All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2105: Haonan, do you want to be the boss

Shen Longgang saw the two people in the car are Chen Haonan and Pheasant, but it is still early, and Haonan brother has not been used as the handlebar of Causeway Bay. Seeing how they look, it is estimated that he has just arrived under Gang B You can only do some of the lowest-level jobs, such as collecting protection fees from small vendors on the street.

According to the timeline of "Old and Dangerous", Chen Haonan was born in 1968. His hometown was in Macau. When he was young, he was a good student in the school. Later, he was bullied by Liang Kun and his mother was in critical condition. ; Was recommended to follow the big brother B, and began to mix clubs.

It ’s 1985, and if you count the time, it ’s right. Then the two of them are good. These two guys are still very talented in mixing clubs. With their own help, I believe that soon It can be developed.

Seeing the pheasant seemed to be angry, Shen Long suddenly clapped, "Wow, it's amazing, you two are unusual in face, with clear bones, and now it's like a dragon lurking in the abyss. Flying for nine days, no one can beat it, and it will not be impossible for a unified Xiangjiang community in the future! "

"Will you still look at each other?" Chen Haonan and Pheasant are now only 17- or 18-year-olds. It is the age of dreaming. Who wouldn't want to be the boss when they are in the community? Immediately, Shen Long was surrounded by halo.

"Of course, my doctors and horoscopes and feng shui are all knowing everything. I didn't expect that I would meet two rash heroes when I came to the roadside restaurant to eat rice noodles. Come and see each other as fate, it is better to change places Talk slowly, I invite you to eat French dinner, let's talk while eating! "As long as you are obedient, it will definitely not be a problem to be the boss in the future.

Shen Long dropped a hundred Hong Kong dollars and got up and left. The pheasant looked at Chen Haonan, "Honan, do you want to go with him?" He was unsure.

"Go, why don't you go, the free French meal doesn't eat white!" Chen Haonan remembered the days when he was bullied by Liang Kun, and the dilemma after his mother was seriously ill, and the ambition sprang up, striding up, mountain The chicken also followed quickly. Although it seemed that Shen Long was walking slowly, Chen Haonan and Pheasant had difficulty keeping up.

They walked briskly, then ran away their arms and ran away without losing. By the door of the French restaurant, the two were already exhausted and gasping, but Shen Long seemed to be okay. The two of them felt more and more startled. Is it that the martial arts are strange?

"At a young age, my body is so poor, how can I still be the boss? I want to be able to hit the boss!" Shen Long shook his head, led them into the restaurant, and directly wrote a check to cover the entire restaurant. The top class Steaks, lobsters with thick arms, abalones with large slaps, and various delicious dishes are served together. Chen Haonan and Pheasant are dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at? Eat?" Shen Long, leisurely holding a glass of red wine, looked at the two of them, and was ordered by Shen Long. The two poor boys swallowed up, and the waiter next to them saw this. Not only did he frown, but he thought of the check Shen Long had just given and said nothing. Instead he diligently helped them cut steaks and opened red wine.

With enough food and drink, Chen Haonan finally remembered the business, "Big ... Master, what you said just now is true? Do we really have the face to be bosses?"

Shen Long waved his hand to make the waiters back, and only three of them were upstairs. Then he said, "Why is there any fake? Or why should I spend so much money to invite you to eat? There are so many old people on the street, Why do n’t I invite them to eat? You know, this meal is at least a few years of hard work. "

In fact, those lobster and abalones eaten by Chen Haonan and Pheasant are nothing. The big heads are here in Shenlong drinking red wine. This wine is no worse than his treasured Rafi in 1982.

"Then, Master, can you tell us how to be the boss?" Thinking of Shen Long's magical performance on the street just now, and then looking at the surrounding luxury environment, Chen Haonan had already believed seven or eight points.

"The pretty boss is actually very simple. It's enough to be able to fight, someone to support you, and make money! How many do you think you can do?" Shen Long asked them with a smile.

"The two of us are still able to fight? Brother B also takes care of us. As for the money ... We are also trying to make money for the society." Chen Haonan's voice became lower and lower, according to his current It is almost impossible to be the boss.

"Hahaha, can you fight? Have you ever beaten a prince?" Shen Long laughed. The prince was one of Hongxing's best fights. In the first two years, "Hong'anshe" black assassinated Jiang Tiansheng but was killed by Hong Crown Prince Xing was crippled. This was all written in the comic book "Old and Dangerous". Shen Long read it a few times while studying the materials.

"Let's go. Since you're full, it's time for the event. As long as you can hit me, what can Prince Hongxing count?" Shen Long got up and left, and Chen Haonan and Pheasant followed him again.

This time they ran desperately to catch up with Shen Long, who walked in a leisurely way. From the Causeway Bay to Moxingling, Shen Long stopped and Shen Long stopped. At this time, he ran for ten kilometers. Chen Haonan and the pheasant were tired and prone, kneeling on the ground and vomiting, the lobster they had just eaten almost spit out.

Shen Long seemed to have walked downstairs for 100 meters after eating ~ ~ He didn't even see any sweat on his forehead. He found a clean stone and sat down, "You take a rest for a while, wait Call me again. "After closing his eyes, he began to meditate.

After half an hour, Chen Haonan and the pheasant were finally at rest, carefully stepped forward to wake Shen Long, Shen Long opened his eyes and got up to walk in front of them, "I will stand here and give you three minutes, See if you can hit me. "

After speaking, Shen Long stood there at will, Chen Haonan and the pheasant glanced at each other, and attacked Shen Long at the same time. At the beginning, they were still afraid of hurting Shen Long, and they deliberately kept some strength, but they were very It was soon discovered that no matter how fast and tricky they were, they would not be able to hit Shen Long at all.

After three minutes, they still did n’t touch Shen Long ’s clothing corner. They were either attacked halfway and interrupted by Shen Long, or Shen Long escaped easily. Instead, he was exhausted and gasped for another five minutes. The two finally gave up and sat on the ground, staring blankly at Shen Long.

Shen Long smiled and walked over, smashing the stone he was sitting with a punch, and turned back to look at them, "How do you want to learn?"

Chen Haonan and Pheasant turned over and knelt in front of Shen Long, "Master, teach us!"

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