All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2122: Crab Classics

"Dad is crazy! How many times have I said, don't go back to Xiangjiang, don't go back to Xiangjiang, he still doesn't listen, he has to come back, this is good, the note has already gone to catch him!" Ding Xiao crab over there I also got news from the inside of the police force that many associations will do undercover arrangements in the police force, not just Han Chen alone.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Ding Yi Crab, Ding Li Crab and Ding Wang Crab all panicked. "Dad went there, he should come to us even if he comes back!"

"Go to Antang to see Grandma!" Ding Xiao Crab issued a command while dialing the phone, "Second, you quickly take someone to Antang, try to save Dad before the note arrives! Youngest, you contact Xiangjiang's best Lawyer; fourth son, you are a doctor, can you get in touch with a medical expert in the police force? "

Ding Xiao Crab also knew that he was one step late in getting the news, so that Ding Yi Crab used to be a fluke, so he immediately asked the third and fourth children to prepare for other means.

The four brothers went out in a hurry, and the entire Zhongqing Society quickly moved. Numerous young brothers flocked to the temple together, causing the surrounding community to panic. They thought they were going to fight with the family.

At this time, Chen Haonan took the opportunity to instigate Hongxing and Zhongqingshe to have a big fight, which slightly delayed the speed of Ding Xiao Crab's trip to the temple. Chen Haonan himself killed several gold medals in Zhongqingshe alone. Thugs, it was a big show in front of big brother B.

The pheasant went back to the temple and continued to monitor the Ding Crab. I saw that the Ding Crab was complaining to the cheap mother-in-law, "If you kill someone in Japan, you will not be pursued after 15 years. The Japanese law is very humane, Xiangjiang The law is just annoying. I killed people in Xiangjiang all my life, and I wo n’t let me come back in my life! It ’s so ruthless to let our mother and son reunite! "

Have you made a mistake! These words can't even be heard by the pheasant. Brother, you have killed people. The family has been exterminated by nature. You just thought that you can't reunite mother and son?

"You go, I don't have your son, you made Fang's family so miserable, and you're sorry to come back!" The mother-in-law hit the diced crab with her cane. As for the guilt of the other's family, she was worried Being caught is not very clear.

"Mom, how can you treat me like this. I worked hard in jail on Treasure Island. The first thing I came out was to come back to see you. As a result, you treated your son like this? Hi, those unfilial sons are really too much. Ah, I live in a big house, but I let you live in the temple. I ’ll go back and kill them! Mom, I ’ll take you to see those unfilial sons! Crab they live in the villa.

At this moment, the police finally arrived, and Ding Crab yelled again, "This group of beasts, it's been more than ten years, and they stared at me so tightly, I just returned to Xiangjiang, and they found it!"

This time even my mother can't take care of it, "Mom, don't say anything later when the police comes, wait for me to avoid this wave of thunder and come back to find you!" After she finished, she put down her mother and hurriedly ran away, Ding Crab mouth He was not afraid of saying anything, but he was still afraid of the police, and he quickly tried to escape from the back door.

But he must not escape, otherwise the master will never forgive us! In order to be the boss, the pheasant also fights hard, pretending to rush out from the back door of the temple, and bumped into the Ding Crab, and then he cursed, "Bash your mother, don't you look at people walking?"

"Hey, it's clear that you bumped in. Okay, what's wrong with the young people in Xiangjiang, don't talk about social ethics! Hey, forget it, I won't care about you, and you leave quickly!" Ding crab still The first time I met a person with such a hard head in front of me, if I usually have to teach a pheasant, but now he is still in a hurry to run.

"No, my ribs hurt. You must have broken my bones. You must take me to the hospital!" The pheasant grabbed Ding Crab and wanted to keep him here.

"Wow, blackmail and extortion hit me on the head! You're going to kill you!" This Ding Crab finally couldn't help it, and he would hit the pheasant with his fist raised.

The pheasant quickly raised his arm and stopped. The pheasant was surprised. This guy's strength is so great that he can still play so old. If he joins the club early in the morning, I am afraid that he will become a double stick. He knew there that Ding Crab had indeed mixed with the society, but his brain was not easy to use, and he offended successive big men like Zhou Jisheng and Long Chengbang. How could he get out of the way?

Can the young people of Xiangjiang be able to fight so much? Or am I already old and can't move? Ding Crab was also taken aback by the pheasant. In his memory, there were not many people who could block his punch, so he increased his strength and wrestled with the pheasant. After being so delayed by the pheasant, he sent it again. With a loud noise, the police quickly found them.

With a few guns like this, both Pheasant and Ding Crab raised their hands and surrendered obediently, but the expressions of the two were very different. Pheasant did not care at all, "Asir, it's none of my business Ah, I'm here to fragrant, who knows this guy will grab me when he grabs it. "

Ding Crab was trembling, and kept talking in his mouth, "I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die now." He was very afraid that he would be sentenced to death by the judge.

"Master ~ ~ Ding Crab and Pheasant have been caught by the police." Chen Haonan reported to Shen Long immediately after receiving the news.

"Don't rush to get the pheasant out. It's better that you find a reason to go in and take turns with the pheasant to take care of the crab." Shen Long ordered, Ding Xiao crab will definitely send the younger brother of Zhongqingshe to serve Ding Crab, how could Shen Long make him better? You can send a younger brother, so can I!

"No problem, I'm going to commit something here, and then find someone to lock me and Ding Crab together!" Chen Haonan agreed without any hesitation. Shen Long gave them some money left, just using this money To unblock the police force.

"This is done, I will reward you. Remember, the more miserable I will be, the happier I will be!" Shen Long promised, Chen Haonan would feel wronged for a few days when he heard this. Suddenly the smoke disappeared.

Hanging up the phone, Shen Long immediately dialed Li Guang, "Brother Guang, Ding Crab is back and has been caught by the police. The four crabs in Ding's family will definitely find Sister Ling, you need to protect Sister Ling ! "

Then I notified Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Xiao Min one by one, "I will arrange more bodyguards for you. In addition, if you are fine recently, don't just go out."

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