All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2112: Ding crab revenge

Shen Long said not to let her drink, but Long Jiwen still bought a lot of beer, plus some small dishes, filled with a few lunch boxes, after re-boarding, Long Jiwen opened the window and felt the cold. When the wind blew, Shen Long didn't bother him, and drove to the top of the mountain before stopping.

"Now, there is no one here. If you are in a bad mood, just shout a few times at the sea, which will make it better." Said Shen Long with his hands on his mouth and shouted in the direction of Victoria Harbor. Long Jiwen also had After learning everything, I really relaxed a lot.

She opened a can of beer and handed it over to Shen Long. "Zhanbo, thank you today, otherwise I must sleep well. Now I can drink two cans of beer and go back to sleep."

I ’m still driving. Is n’t it good to drink and drive? But seeing what Long Jiwen looked like, Shen Long didn't refuse. He took the beer and bumped into her. Then the two found a clean place to sit down, opened the lunch box, ate and drank, and then talked to each other, " I think you live in a hotel, don't you come from Xiangjiang? "

"I was born in Xiangjiang, and I lived in Xiangjiang when I was a kid. But when something happened at home, I moved to Baodao. Later, my father didn't want me and drove me away from Baodao. I have no home now. "Perhaps because of some wine, Long Jiwen cried as he spoke.

"How could he be like this? How can you say that your lovely daughter doesn't want it!" Shen Long pretended not to know that her father was Long Chengbang, and continued to persuade, "I didn't have a mother when I was a kid, and I didn't It ’s impossible to do filial piety now. If my dad is still there, I wo n’t leave him even if he beats me, I will find him and do filial piety in front of him! "

"I think too, but my brothers and sisters are too much, and even colluded with outsiders to kidnap my dad and extort money. This made my dad hurt and drove us all away! I went back to him several times, he all Ignore me! I am his daughter, how can he do this! "Long Jiwen cried more sadly.

"This kind of thing really makes the old man sad, but you are not the same as your brothers and sisters. You don't want his money, you just want your father." Shen Long continued to unravel, "You will return to Baodao tomorrow. No matter what he says, do n’t leave. I believe he will believe you for a long time. "

"Hey, the old man gets more lonely when he gets older. Your dad must also hope to be accompanied by a child. He may not be able to help him before; people are just like children, they must be coaxed, whether he wants to listen or not, you He will talk to him more, if he hits you, he will suffer when he is weak, and he will avoid when he is strong. Over time, he will be moved by you sooner or later. "

"It seems reasonable to say that, then I will go back and try tomorrow? Without passing Baodao, would you still chat with me like today?" Long Jiwen was moved by Shen Long.

"Of course it's okay." Even if you ignore me, I will continue to pester you, who made you look ... oh wrong, who made you the confidante of Fang Zhanbo, Fang Zhanbo must hope I help him take care of him Are you okay?

"Speak words! If you don't answer my phone, I will fly back from Baodao to find you!" Long Jiwen believed that Shen Long knew she would do it, when she and Fang Zhanbo just met. Even if she searched Xiangjiang, she would have to find Fang Zhanbo's momentum.

The two men drank half a dozen beers on the top of the mountain, then Shen Long collected the beer cans and garbage, and used his internal strength to force out the alcohol. Then he got on the train and sent Long Jiwen back to the hotel. "Tomorrow you set a ticket to call me. I will take you to the airport. "

"Okay, won't it affect your work?" Long Jiwen has become so dependent on him now.

"No. Recently, my job is mainly to understand the situation of the Chinese Association. There are no specific tasks. It is cold outside. You hurry up." Shen Long watched Long Jiwen return to the hotel, and then drove back to his home in Repulse Bay. Looked out of the window and came to Moxingling.

He came here as soon as he arrived at Chen Haonan and Pheasant, and also brought him a message, "Master, we have asked someone to inquire. The recent situation of the four big brothers of the Zhongqingshe is indeed somewhat abnormal. Their four brothers often fly. Treasure Island also went to the furniture city to buy furniture in person, and to buy audio in the electrical store. These are usually the things that Ma Zai can do. Do they need to do it themselves? "

"We learned the reason later. It turns out that their dad was coming out of the Baodao prison. Their dad had killed people in Xiangjiang. They couldn't come back. They could only stay in Baodao. The four crabs of the Ding family went Prepare a new home for their dad. "Chen Haonan's skill is good, so I heard the news so quickly.

"Well, I know, but this guy Ding Crab won't listen to them, he will come back to Xiangjiang sooner or later, you continue to stare." Shen Long ordered.

"Yes, Master, we will be close to those snake headgears when we go back, and then stare at the four crabs of Ding's family, to ensure that he will hear the wind as soon as he comes back," Pheasant quickly assured.

Shen Long nodded and began to urge them to conduct a new day of training, and tossed them really hard to let them go.

Over the past few days, Chen Haonan brought new news again. The four crabs from Ding's family went to Baodao collectively. It seems that Ding Crab has been released from prison ~ ~ When Ding Crab came out, he saw four crabs for him The mansion prepared was very happy, but I heard that Ding Xiao Crab would not move to Baodao to live with him, and they were furious. The unfortunate Ding Yi Crab was beaten again.

Finally, under the persuasion of Ding Xiao Crab, the father and the son were crying together. After they accompanied Ding Crab in the villa of Baodao for a few days, they had to go back because Xiangjiang had something to deal with. However, they are the bosses of the Zhongqing Society, and it is certainly impossible for the boss to leave the association for a long time.

On the surface, Ding Crab persuaded them to rest assured that they would definitely stay at home, but when Ding Xiao Crab, Ding Yi Crab, Ding Li Crab, and Ding Wang Crab left, Ding Crab immediately showed his true colors.

"Laozi has been in jail for more than ten years and was stabbed and bloomed inside." Ding Crab placed a picture in front of him, there were dragons and Zhou Jisheng. "There is revenge."

Finally, I put Fang Jinxin's photos in the back, "Benefits for gratitude, Jinxin, you are not kind to me, but I always remember your kindness, and I will repay your Fang family when I revenge."

However, he finally abducted Long Chengbang, but did not directly kill him. After torturing Long Chengbang, he was released after hearing Long Chengbang's admonishment. This is the legendary Ding Crab's reward. It's over.

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