxable, and preferential treatment; , Well-informed; many small factories, flexible movements, a new electronic product manufacturing time, 8 months in the United States, 5 months in Japan, and Xiangjiang average less than 3 months, flexibility, obtained in fierce international competition Advantage.

Therefore, there is a foundation for the electronics industry in Xiangjiang, and there is hope to do well. Unfortunately, due to weak capital and inability to develop new technologies, basic components can only rely on imports, which is greatly affected by the international situation, as well as inflation and land prices. Influenced by the reasons, the Xiangjiang electronics industry eventually declined.

However, since Shen Long is here, he will definitely change this status quo, and his acquisition of this small company is the first step. As soon as he comes up, he intends to change the disadvantage of the Xiangjiang electronics industry's weak R & D capabilities and use new product development to Japan. 1. American businessmen compete for the market.

"Mr. Fang, the development of new games is not an easy task. We have tried it, but we have failed." Li Xuan did not believe that Shen Long could do this.

"You can look at it and say it! Amei, hand over my bag."

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