All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2121: Catching Crab

"Not at all! I'm just your secretary!" Ruan Mei's words were sour. She had a congenital heart disease. Although she always wanted to take a good look at this world, she could live for the future. She was desperate to save money and came to Xiangjiang for five years, earning more than 5,000 yuan a month, and she saved 300,000 yuan in five years.

In five years, it only cost more than 10,000 yuan, which is equivalent to only two or three hundred yuan per month. Even when she went to Shen Long ’s company, Shen Long offered her a higher salary. Will go out to play.

Shen Long knew her preferences and personality, so she excused her work needs when she was not busy, took her out for a ride, took her to Macau to play, and walked all the streets and streets of Xiangjiang. It looks timid and cowardly, but in fact it is very strong, and at the critical moment it can explode with unimaginable courage.

Ruan Mei liked Shen Long so unconsciously, but she was guilty of cowardly again, and dared not show Shen Long her heart. She felt that she was just a poor girl from abroad, not worthy of Shen Long. A wealthy man, so I hid these in my heart, but occasionally they showed some.

"I didn't just treat you as my secretary!" Shen Long looked at Ruan Mei. I wanted to marry you as your wife. But I want to marry more than you. It shouldn't matter. Xiangjiang cancels polygamy. How long was the system? Long Jiwen's father, Long Chengbang, has so many wives. Should Long Jiwen adapt?

As for Ruan Mei's side, it would take some more effort. When she saw her blushing face, Shen Long felt extremely cute and couldn't bear to continue to tease, and immediately changed the subject, "Yes, your grandmother's body recently Are you okay? "

"Since I moved my new home, my grandmother has become happier and looks better!" Ruan Meisong breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a loss. She also wanted to know that Shen Long didn't just treat her as a secretary. What.

She could not continue to live in a public house because of her soaring income, so Shen Long rented a house on the pretext of the company ’s high-level benefits, although it was not as good as Ye Tian ’s, but it was better than a public house. Countless times.

"That's good." Shen Long used to sit next to Ruan Mei and looked at her seriously. "Now, don't worry too much. Now that science is so developed, your heart disease will definitely be cured. I won't let you Run away from me. "With me there, let alone congenital heart disease, there is no problem even for a more serious condition.

"Old ... boss, just now ... Axuan called just now and said that there is an important matter to find you!" Ruan Mei's heartbeat grew faster and faster, she felt that she was having difficulty breathing, and quickly diverted the topic, no Dare to listen again.

"I'll call him." Shen Long picked up the phone and dialed Li Xuan, let Ruan Mei relax first. I'm afraid to scare her more. Shen Long's current situation and Fang Zhanbo just met Ruan Mei. It was different at the time. At that time, Ruan Mei only worried about her heart disease, but not about the social class differences between herself and Fang Zhanbo. They all lived in public housing. Who is better than anyone?

It ’s different now. One is a billionaire rich and the other is a poor girl from abroad. This gap is really too big. Well, it seems that in the future, we will create opportunities for Ruan Mei and Luo Huiling to talk more. Hui Ling also had nothing at the time, but also came together with stock market tycoon Fang Jinxin, let Luo Huiling give Ruan Mei more courage.

"Boss, the first version of the" Three Kingdoms "game you told me has been made, and you will be notified as soon as you have news." Li Xuan brought good news.

"I'm going by now!" Shen Long hung up the phone and went out with Ruan Mei. Shen Long clearly noticed that Ruan Mei was very quiet in the car today. Every time he looked away, Ruan Mei quickly avoided. .

At the Jiulongtang Industrial Building, Shen Long tried out the ideas and proposals he provided in Li Xuan ’s office. The Three Kingdoms completed by Li Xuan led the team, because it is the first edition, so of course there are many problems, such as unreasonable level settings , The character shape is not beautiful enough, the action moves are not good-looking, etc.

However, Shen Long is still happy for this achievement. After all, they have taken the first step. As long as they continue, they will definitely make a better game.

"This game has the following problems. First, there are still a few characters to choose from, only about Yu and Zhang Fei. The playability is not high. Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao should also be added. At least the five tigers will be put together Is n’t it ridiculous! The moves of the five people should also be different, so that players wo n’t get bored quickly; second, the level of difficulty should be set step by step, and the difficulty will continue to increase ... However, your progress still surprises me , Do n’t rush back from work today, I invite all employees of the R & D team to dinner and give them bonuses ... "

"Thank you boss, we will start to improve these problems tomorrow!" It is only a staged result. There is still a long way to go before the project is completed. The boss is willing to pay bonuses. Li Xuan increasingly feels that he has found a good job. boss.

At this time, Xiangjiang ’s underworld fried the pot, and Ding Xiao Crab already knew that Ding Crab had returned to Xiang Jiang, and immediately dispersed all members of the Zhongqingshe community. He must find the Ding Crab before the police and protect him. stand up.

And Chen Haonan and Pheasant also got the news, they immediately put down the work at hand, desperately looking for the Ding Crab ~ ~ This is the task that the master explained to himself. .

"Pheasant, I'll stare at Ding Xiao Crab, you go to Antang to stare at Ding Xiao Crab's grandmother!" Chen Haonan made a decision, and he now likes to call Zhao Shanhe Pheasant.

There is no doubt that it is more dangerous to stare at Ding Xiao Crab. Chen Haonan feels that he has better kung fu than pheasant, and he actively undertakes more dangerous tasks.

The pheasant disputed a few words, and immediately took a taxi to the temple. After arriving, he sneaked in and looked at it. He saw that the mother-in-law still prayed religiously in the temple.

Then I found a place to hide and waited patiently for the arrival of the crab. Soon after, the crab appeared, and the pheasant quietly retreated while feeling the master's experience, and quickly ran to the door of a store and picked up the public. The phone started calling the police, "Police officer, I want to call the police. I saw the wanted criminal Ding Crab who had entered the abscond back to Xiangjiang. He is now in the temple. The specific address is ..."

Putting down the phone, the pheasant was still a little awkward, and he was still doing it for the first time.

The police acted quickly, and the nearest police station was impulsive and hurried to the temple to prepare for the arrest of Ding Crab.

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