All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2114: Yellow sir, Zhuo sir

"Zhanbo, let me introduce it to you. This is the police inspector Huang Zhicheng Huang sir. When I first entered the police, Huang sir took care of me." Li Guang introduced Shen Long.

"Huang Sir, welcome to participate in the wedding of Brother Guang and Ling. Guang Guang used to take care of you!" In 1991, Huang Sir sent Chen Yongren to be an undercover inspector when he was undercover. of.

"Aguang is a good policeman, but she likes Qiangang too much, otherwise she would have become a sergeant. Why is she still a senior policeman?" Huang sir patted Li Guang's shoulder to encourage him, "Aguang, now you I'm married, even if my child can go to school well, I can't continue to be so humble. "

Unexpectedly, Li Guang still has this relationship. Originally Shen Long wanted to push him up inside the police system in order to strengthen his influence on the police force. Now it seems that it is easier than he thought. .

The acquaintances who came today are not only Huang sir, but soon an acquaintance is coming, and the position is higher than Huang Zhicheng. As soon as he comes over, the police around him salute, "Zuo sir is good!"

Zhuo Sir said kindly after returning the ceremony, "Everyone doesn't need to be so formal. Today is Aguang's wedding, it is Aguang's biggest, Aguang, who is this?"

"Zuo sir, this is my girlfriend's adopted son Fang Zhanbo; Zhanbo, this is the police's senior superintendent Zhuo Jingquan Zhuo sir, Zhuo sir taught me when he was in the police school." Li Guang continued to introduce.

More than 30,000 policemen in Xiangjiang, one brother is the chief of police. Below the chief of police is two deputy chiefs. Below the deputy chief is the chief superintendent. Below the chief superintendent is the senior superintendent. Zhuo Jingquan is now He is only three steps away from the position of the first brother of the Xiangjiang Police Force. In the future, he has also become a candidate for the Commissioner of Police. If something goes wrong, he may be able to take the position of the first brother.

Huang Zhicheng has three levels of senior inspector, chief inspector and superintendent from him. Because it is the reason for the private gathering, Zhuo Jingquan also appeared to be kind, shaking hands with Shen Long and asking, "What is Zhanbo doing?" work?"

"I opened a securities company in Central and an electronics factory in Jiulong Tong. If Zhuo Sir wants to make some investment, I might also provide some reference opinions." Shen Long knew that Zhuo Jingquan was a bit greedy. Li Guang's promotion is definitely easier than taking Huang Zhicheng's way, but Li Guang can't let him know about this matter. It's better to follow Huang Zhicheng when he works, lest Zhuo Jingquan will fall and involve him in the future.

Open Central Securities Company? Zhuo Jingquan's eyes lit up, and he shook hands more hard, "No problem, have time to drink tea together!" Then the two exchanged business cards, and Zhuo Jingquan only entered.

After Zhuo Jingquan arrived, the time for the wedding began. Under the guidance of the master of ceremonies, representatives from various parties spoke one after another. The police representative praised Li Guang for his down-to-earth husband. He was definitely a good husband; colleagues of the minibus company praised Luo Huiling for his hard work and kindness. , Can definitely be a good wife.

When it was the turn of the family member to speak, Shen Long appeared with a microphone, "Sister Ling's things are known to colleagues of the minibus company. The police officers, Sir, Madam, may not yet know. It is estimated that many people are strange, Sister Ling It's still so young, why do we have such a big adopted son and adopted daughter? "

"This is about ten years ago. At that time, Sister Ling and our father knew and fell in love, but then there was an accident. My father was beaten to death, and his family went bankrupt. Sister Ling resolutely shouldered the important task of taking care of our four brothers and sisters. In order to feed us and for us to study, we have to do two jobs every day, sometimes even three jobs ... "

"In the past ten years or so, no one likes Sister Ling, but Sister Ling thinks she is married, who will take care of us? She refused the happiness that should belong to her, until the appearance of Li sir, Li sir is in After knowing this, I didn't give up, but still waiting silently for Sister Ling, and provided selfless help to Sister Ling and us ... "

"Now, our four siblings are finally grown up and can take care of themselves. Sister Ling should also seek her own happiness. Brother Guang, Sister Ling will ask you to take care of her in the future!"

"Zhan Bo, A Fang, Ting Ting, Xiao Min, you can rest assured, I will take care of Hui Ling!" Li Guang took Luo Huiling's hand tightly and swear solemnly.

"Sister Ling, we have called you Sister Ling all these years, but in our hearts, we have always regarded you as your own mommy, please allow us to call you mommy, mommy, thank you for all these years Take care! "After that, Shen Long took Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Fang Min solemnly bowed to Luo Huiling.

There was warm applause at the scene. Both the employees of the minibus company and the colleagues of the police force desperately applauded. They all admired Luo Huiling and Li Guang's deeds.

At the end of the bow, the three sisters threw themselves into a group with Luo Huiling. Finally, they were separated under the persuasion of the master of ceremonies. Then the wedding was officially held. Under the witness of everyone, Li Guang and Luo Huiling exchanged rings. For a moment, both Luo Huiling and Li Guang's faces flashed with happiness.

On the second day after the ceremony, Li Guang took Luo Huiling on his honeymoon. They planned to go to Xinmatai for a lap. The money was paid by Li Guang himself, and Shen Long did not say how to arrange for them to go to Europe and America. What about luxury travel? At first, Sister Ling was not a person who valued material enjoyment. At second, she had to take care of Li Guang's face and even let her honeymoon money get others out. What kind of man is this?

A few days after Li Guang and Sister Ling left ~ ~ Shen Long dialed Zhuo Jingquan's phone, "Hello, Zhuo Sir, I am Fang Zhanbo, last time we had a great chat, today It happened to be the weekend, I do n’t know if Zhuo Sir had time to come out for tea? "

"It's Zhanbo. I'm just fine in the afternoon. Where will we meet?" Zhuo Jingquan smiled heartily.

"Is it better to go to the racetrack? Look at the horse race first, and then drink tea." Shen Long is ready to give him money, direct means of money is too low, and it is easy to leave evidence, Shen Long wants to give someone money, that way But more.

Zhuo Jingquan also tasted something from his words, and he agreed right away. The two met at the gate of the racetrack and walked in together.

Zhuo Sir looked at it with a telescope and asked casually, "Zhan Bo, do you think this horse can win?"

"According to me, the horse 7 is in good condition and can definitely run first!" I said that the horse is the first, and that horse must be the first. "If Zhuo Sir believes my vision, buy number 7 ! "

"Okay, then I'll buy No. 7!" Zhuo Jingquan didn't care, just put the prelude before the original drama.

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