All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2102: Ding Yi crab

"In Xiangjiang, if I want to do something, I always have to deal with the club. I have already been prepared for this point, so what you said is nothing." Shen Long laughed and wanted to play hard, who would be afraid Who is coming, we were the people who swept the streets of New York with the Chicago typewriter. The communities like Xiangjiang are also playing the role of Black Star.

"Let's go out and have a look!" Before Li Xuan persuaded, Shen Long came out of the office. "This company has already been bought by me. Who are you?"

"I depend on it, surnamed Li. You come out to me and say that a good company is going to sell to our Zhongqingshe. Are you dare to sell it to others? Is it despising me?" The arrogant man with the big brother turned around, and Shen Long looked at it, and turned out to be an acquaintance, the second child of the Ding family crab.

This guy is also the worst among the Ding family brothers. His character is as impulsive and brutal as Ding Crab, and he is also very lustful. Fang Min, the youngest daughter of the Fang family, died because of him.

"Who am I? It turns out to be Ding Yi crab. How is your dad? When will I return to Xiangjiang? I'm still waiting to send him to the cell!" Shen Long originally planned to wait for Ding's family after his career stabilized. Trouble, I didn't expect to encounter here, and now I walked to Ding Yi crab and said with a sneer.

Ding Yi crab frowned, and always felt that the person in front of him was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. He was stunned there. The horseman under his hands couldn't help it. , Want to take this to show his face in front of the boss. "What are you, dare to talk to our boss like this?"

The leader of the Zhongqingshe is Ding Xiao Crab, but Ding Yi Crab is also a veteran of the community. He will naturally call him the boss close to him, but how can he beat Shen Long with his skill? Shen Long shot faster, slammed his face with a slap, and pumped him straight away. With a slap, he smashed several of his teeth.

"Jun Tsai!" The remaining Ma Tsai hurriedly supported him, and then reached out his clothes and pulled out a watermelon knife to cut people. The workers next to him quickly hid aside. Although Ruan Mei was afraid, she still insisted on standing in Shen There was no escape behind Takashi.

"Yi Ge, all misunderstandings and misunderstandings. Everyone quelled and sat down to talk slowly." Li Ke hurried over to try to round the field, but he kept complaining.

"Don't move!" Ding Yi crab raised his hand to stop Ma Zai and looked at Shen Long. "Who the **** are you? How do I think you are familiar? And, what do you mean by those words?"

"Oh, we played together from childhood to big, don't you forget?" Ding family and Fang family are friends, "Your grandmother was a nanny in my house, and who did your dad kill to escape to Baodao?" Go? Have you forgotten? "

"Fang Zhanbo!" Ding Yi crab immediately thought of it, Fang Jinxin was kind, and did not treat Ding Crab's mother as an ordinary servant, and took care of the Ding family's four brothers. When they were young, they did play with Fang Zhanbo. Hey, I warn you, today ’s thing is not to be held accountable for the relationship between the two of us in the past, but if you dare to deal with my dad, I will kill your whole family! "

Although the four brothers of the Ding family have all kinds of problems, they are speechless in terms of filial piety. Although they are well-developed now, grandma He cheap thinks that their money is not on the right path, so they would rather live in Antang. Lived in the mansion that Ding Xiao Crab bought, and repeatedly told them that Ding's family owed Fang's too much, so that they should not harass Fang's.

These Ding Yi crabs can still be remembered, so if it is just a small contradiction in business, there may be room for relaxation, but Shen Long just said that he will deal with Ding Yi crabs, and then Ding Yi crabs can't help it!

"Killing someone to pay their lives, paying back their debts, it is justified! Don't let Ding Crab return to Xiangjiang if he has the ability, if he dares to come back, I will call the police and arrest him!" Even if Ding Crab does not come back, Shen Long is also going to find him after a while. But Fang Zhanbo's killing his father's enemies, such a big hatred, Fang Zhanbo is certainly not satisfied.

"If you have the ability, try it out. I have hundreds of brothers from the top and bottom of the Youth Club. I will never let you go!" Ding Yi crab took a step forward and looked at Shen Long with his hands on his hips. Now Ding Crab will be released from prison soon. By the way, their family is about to reunite, and whoever dares to stop it will be their enemy.

"Wow, hundreds of brothers, I'm so scared!" It wasn't enough for me to fight alone. Shen Long shrugged and made a look of fear, but there was no trace of fear on his face. He doesn't even worry about Zhong Qing now. The society dares to go to their homes to find trouble, and not to mention that the mother of Ding Crab can pass it. They live in a luxury mansion in Repulse Bay, not a public house.

Societies dare to go to the public housing and paint to scare people. Do they dare to go to Repulse Bay to make trouble? The people living there are either rich or expensive. As long as they dare to come, the anti-triad group will scrape out the backbone of the Zhongqingshe the next day.

Not afraid of the company, Shen Long is now working in an office building near the HSBC Building. As long as the Zhongqingshe dare to harass, Shen Long can kill several British people and plant them on their heads.

"Take him away!" The grandmother kept Ding's family repaying the things owed to Fang's family. Ding Yi crab was upset. He didn't expect to meet Fang Zhanbo here, and he still called him like this. Fang Zhanbo should be taken away by his men.

He has already thought about it. When he was young, he played with his family ’s toys. Then buy him the same and return it. Fang Jinxin had helped his family back then ~ ~ Then he burned him; when their brothers After eating Fang's meal, please invite Fang Zhanbo to eat, let him have a full meal at one time, and can't put it in his throat!

"Hey, what are you doing! I'm calling the police!" Ruan Mei shivered and picked up Shen Long's brother.

Shen Long raised his right hand, "Amei, it's okay. I haven't seen him for many years. I'm just looking for an opportunity to describe the old! You stay here and I will come back in a while."

Then, without the younger brother pulling up, he followed Ding Yi crab to the downstairs. Ruan Mei and Li Ke and Li Xuan brothers thought about it and hurried to the downstairs, but at this time the downstairs had disappeared their figure, but from Screams came from behind the building.

"Exhibition!" Ruan Mei was immediately anxious, and ran over immediately. Brother Li looked at it and chased it immediately. "Xiazi, I'll go over and see. You quickly call the police!"

However, at the back of the building, Ruan Mei and Li Ke suddenly froze, only to see Shen Long standing there, but Ding Yi crab and his Ma Zi were lying on the ground.

If I had this skill at that time, I am afraid it would have been a double-flowered red stick now? Li Ke thought subconsciously.

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