All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2103: Xiangjiang Club

"Now, I warn you, I dare to harass me next time, but it's not a matter of being beaten." Shen Long didn't even have a mess of clothes on his body. It felt like some people were upset in a single breath without any effort. .

"You wait for me, you can beat us five, we have hundreds of brothers in Zhongqingshe, you have the ability to fight hundreds?" Ding Yi crab was lying on the ground, his forehead was smashed by Shen Long's brother. It was bloody, but he still refused to admit it.

How about hundreds? Believe it or not, I thunder and kill you? Can your watermelon knife break the defense of the steel suit? But today so many people watched, and Shen Long was not good at killing them all, so he turned around and left after a few words. Ruan Mei looked up and took his arm with concern. It looked like, "Zhanbo, you're fine Right? "

"Wow, so concerned, do you like me?" After beating Ding Yi Crab, Shen Long was in a good mood and incidentally rumored Ruan Mei.

"You're going to die!" Ruan Mei hurriedly let go and was flushed, Li Ke turned her head over there as if she hadn't seen it, and ran a few steps to chase Li Xuan back. It's an alarm.

Back upstairs again, Shen Long told them the grievances of the two of them, "The two of us used to be friends, but then something turned out to be a hatred. Since Zhongqingshe is in trouble for you, then It does n’t matter, anyway, whether I want to buy your company or not, he will always trouble me. "

"You do n’t have to worry too much. The grandmothers of Ding ’s four brothers were my mother ’s nurses. She had always felt guilty about our family. If she knew this, she would definitely stop Ding Xiao Crab; 'S new game is produced, Quanxiangjiang's arcade hall will look for us to buy it, and the Zhongqing Society is not a big club, and they dare not delay the business of so many clubs. "Shen Long appeased, of course, this is not His plan, just these, there is no need to tell them.

"This is actually not the site of the Zhongqing Society. As long as we pay the full fees, the local community will also protect us, and the Zhongqing Society will not dare to mess up." Li Ke also knows the doorway on the rivers and lakes. The business can't continue, there is no money to pay the fees, so today Ding Yi crab came over, and the local community did not interfere.

"In this case, let's sign the contract. Looking back, I donated some money to several police-related foundations. The Kwun Tong Police Station will also take care of us. If you have anything, just call the police." Shen Long But now it is a rich man, and there are many ways for a rich man to deal with a little bastard.

The Li brothers exchanged glances with each other. Li Xuan took over the contract and the brothers signed their names together. "Mr. Fang, the cooperation is happy. I believe that the company will grow stronger under your leadership. . "

After the contract was signed, Shen Long wrote a cheque to them, and it was so settled. Then Shen Long took another sum of money to allow Li Xuan to renew the factory equipment, and import some more components at the same time, preparing for large-scale The main board for the production of this new game.

"Spread it in Xiangjiang first, and then expand to Macau. I also have some friendship with Mr. He. Just say a word to him. Axuan, don't you know a foreign language? In addition to training workers to produce this new motherboard, You can also go to Japan and the United States to see the local market first, contact your local distributor, and sell our games to Japan and the United States! "

"Actually, we still have some relations with Japan and the United States. When we were dealing with pirated motherboards, we had dealt with them, and I had to deal with this matter." Li Xuan patted his chest to guarantee that he used to be sneaky. The sale of pirated copies is now fair and decent, and it is enough to make him exhale.

"Come on, but don't just focus on production, you have to set up the R & D department. Although I have new games here, I can't let my boss do these things all the time!" If the electronics industry of Xiangjiang does not take this step, Decline is a matter of time. Now Xiangjiang ’s labor is relatively cheap compared to Japan and the United States, but when the mainland becomes more and more open in the future, they will not be a little competitive.

"Actually, I used to do this before, but we have to invest too much money. We really don't have this capital, but now Mr. Fang will just invest." Li Xuan is also an ambitious person, but his strength is not enough to support him. Ambition, now Shen Long is willing to give money to support, he naturally encouraged the energy.

"Do it well and wait for our company to go public in the stock market in the future!" Shen Long patted them on the shoulders. "Go, today is a day of great joy. I invite guests and everyone in the company will go to dinner!"

Shen Long found a restaurant nearby, took people from the whole company to eat a meal, raised a little salary for everyone at the dinner table, encouraged everyone to settle down and work hard, the workers were very happy, and did n’t drink until midnight Disperse.

Back at home, Shen Long did n’t talk to Luo Huiling about Ding Yi crab, they just planned to buy two cars and hire a few bodyguards to pick them up every day; just waiting for Ding Crab to come back in the future. Sooner or later, the problem of the Youth Society will have to be resolved.

The place of Xiangjiang can be said to be a temple with a small demon wind and a large pool of Chi Qianwang. There are many kinds of societies in small places. These societies can be basically divided into four major factions ~ ~ are "fourteen K" , "Heshenghe", "Four Majors", "Chaozhou Gang", and among them Chaozhou Gang has "Xinyi'an", "Fuyi'an", "Yiqun", "Jingyi" and other branches.

The big drug lord Zhou Jisheng is the actor of Yiqun, and Ding Crab ’s ancestral home is in Chaoshan. If Ding Xiao crab is a mixed club, he will definitely give priority to joining the Chaozhou Gang, so he will be so respectful in front of Zhou Jisheng. After all, Zhou Jisheng is the Chaozhou Gang. Old senior.

The strength of the Zhongqing Society is moderate in the Xiangjiang community. It has its own fixed site, but the site of the Zhongqing Society is mainly in Kowloon, and there are a small part of Wanchai. The site is not too large, and it can not be compared with those big heads.

If you want to deal with the society, you should use the method of the society. It is better to foster an obedient society and let them deal with the Zhongqing Society. I will hide behind the scenes and control it, so that Luo Huiling and the three sisters are not worried. In front of me, let me be a simple rich man.

But what kind of person do you want to help you manage the society? Shen Long thought about it slowly, and at the same time, Ding Yi crab also returned to the house. Ding Xiao Crab saw the injury on his head. "The second son, what the **** is going on! Who dares to hit you!"

"Boss, it's Fang Zhanbo!" Ding Yi crab dare not tell lies in front of his brother.

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