All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2120: Ruan Mei is jealous

On the way back, Fang Ting took out a half-million cheque and handed it to Shen Long. "Brother, this is the bonus that Taotao sent to me. You can only win if you lend money to Taobao. The money should be given to you." Chen Taotao received the money from Shen Long, and the financing cost was much lower than that of the underground bank, so the bonus paid to his employees was much higher than that in the TV series. The bonus for Fang Ting directly changed from 300,000 to 300,000 Half a million.

Moreover, Chen Taotao temporarily stopped the idea of ​​starting a business, so Fang Ting did not use this money to buy shares. Fang Ting was used to growing up. Since he got such a large amount of money at a time, he did not know how to spend it, so he simply handed it to Shen. Long is good.

"This is what you deserve. Keep it. Buy some clothes and bags for yourself. You will start working immediately after graduation, but you can't be as simple as now." Although Shen Long gave them three The sisters had a lot of pocket money, but they all maintained a simple style and did not spend money indiscriminately.

"Oh, then I will wait until Xiao Min is admitted to college, and use this money to take her out for fun! Tomorrow, I will buy gifts for Sister Ling, Big Sister, and Xiao Min, Brother, do you want me to give you something? Ah? "Fang Ting thought about it and collected the money back.

"You just have this kind of heart. If you bought it, I would be happy." Shen Long replied with a smile. See, as long as it is not related to the scum of Ding Xiao crab, how happy Fang Ting is now.

"Brother, you really coax girls, when will you find us a sister-in-law?" Fang Ting is in a good mood now, and even jokes Shen Long.

How is a sister-in-law? At least two people are required. If you meet the right person, maybe three or four are possible. Shen Long glanced at Ruan Mei in the passenger seat.

The next day, in order to celebrate the success of Fang Ting's internship, the family went home for dinner, and Li Guang and Sister Ling also came over. They had already spent their honeymoon and had just returned to Xiangjiang.

"Brother Guang, congratulations, after so many years of hard work, I finally got promoted!" When Li Guang and Luo Huiling came over, the big guy realized that there was more to this than good things.

"Yeah, after so many years, I finally got through, and I am very happy to work under Huang Sir. Today I will celebrate with Tingting. I have already booked a table in the hotel. We will continue to gather tomorrow!" Li Guang is also full of red light He thought that his years of hard work had finally been seen by his boss, but he didn't know that this was the result of Shen Long persuading Zhuo Jingquan in secret.

"You have to get together, but Brother Guang, you can't just focus on busy work when you are promoted, and neglect Sister Ling, we are still waiting for Sister Ling to give us a younger brother and sister, when he has a big brother, Three sisters! This child must be happy! "Shen Long teased Li Guang and Luo Huiling.

"Yes, Sister Ling, you have been taking care of a few of us back then. When the younger brother or younger sister was born, we will help you bring your children!" Fang Ting and Fang Min also teased Luo Huiling, and the house laughed.

After eating, Li Guang and Luo Huiling stayed at home to rest. Although Luo Huiling was married, Shen Long still kept her room, and she would often visit their four brothers and sisters. Has long been a real family.

It was still old time, Shen Long came to Moxingling, Chen Haonan and Pheasant brought new news, "Master, Ding Crab really returned to Treasure Island, he tied Zhou Jisheng's wife and Chinese sister, forcing Zhou Jisheng to kowtow him. Admit mistakes. "

Speaking of these, Chen Haonan and Pheasant still have a touch of admiration in their voices. Zhou Jisheng is the countless drug lord of his younger brother. A single person in the Ding Crab area can force Zhou Jisheng to admit his knees by mistake. Mind and courage really admire them.

Hey, just say a few soft words. It's true that Ding Crab's point of revenge is over, but when Ding Crab's revenge comes, it's a broken family.

"The movement of Ding Crab on Treasure Island frightened Ding Xiao Crab. He sent a killer to go to Treasure Island to kill Zhou Jisheng to save the Ding Crab, but Zhou Ji was a big life and was rescued after being shot; but His wife and Chinese sister saw that this scene was terrified of a heart attack, and she has died. Next, Zhou Jisheng will probably retaliate against Zhongqingshe? Can we join Zhou Jisheng and grab more of Zhou Jisheng ’s territory? "Chen Haonan was excited Asked.

In his view, he was shot and his wife died as a result. As long as Zhou Jisheng still had some courage, he would definitely start revenge and fight with Ding Xiao crab endlessly.

"Oh, I already said, Zhou Jisheng is old! He is a toothless tiger now, and he can only scare people with a piece of tiger skin. He just wants to spend his old age with peace of mind. It is impossible to let him go desperately. "!" Shen Long sneered. If he had the guts, he wouldn't let Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Crab go away last time. He and his father and son had been shot indiscriminately on Baodao.

"You don't have to worry. Although there is no chance this time, Zhongqingshe will be in big trouble after a while. By then there will be opportunities for you to show!"

"Ding Crab is definitely coming back. You continue to send people to stare at the Ding family's four crabs, especially Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Yi Crab, as well as the docks that go in and out of Xiangjiang. By the way, take a few more shots to Ding Xiao Crab Granny The living temple stared. When Ding Crab came back, he would definitely go here first! When he saw Ding Crab, he immediately called the police. "Shen Long ordered.

Chen Haonan and Pheasant are now members of the official community ~ ~ There are many blue lanterns available for them to let them do these; it is appropriate for the police to catch the crabs, will it scare the cheap Mother-in-law, Shen Long never thought about it. What would happen to such a son, could she not be mentally prepared?

The mother-in-law knew that Ding Crab would find Luo Huiling in trouble, and she still told him Luo Huiling ’s address. She knew Luo Huiling was in danger and still refused to disclose the news of Ding Crab to the police. What's the matter with a little shock?

When it came to work the next day, Long Jiwen also called and told Shen Long that she did n’t know the grievances of the Fang and Ding families, but she had been singing in the troupe recently and had a good relationship with Sister Hua, this time She was also terrified by the incident, so she called Shen Long for comfort.

Shen Long and Long Jiwen chatted for more than an hour to appease her. Long Jiwen also said that after the funeral of Hua Jie was over, she returned to Xiangjiang to see her.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Mei couldn't help but ask, "The boss is Miss Long's phone again." Long Jiwen often called Shen Long during this time, and Ruan Mei, the secretary, already knew.

Shen Long reached out and scraped her nose. "Amei, you look like you are jealous!"

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