All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2124: Rich is just so good

"Mr. Fang, there is no physical evidence in this case, and the jury can only be convinced by the court that Ding Crab did commit a homicide, so the testimony of you and Ms. Luo Huiling will be vital." The gold barrister said nothing, and immediately pointed out the point.

"Zhanbo, I am willing to testify in court and die for so many years. It is time for him to show his grievances and let the **** **** be sanctioned by the law!" Luo Huiling still had some fear in her eyes, after all, Ding Crab's influence on him is too great, but she is still willing to stand up and testify.

"Exhibition, you can rest assured, I also support Hui Ling!" Li Guang held Luo Huiling's hand and did not complain to Luo Huiling in court. He always supported Luo Huiling unconditionally.

"Thank you Ling Ling, thank you Guang Guang, I will try my best to reduce the number of times you appear in court, as well as A Fang, Ting Ting and Xiao Min. I do n’t want them to face the **** like Ding Crab! Defend it or let me come! "When the Fang family and Ding Crab were in a lawsuit in the TV series, because they had no money, they had to go out on their own. It was different when they came to Shen Long.

"Mr. Fang, I need to remind you that if you are the only one in court, it may not be enough to persuade the jury, and the other party's lawyer will also try to get several ladies to appear in court. They still have to be ready to appear in court." That ghost Lawyer Lao said in skilled Cantonese.

"I mean to minimize the number of their appearances in court, rather than not appearing in court; besides, besides Sister Ling and my three younger sisters, there are other witnesses who can testify. Although they are not parties to the incident, they are very familiar with Ding Crab and can Sitting on the testimony through their testimony is a form of impulse, regardless of the consequences of doing things, which is very beneficial to our lawsuit. "Shen Long has long thought about his own witnesses.

"Oh? Are those people? If you can find such a person, the hope of winning the lawsuit will increase many times." Several lawyers suddenly became interested.

"The first is Ding Crab ’s ex-wife, the mother of his four sons! As far as I know, in order to get rid of Ding Crab, she would rather go to Macau to be a dancing girl rather than go home, and she could take a woman and a wife 1. A mother forced to such a degree is enough to prove how abhorrent Ding Crab is! "As long as this woman is still in Macau, she can be found out through the relationship of the king of gambling.

"The second one is a member of the Treasure Island gang. After Ding Crab went to Treasure Island, he beat him into cerebral palsy. Think about it, a gang ’s gold medalist can be beaten by Ding Crab like this, not to mention my father. Ordinary people? "Big head is still lying alone in the hospital bed, as long as enough money is given, he and his mother will definitely be willing to come out to testify.

"It would have been under the control of the drug lord Zhou Jisheng and the Chinese inspector Long Chengbang. In order to force my father to make money for them, Zhou Jisheng and Long Chengbang once imprisoned Ding Crab. Ding Crab thought that this was my father's. They all know the responsibilities. "Now only Zhou Jisheng and Long Chengbang are doing well. Many of their men are down. It is not difficult to spend money to ask them to testify, and then give them a sum of money They just go to Treasure Island, and do n’t worry about Ding Xiao crab's revenge.

"In addition, there are colleagues after my father was beaten as an idiot by Ding Crab." Shen Long told Fang Jinxin that after waking up, he begged the newsstand boss to give himself a chance to support his family's strength through his own efforts. … I believe that these statements will definitely move the jury and make them hate Ding Crab, so as to make a judgment that is in our favor. ”

The boss of this newsstand is also kind to the other's family, so after she got the money, Shen Long found him out and gave him a sum of money. Now that the boss is planning to emigrate, Shen Long will definitely convince he.

"Mr. Fang, your plan is very good. I believe that with the testimony of so many people, you will be able to impress the jury and let them know the hatefulness of Ding Crab and the sympathy of the other's family." The lawyer was very satisfied with Shen Long ’s arrangement, “So let ’s start looking for witnesses now.”

"In addition, the four sons of Ding Crab are now the narrators of Zhongjiang Society, a famous club in Xiangjiang. They will definitely threaten our witnesses in order to rescue Ding Crab, so I also contacted friends in the media industry to prepare to follow these for a long time. Witnesses, let them report Zhongqingshe ’s tactics, which triggers public sympathy and dislike of Ding ’s family! ”As long as Ding Xiao crab dares to send someone over, he will guarantee that the newspaper will report that evening .

Ding Crab talks upside down, but one paragraph is quite right. Rich people can barristers and provide themselves with more comprehensive legal services, so that they can occupy a more favorable position in the court.

Now Shen Long is a rich man, he can naturally buy better legal services, and he can find more witnesses to testify for himself, mobilize public opinion to cheer himself on, and put the Ding family in an extremely disadvantaged position.

Shen Long and the gold barristers worked out a plan for the operation, so they immediately split the way, and some barristers represented Shen Long went to Xiangjiang to find He Wang's help ~ ~ found Ding Crab's ex-wife He came out and persuaded her to testify in the court, "Now, ma'am, I know that you are afraid of Ding Crab, so I haven't dared to go back to Xiangjiang to see my son for more than ten years."

"But I think in your heart, you must still love your children? Can you think about the future of such a father next to the children? So, putting Ding Crab in jail for these children instead It ’s a good thing ... In addition, IMHO, your life does n’t seem to be very generous. As long as you agree to testify in court, my client will give you a generous reward, enough for you to live a carefree life. "

Some went to Treasure Island to find the big-headed mother, and even brought a doctor, "Mrs., your son ’s condition is not incurable, but just spend a lot of money to go abroad for surgery, these parties can help you solve it , After the surgery is done, you can also arrange a good job for your child, let him get married and have children ... "

Others found Zhou Jisheng and Long Chengbang left behind in Xiangjiang, "Sir, you just came out of the prison, the former boss will not take care of you anymore, and your former friends have also avoided it. I think you must be there Worry about how to spend your old age? Now, now, there is a good opportunity before you, as long as you promise to testify in court ... "

Hey, wealthy people are so simple and boring in litigation, just use the money directly.

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