All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2125: The wicked are afraid of the sky

"Boss, what should I do? The best lawyers in Xiangjiang are invited by Fang Zhanbo, and my father has such a personality. We can't win this lawsuit!" Ding Wang Crab is a lawyer, knowing those big lawyers The ability of lawyers, let alone the Fangs, is already rational, even if they do n’t account for those big lawyers, they can find ways to win the lawsuit.

He is just a general lawyer who has worked hard for several years to pass the legal exam. Can he compare with these barristers? Suddenly panicked.

"What are you afraid of? Can Fang Zhanbo have all the lawyers from Xiangjiang all the more if he has the money? Those few people were invited by us to find someone else. If you call one by one, I don't believe us as a lawyer I can't even ask for it! "Ding Xiao crab pulled his collar away, and the pressure made him breathless.

"Second, you take someone to stare at Fang's family and give them some colors to look at! And Fang Zhanbo's company, Sister Ling's ice cream shop, go paint them, make trouble in their shop, he is wearing shoes now, I do n’t believe he can fight with us to death! ”The Bible that Fang Ting gave to Ding Xiao Crab was thrown away after he received the news that Ding Crab was in jail. The last light in Ding Xiao Crab ’s heart was already there. Extinguished, he is now extremely terrible.

"Boss, but their family lives in Repulse Bay. It's not our site, and ... and there are rich people around us. Is it not good for us to go there to make trouble?" Ding Yi crab is afraid, you let him bully the weak. There is absolutely no need to say that if he is allowed to harass high-end residential areas, he will have no courage. The people living there are not the same as ordinary citizens on the street.

"Let you do it. If there is any accident with my father, I want his family to pay for his life!" Ding Xiao Crab also got out, and Ding Yi crab immediately panicked and took the people out.

"Fourth, how are you contacting the medical forensics personnel of the police force? Let's try to help Dad to sue first, and if he doesn't win, he will be released on serious bail!"

"I have already contacted them, but their asking price is relatively high." Ding Li crab's progress is quite good, using his relationship with the Xiangjiang Medical Session to connect with the police's forensic personnel. In fact, he hasn't done much of this before In this way, a lot of loyal youthmen were kept.

Ding Xiao Crab directly grabbed Ding Li Crab's collar and pulled him up, "That's our dad! How much money should be paid to protect the dad, you first take a million as a deposit, let them first Try to be able to speak in this matter, and add money when they are really needed! "

The four crabs of Ding's family acted quickly. Ding Yi crab took someone to Jiulong Tong first, but when he saw the police car parked downstairs in the industrial building, he was courageous. Trouble, "Go, follow their van and smash the van they delivered to see how they still do business."

"Boss, no, those trucks are from other societies. Well, that one is Hongxing, that one is Dongxing, and that one is Xinyi'an. How dare we mess with so many societies?" Brother pointed to those stations The person who smoked in front of the truck reminded that Shen Long had expected this trick, so let the people of those associations pick up the goods themselves. Anyway, the new game is selling very hot in Xiangjiang, and they are not afraid to refuse to come.

As for the scattered workers, Ding Yi crab did not think about harassment in the past. He felt that these workers were like his own Ma Zi. What if Ma Zi had an accident? Just recruit people again.

"So ruthless?" Ding Yi crab leaned out of the car and saw several familiar faces, many of whom had hatred against the Zhongqingshe, so he quickly drew back his head, "Drive, drive, we'll smash it Ice cream shop! "

However, by the door of the ice cream store, Ding Yi crab didn't even dare to get off the bus. "I'm relying on it. Isn't it wrong? The crime team doesn't have to go to work? So many people eat ice cream?"

Li Guang is now working under Huang Sir, because Sister Ling ’s ice cream tastes good, so she has attracted a lot of people to bring her wife and children to enjoy here. Nowadays, most of the members in the shop are taking the ice cream with their loved ones. In this case, Ding Yi crab dare to go to trouble? They are the nemesis of the society.

"Boss, this shop is opened by the police of the serious case team. Of course there are many policemen. I think we should forget it!"

"Put your mother! Let's go to Repulse Bay!" Ding Yi crab also lost his temper, punched on the back of the chair, and then greeted the younger brothers to change places. Compared with these two places, Repulse Bay seems better?

Splash paint at Repulse Bay? The younger brothers are a little flustered. Are the rich and the rich better than the police? They all have bodyguards, and they have a huge influence in society. The Zhongqingshe dare to go there to make trouble. I am afraid that they will be condemned on a large scale in the newspapers tonight? Then use his influence to urge the police to watch the Zhongqingshe closely.

Not to mention, the patrolmen checked their ID cards one by one, and took them to the police station to close them for 24 hours without taking them. They couldn't stand it. How can the community do business in this way?

Outside the Fang ’s villa, the door was open. It seemed calm here, and there seemed to be no precautions. Ding Yi crab was about to get off immediately. “Go and splash the paint, and leave immediately!” Stay more in this place.

"Boss ~ ~ Boss, no way! Look at the car parked at the door! That's a police car!" The younger brother grabbed Ding Yi crab.

"I'm leaning, there are policemen staring here too? Are they from the Fang family?" Ding Yi crab was depressed again.

"Boss, this is not an ordinary police car, I remember this license plate, this is the car of the senior police officer Zhuo Jingquan Zhuo Sir of the police station, the police of Quanxiangjiang, he only has the chief police officer, two deputy directors and The elder brother of the police ca n’t move anymore, and the rest of the police have to listen to him. We splash paint on his face ... "Needless to say, as long as they dare to do this, the police will immediately dispatch all of them. The youth club got up to the person in charge, went down to the dwarf mule, and pulled down the police station to ask questions.

"Zhongqingsha is too arrogant? He has come in Repulse Bay? Don't worry about the exhibition. You can rest assured that Xiangjiang is just and the police will protect the safety of the citizens!" Zhuo Jingquan also saw Ding Yi crab car.

"Good people do not bully the sky, wicked people fear the sky, Zhuo sir, I very much believe that the ability of the Xiangjiang Police Force will certainly protect ordinary citizens!" If he is just an ordinary citizen, Zhuo Jingquan will never be so careful.

Taking the opportunity to go to the bathroom, Shen Long made a phone call to the pheasant who had just been released on bail. It was not his character to be beaten passively.

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