All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2104: It ’s better to call a pheasant

"Fang Zhanbo? Fang Jinxin's son? How could you provoke him? Didn't Grandma tell you not to let you harass Fang's family? Do you want to be angry with Grandma?" Ding Xiao Crab caught fire immediately, Ding Crab didn't come out in jail, Ding Ding Xiao Crab definitely doesn't want to make grandma angry.

"Boss, I was beaten!" Ding Yi crab was aggrieved and beaten by Fang Zhanbo. He would be scolded by the boss when he came back. "And it wasn't me who provoked him. He was in front of me. He said he wanted his dad to go to jail. Dad went to jail in Baodao for so long, and it was finally released. Do you have the heart to let dad go outside and you ca n’t go back to Xiangjiang? I could n’t help it. , I didn't expect ... I didn't expect ... "

Ding Yi crab is embarrassed to say that, has it been said that he hasn't won by winning one of his five? He also worked hard with Ding Xiao crab on the street.

"Why did you meet him? What is he doing now? He really wants Dad to go to jail?" Ding Xiao crab's face immediately became serious, and Ding Wang Crab and Ding Li Crab saw the expression of the boss and immediately converged. He looked seriously.

The two of them are now lawyers, who are responsible for handling the legal affairs of the society; the other is a doctor, in addition to treating the injured members of the Zhongqing Society, they are also responsible for the development of soft drugs, and to open up financial resources for the society.

"Boss, Fang's family seems to be developed now. I originally went to Kwun Tong Industrial Park to find which electronics factory. Who knows that Fang Zhanbo's kid also went; wow, brother, this kid is still in Pingzhi, with a female secretary, Just like the rich ones in Central, the style is sufficient, it seems that it is really developed! "Ding Yi crab also asked people nearby to find out the situation after being beaten.

"How is it possible? Listening to grandma saying that Sister Ling had just applied for public housing, he became a rich man so soon?" Ding Xiao crab said subconsciously, although Fang and Ding had many grievances, but these grievances all originated from Ding Crab It has nothing to do with the cheap mother-in-law, plus Fang Ting usually went to Antang to see He cheap, and He cheap learned the current situation of Fang ’s family from her, and then told Ding Xiao crab about these news, Thinking of letting Ding Xiao crab return to Fang's kindness to them.

However, several children of Ding's family had their own ideas, and they talked a lot, but Ding Yi crab had a rebellious psychology, so when she saw Fang Zhanbo, she wanted to clean up him and didn't want to hit the iron plate.

"It's true, I have seen it with my own eyes, and we bought the electronics factory that we were optimistic about. Brother, if I go to the fire and burn this factory, please!" Ding Yi crab can't hold back now. .

"Burn, burn your head! You don't think about it, it's not a broken factory in the wilderness, it's a dozen-story industrial building. If you burn them, the factories upstairs and downstairs are all finished! It's going to go crazy! "Ding Xiao Crab's head and face were scolded," And grandma will be mad at knowing it! "

"Let's put this in advance. I'll find someone to find out what they are doing now, to see if he really intends to let his dad go to jail; if not, then if this hasn't happened, if he dares, I definitely can't spare him! With Dad's character, even if we don't let him back, he will definitely run back secretly! "Now that there is not much time until Ding Crab is released from prison, the most important thing now is this matter.

Ding Crab still hangs a wanted order in Xiangjiang, but once he returns to Xiangjiang, he will definitely go to jail if he is reported, so Ding Xiao crab bought a house in Baodao and wanted Ding Crab to stay there and not come back; Ding Crab understands that Ding Crab is definitely not willing to be alone on Treasure Island.

Once Ding Crab returned to Xiangjiang and was caught by the police, if Fang's family came out to testify and prosecute him, then Ding Crab would almost certainly go to jail again, and he might be sentenced to death.

Of course, since 1966, the death penalty has been abolished in the United Kingdom, so although Xiangjiang has retained the death penalty in law, all sentenced death row prisoners will be automatically pardoned by Queen Elizabeth II to life imprisonment; see Even if it is life imprisonment, Ding Xiao crab is not willing to bear it.

The four of their brothers had no mother since they were young, and their father fled to Baodao, leaving only the four of them alone, so Ding Xiao crab placed special importance on the family, and he was willing to do everything for the purpose of family reunion, so he only After filing a lawsuit with Fang's family, he will personally throw his favorite Fang Ting upstairs.

"In the future, without me, you will not be allowed to harass Fang Jia again! If you have any news, tell me immediately!" Ding Yi Crab was warned again, Ding Xiao Crab began to call to let people collect Fang Jia's news.

"Oh, I get it!" Ding Yi Crab pulled his head, and he was going to suffer in vain.

After Shen Long's funds were in place, the Brothers Li immediately got busy, contacted suppliers to purchase equipment and components, organized workers to produce, and took the newly produced game board to sell to the bosses of the arcade halls.

Shen Long does not interfere with their normal operations, just discharges a reliable financial manager to manage the company's daily accounts, and by the way talks with the Li family brothers about the future development trend of the electronics industry, interviews several senior talents, and urges them to set up a research and development department as soon as possible , Research new games on your own.

In the rest of the time, he took Ruan Mei to drive around the streets of Xiangjiang, looking for opportunities to make a fortune while looking for talents who could help him manage the society.

When passing by Causeway Bay on that day ~ ~ Shen Long saw two familiar figures, so he asked the driver to stop, "Amei, please go back to the company by car first, I have something to do."

"Oh, got it, will the boss still be in the company today? Should I wait for you after I leave work?" Ruan Mei asked obediently.

Yes, it ’s better to go to the bar with me. Of course, Shen Long knew that Ruan Mei would n’t agree, so he did n’t say anything. Although the relationship between the two has improved a lot during the recent period, he has n’t been here yet. In one step, she waved her hands to get off work on time.

After Ruan Mei left, Shen Long found a stall on the side of the road and sat down, ordered a dry stir-fried beef river, and then waited slowly. After a while, two rotten babies came to collect protection fees. Shen Long beckoned them Called over, they looked at the high-end suit worn by Shen Long, and the Rolex on their wrists was a little nervous, but still made a look of nothing, "Why, hurry, say something, we are still busy ! "

"What's your name?" Shen Long asked with a smile.

"My name is Zhao Shanhe, this is my elder brother Chen Haonan!" Said the thin one of the two.

"You are thin and small, there is the momentum of mountains and rivers, I don't think it's better to call a pheasant!"

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