All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2106: Generous

"Get up! The two of you are not yet qualified to be my apprentice." Shen Long slammed his hands and blew Chen Haonan and Pheasant with a strong wind, and he could no longer kneel; making jokes, I walked all over the world , How have you received the apprentice yet, you two old and confused have such honour? I don't want face?

"Ah? Master ... I beg you to teach us!" Chen Haonan and Pheasant showed a strong sense of unwillingness. They are now only the bottom of the gang of Hongxing Gangster B. Every day they want to be higher, but they can always find Without a suitable opportunity, I have suddenly encountered strangers in the rivers and lakes. If I miss this opportunity, I will certainly regret it for a lifetime.

"The two of you are not qualified to be my apprentices, but it's okay to teach you some superficial skills!" Shen Long's words turned again, making them both happy and worried.

The two immediately knelt down again and kowtowed, and they knew their opportunity was coming, "Thank you Master, thank you Master, as long as the Master teaches us Kung Fu, let us do anything!"

Hong Xing, the best prince Gan Zitai now, 16 years old, went to the "Fishermen's Children Association" to follow the famous teacher Shao Baijian to study Chinese martial arts for many years. Shiren Baohuai, learning American street martial arts Karoo Ken, has become the most popular red stick.

Kung-fu Chen Haonan and Pheasant of Prince Zizitai, Shao Baijian and Baohua have either seen a few of them in person, or heard people say that they really can play more than the average person, and there is no problem to tidy them, but they definitely do If you don't walk away lightly, you can walk from Causeway Bay to Moxingling in half an hour, and it is impossible to break such a big stone with one punch.

If I learned a little bit with the master, would n’t I be a red stick immediately? Then it is not impossible for a certain district to hold FIT people and even Hongxing leader! Why should the position of the Hongxing leader only allow them to sit with the Jiang family?

"Now, if you want to learn kung fu with me, you have to endure hardships. If you can't endure hardships, you two will get out early, so that you won't get me angry and kill you!" Shen Long stood upright.

"It ’s hard to be the best, but I still understand that the two of us have n’t read any books, and we do n’t have any craftsmanship. Only these two pairs of fists, I must use these two pairs of fists to fight for myself. Come! As long as you can learn Kung Fu, no matter how much hardship I can eat! "Chen Haonan clenched his fists.

"Me too, master, you let us do what we do, even if we are exhausted, we will recognize it!" Pheasant quickly followed, he knew how difficult it was for him to turn over, if he missed this opportunity, said You may have to sink at the bottom of your life for a lifetime, no, you might even be hacked to death on the street that day.

"Okay, just have this ambition!" Shen Long nodded, "Kung Fu can't teach white, if you want to learn Kung Fu with me, you have to listen to me. In the future, you can be your boss, but as long as I speak, you You have to listen, otherwise it ’s not just a matter of taking back your effort! "

"I understand that although you look down on us and do not want to accept us as an apprentice, in our hearts, we will respect you like a master, one day as a teacher and a father for life, we will never dare to violate any of your orders." Chen Haonan and the pheasant quickly knocked a few more heads, as long as they can learn kung fu and be like a prince, let them do whatever they want.

"Get up, teach you a few basics today!" Shen Long made a few strokes of Lu Junyi's boxing skills in "Water Margin". Chen Haonan and Pheasant are both Jianghu people. It is still the most appropriate way to learn this kind of Jianghu people.

Chen Haonan and Pheasant did as they did. It seemed that their talents were pretty good. After practicing a few times, they still had that posture. Shen Long nodded. "Any effort is nothing but strength, speed and endurance. Your previous foundation is too poor, so not only do you have to learn boxing, you have to exercise to get the foundation firm. "

"It ’s okay to be too tired today. Starting tomorrow, every night you will run from Causeway Bay to Moxingling, and then climb the mountain down the mountain. At 1pm I will wait for you under the mountain, check your progress, and then decide whether to teach you new moves. "Shen Long took out a stack of banknotes and threw them over." It's poor and wealthy. If you want to practice kung fu, you don't have a good body. You can use the money to make up for it. I will give you a prescription. Soup and medicine. "

"Besides, the wine is rich in money and the mind is awkward. If you really want to learn advanced skills, these are all quits." As for their previous living habits, it certainly won't work, it must be changed.

"Ah? Master, don't we want to be a virgin for life?" Pheasant was reluctant. He was only an old wanderer now. He was not qualified to hook up with a sister, nor did she have the money to find the sister's paper under the thirteen sisters.

"Just let you not be too addicted to these, the poison must not be drenched, the wine should not be drunk, of course, it is no problem to have a wife and have a child, and it will not be possible to spend the world!"

"We have all remembered the words of the master! We dare not go against it!" Chen Haonan quickly pulled the pheasant and knocked another head. When they looked up, Shen Long had disappeared.

"Wow, how did the master go? Did I make him angry?" The pheasant opened his mouth wide. This open space is not small. Even if the sprint champion comes over, it is impossible to disappear completely in a bow-down effort?

"The master must have his way ~ ~ Let's stop thinking about it! He should not be angry, or he won't give us money! But in this case, you'd better say less; you watch martial arts every day. Do n’t you know how rare this opportunity is? ”Chen Haonan warned.

Then he picked up the banknotes and gave them a whole stack of thousands of denominations of big golden bulls. Shen Long gave them 100,000 yuan as soon as he shot, and there was a note in the money, which read the prescription, so that Chen Haonan and Pheasant could take it. With this money, there are recipes to buy medicine, stew soup, and bath in medicine to temper yourself and strengthen your body.

"Wow, so much money, Haonan, we are rich!" The pheasants are drooling when they look at the money. When have they seen so much money?

"This is the master who bought the medicine for us, it must not be used indiscriminately! I will take it first, and then I will buy the medicine and boil the medicine together." Chen Haonan collected the money and went back with the pheasant.

When the next day dawned, Chen Haonan and Pheasant found a traditional Chinese medicine shop, and followed the prescriptions to get medicines. As a result, after just a week's serving, these 100,000 yuan spent almost the same.

The pheasant couldn't help but say, "It's too much money to practice kung fu? Will the master give us money next week?" If Chen Long didn't give it, Chen Haonan and the pheasant couldn't make up so much.

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