All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2113: Sister Ling

But soon Ding Crab hit the iron plate. Long Chengbang was just a retired inspector. When he arrived at Baodao, he was only empty and rich, but no potential, but Zhou Jisheng was different. He was still engaged in Baodao. In the drug industry, there are countless horsemen. How easy is it for Ding Crab to find trouble with him?

Moreover, this guy even let out the words in advance, saying that Zhou Jisheng's life, plus the abduction of Long Chengbang caused Zhou Jisheng's alert, this time he stabbed Ma Honeycomb, Zhou Jisheng's younger brother went out together, Then there is the good fruit of Ding Crab? Soon after, Chen Haonan sent news to Shen Long.

"The Baodao Bamboo Federation sent news that Ding Crab helped the former Chinese inspector Long Chengbang on Baodao, and then talked about killing Zhou Jisheng. The daughter of Long Chengbang begged Zhou Jisheng and Zhou Jisheng issued a chase On the killing order, the horsemen under his hands began to look for Ding Crab in private and vowed to scrape him out. Ding Xiao Crab got the news that he had taken someone to Treasure Island urgently. "Hong Xing also has some ties with the gangs on Treasure Island, so Chen Haonan can know the news.

"Ding Xiao Crab went alone? He was brave and scheming. He just let Ding Yi Crab take care of them. Even if he and Ding Crab were caught by Zhou Jisheng, as long as he bowed his head to say a few soft words, Zhou Jisheng It is estimated that they will be released; Zhou Jisheng is now older, and the older he is, the more likely he is to suffer from losses. He knows that it is easy to kill Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Crab, but this will inevitably lead to Zhongqingshe ’s desperate counterattack! "Shen Long Analysis.

"In this case, even if Zhou Jisheng can win, he will be seriously hurt. If he was young, Zhou Jisheng might be able to cut the grass and kill the roots. After killing Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab, he would immediately be sent to Xiangjiang to kill the remaining three Dings. Crab, but now, he has lost his momentum! "In the TV series, Zhou Jisheng let go of Ding Crab, not only because Ding Xiao Crab gave him a kneel.

If any problem can be easily solved by kneeling down, then the rivers and lakes are too peaceful. In the final analysis, it is because the Zhongqingshe is powerful enough to threaten the safety of Zhou Jisheng, so he did not dare to kill Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Crab.

Chen Haonan and Pheasant listened to thoughtful thoughts. The rivers and lakes are not as simple as they thought. They still need to learn a lot. I hope the master can teach some other things in addition to his martial arts.

"Ding Crab is a guy who eats soft but not hard. He will definitely have a big loss in Zhou Jisheng's hands this time. He will definitely retaliate back afterwards. Waiting for the good news, Zhou Jisheng will be in trouble!" Filial Crab sent Ding Crab to Mexico, but Ding Crab came back immediately after recovering from the injury and kidnapped Zhou Jisheng's wife Hua Jie.

Although Zhou Jisheng did nothing evil, he was sincere to his wife. In order to save his wife, he would rather bear the humiliation of Ding Crab. Then Zhou Jisheng said a few soft words, and Ding Crab let him go, this guy. The brain groove is really different from ordinary people.

"As long as you hear the news of Zhou Jisheng's accident, Ding Crab should almost return to Xiangjiang. By that time, you will pay more attention to each entrance into Xiangjiang and the Zhongqingshe." Shen Long issued a new order. Chen Haonan and the pheasant quickly responded, not daring to be sloppy.

After a few more days, Li Guang finally renovated the ice cream shop, but he still couldn't make up his mind and could only come to Shen Long for help, "Zhanbo, does this method work?"

"Brother Guang, you can do it with confidence! You see, you have dinner with Sister Ling during this time. Sister Ling has never refused? If she doesn't like you, how could she agree?" Hey, this person Anything is good, just not decisive enough, "Have you bought a ring? I think it is better to choose a date than to hit the date, it is better to call Sister Ling now and ask her to come out!"

"Buy!" Li Guang took out the ring from his pocket. The ring was not expensive, but it was definitely not affordable for a policeman. It can be seen that Li Guang was to Luo Huiling I really like it. At the urging of Shen Long, Li Guang finally made up his mind and called Luo Huiling in front of Shen Long.

Then Shen Long continued to encourage him. It was estimated that when Luo Huiling was approaching, he only left and parked the car on the corner of the street to hide. He hid himself and watched Li Guang bring Luo Huiling to the ice cream shop. Luo Huiling looked surprised. , Looks like this ice cream shop very much, then Li Guang knelt on one knee, took out the ring and confessed to Luo Huiling on the spot.

Luo Huiling wept with joy, shaking her hand and let Li Guang put the ring on her ring finger. At this time Shen Long could finally appear, "Sister Ling, Brother Guang, congratulations to you! Oh, Sister Ling, Do n’t be embarrassed, all four of us are very happy to see you get married! ”

"Brother Guang, I think it would be better to go to dinner at home and tell Afang, Tingting and Xiaomin this good news, and then everyone will discuss what to do with the wedding!"

Shen Long brought them back home. After hearing the good news, Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Fang Min were very happy, "Sister Ling, congratulations; Brother Guang, you have to take care of Sister Ling, otherwise we will not agree ! "

"Sister Ling, tomorrow is exactly the weekend. Let's go pick a wedding dress together. All three of our sisters will be your bridesmaids!" The three girls chatted nonstop, and Li Guang was only shy.

They quickly confirmed the date. Li Guang took leave from the police force, accompanied Luo Huiling to the restaurant, selected the wedding dress, and sent invitations to the police force's colleagues.

Luo Huiling also sent invitations to colleagues of her former minibus company ~ ~ These people were very happy to see her and Li Guangxiu Chengzheng Guo, "Sister Ling, you finally agreed to Li sir, not white Let him wait for you for so many years! "

"Hey, the most beautiful girl in our minibus company is about to marry. I don't know how many people will be drunk sadly tonight." Sister Ling's popularity in the minibus company is quite good. More than one person likes her.

On the wedding day, Shen Long stood at the door as a welcoming guest, accompanied Li Guang to entertain the guests, and Luo Huiling and the Fang family three sisters were doing the final preparations inside, and couldn't help but shed tears while applying makeup. That is for the happy life that you are about to begin, but also for the other party to enter a new yearning.

Most of the people who came to the wedding were the police and the minibus company driver. Shen Long greeted them skillfully, "Ajin, right, thank you for attending Sister Ling's wedding. Sister Ling was in the company thanks to your care."

"Oh, this must be Liu Sir. I heard Brother Guang said that the most handsome in the whole police station is you, but today, you can only be regarded as the second handsome. Our brother Guang is the most handsome."

"Huang sir, welcome." Unexpectedly, he met another acquaintance among the guests.

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