All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2101: Contra

In 1971, a computer laboratory in the United States developed the world's first "arcade machine". This game machine named "COMPUTERSPACE" already has some basic features of an arcade machine-a coin slot, a console, and an inherent game Substrates, and subsequently, a series of pinball machines and pinball machines began to flourish.

Some Japanese electronics companies also developed electronic game consoles for people to entertain in entertainment venues in the early 1970s. At the beginning, arcade machines were not popular because of poor game production. Until 1978, Taidong Company launched an epoch-making work. "Space Invaders" changed this status quo and allowed arcade games to develop rapidly.

After that, Nintendo's "Dragon King" debuted, and Mario met the world for the first time; Nanmeng Palace also launched "Little Bee"; the year before, "Mario Brothers" officially debuted, becoming a classic in the history of games.

Last year, the ancestor of the fighting game "Karate" came out, creating a precedent for using the joystick to operate moves. Capcom launched the classic air combat shooting game "1942". The spring of arcade games has arrived; however, the game production company in Xiangjiang can only Few people pirate games from Japan and the United States, and few people can think of developing their own games. It is not surprising that they will be thrown away by others in the future. How can they grow by eating leftovers?

"This is a game I wrote by myself. Samples have been made. You can try to play on the arcade and make a decision!" Shen Long took the briefcase from Amei and took out a game board and handed it over. .

"Mr. Fang really surprised us!" Li Xuan was surprised. Of course he knew how hard it was to make a new game. There was an arcade for testing in the office. He immediately took the motherboard and opened the arcade. The installation was completed. , And then switch on, a new picture appeared in front of them.

The screen and text began to introduce the background of the story: in 2631 AD, a meteorite fell on an uninhabited island near Xiangjiang. Two years later, the Xiangjiang police received news that an armed organization called "Kestrel" began. The archipelago area was built into a base to launch a war of alien aggression. The Flying Tigers became Steven Zhou and Ada sent to destroy each other ’s plan. The operation was a complete success, but the police department took information about the incident as a high priority. Confidential, not disclosed to the public at all.

Well, this is actually the magically revised "Contra". Since it is a game launched in Xiangjiang, the protagonist must be a Xiangjiang man, and the shape is also replaced by the Flying Tigers. This little thing makes Bai Ze dry, seconds and seconds Chung got it, don't delve into whether there will be a Flying Tigers in such a distant future; as for future releases in Japan and European and American countries, then change the protagonist.

Anyway, the original "Contra" changed the protagonist several times, the Japanese version of the protagonist is BillRizer and LanceBean, the American version of the protagonist becomes "MadDog" and "Scorpion" (), due to some concerns, the European version The protagonist has always been a robot, and this state did not end until the PS2 era.

"This is a shooting game? It's very different from" 1942 "!" Li Xuan quickly learned how to operate, and began to try to play. "1942" is a vertical version of the air combat shooting game, while "Contra" is In the horizontal version of the shooting game, in addition to mobile shooting, it also has a jump function, which makes the game more playable and higher.

Li Xuan soon became addicted to playing, and Li Ke couldn't sit still looking at it, "This should be able to play with two people together? I'll try it too!"

"The shooting angle is more!" 1942 "can only shoot forward, but this can shoot in eight directions, and the choice of weapons is more ..." The brothers discussed while playing, "This game is better than" "1942" is much more mature, no, it is more fun than any arcade game on the market. If it is put in the arcade hall, it will immediately become a fire. "

"It's not only in Xiangjiang, but also in Japan and the United States! This is really a game developed by the Xiangjiang people themselves? It's incredible!" Both excitedly forgot that Shen Long was still around, rising at this time. The value of this game is more detrimental to their future negotiations, but they simply forget about it and are completely absorbed in the game.

"This game is much more interesting! It requires players to dig slowly." Underwater eight levels to understand? This version of Contra is really there.

When they heard Shen Long's voice, the two of them realized that the negotiators were still watching behind them. They were a little flustered for a while, and soon lost all their lives, and the game was over.

They didn't have the thought of continuing to play. Li Xuan came back to sit in front of Shen Long and said sincerely, "Mr. Fang, you can come up with such a good game. I am definitely willing to do it with you. Brother, what do you think? "

"Xia Zi, the eldest brother hasn't read any books. If you weren't still a short mule on the street, the company's business has always been yours, and this time it's up to you." Li Ke gave it to his younger brother.

"Mr. Fang, we are more willing to choose the second option." Li Xuan said without hesitation, although the price of more than two million yuan is far from reaching his psychological bottom line, these fixed assets of the company, plus the contacts accumulated over the years , Channels, the most important are those skilled workers, the added value is far more than that.

However, these are nothing in front of Contra, and what it means to have a more fun arcade game than "1942" and "Mario Brothers" can not be understood in their hearts.

"Since this is ~ ~ then let's sign the contract!" Shen Long beckoned, and Ruan Mei handed over the contract drafted by the company's legal affairs and asked the brothers to sign.

Li Xuan read the contract again, and already took the pen to sign it, but put it down again, "Mr. Fang, to be honest, our brother is willing to work hard with you, but it is better to say some things in advance. Recently, our company encountered a club. 'S harassment has caused us much trouble, and you will face these problems after you buy the company. "

"Fine guy!" Li Ke was anxious. How could you tell the truth, would anyone dare to buy such a thing?

"Brother, if you just bought the company, these things don't matter! But I still want to continue to work with Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, if you really want to do this business, I think it is better to move the company to the mainland, Xiangjiang No matter how arrogant the community is, they dare not go to the mainland to make trouble. "Li Xuan has begun to think about Shen Long sincerely. He knows, if he can embrace this thigh, what is the price of selling the company?

"Which society is harassing you?" Shen Long asked.

Li Xuan was about to answer. Suddenly, there was a noise outside, and an arrogant voice shouted outside, "Your boss, let him come out!"

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