All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2127: You two must be good sisters

"I'm at home. Be careful on the way when you come. There may be people from the Zhongqingshe. Call when you're almost there. I'll go out to pick you up!" It seems that he and Long Jiwen have made calls every day. As soon as she heard the lawsuit between Ding and me, she hurried back to Xiangjiang from Baodao. In this case, if I tried harder, wouldn't she win her?

"Well, you wait, don't hang up the phone, I'm already on the road!" Long Jiwen was talking with Shen Long while driving. After about half an hour, he arrived at Repulse Bay. Shen Long hurried out to meet, Li Guang was afraid When something went wrong, he also wore a police uniform with a gun and went out with him. Ding Yi crab had no choice but to see this posture.

But he didn't know that Li Guang's following was actually a good thing for him. If he saw Shen Longluo rushing up, he would be beaten again.

"Zhanbo, are you okay! I heard Uncle Ji's men say that Zhongqingshe is very powerful in Xiangjiang. Didn't they come to trouble you?" Long Jiwen saw Shen Long and quickly pulled his arm and looked carefully. He is okay; Ding Xiao crab went to Baodao to negotiate with Zhou Jisheng, so Long Jiwen also knows something about Zhongqingshe.

"It doesn't matter, Xiangjiang is a society ruled by law. There are good policemen like Brother Guang, Ding Xiao crab they don't dare to be arrogant!" I'm fine, Zhong Qingshe they are not easy to say, these two days are being carried by pheasant Hong Hing's Ma Zai hanged up to fight, the Japanese food shop they opened was smashed, and Wanchai's site was lost a lot.

"Come, let me introduce to you, this is Ling's husband Guang brother, Guang brother is the sir of the serious case group; Guang brother, this is my friend Long Jiwen." Shen Long brought Long Jiwen home.

"Ji Wen, since I came and stayed for dinner, I went to the kitchen to help Sister Ling." Li Guang found an excuse to leave, but his eyes flickered, and came another girl? What about Ruan Mei, who cooks for you at home every day? I think the tone of the two of you is usually speaking, it doesn't look like the relationship between the ordinary boss and the secretary at all?

"Ji Wen, thank you for your concern, and even the old man came from Baodao!" Shen Long took Long Jiwen to sit on the sofa, made tea for her and expressed gratitude.

"Are we friends? If you don't encourage me, I won't go back to Treasure Island, and my relationship with my dad is not as good as it is now!" Long Jiwen returned to Treasure Island, just in time to catch Ding Crab and kidnap Long Chengbang. Even if she fell in the hands of Ding Crab, she was unwilling to say bad things about Long Chengbang, and even less willing to help him harm Long Chengbang.

On the contrary, Ding Crab felt appreciated and let her go. Because of this, the relationship between Long Jiwen and Long Chengbang gradually eased, and she felt the warmth of the family again. For this, she was very grateful to Shen Long.

The two were talking, and Ruan Mei came out with dim sum, "Zhan Bo, Miss Long, have some dim sum!" Since starting the lawsuit, Ruan Mei has stood firmly on Shen Long's side, staying in spite of danger The Fang family helped Shen Long cook, and the relationship between the two progressed quickly, and even the title changed.

"Amei, thank you. Let me introduce you. This is my friend Ruanmei. This is Long Jiwen." In the future, you must be good sisters and live in harmony.

The expressions of the two girls were a little surprised. Long Jiwen could see that they were definitely not related, but Ruan Mei did not expect Long Jiwen to come to Shen Long's house.

"Wow, brother, you have a friend here again, this lady is so beautiful, brother, can you introduce us?" Fortunately, Fang Ting came to rescue everyone from embarrassment.

"Amei, Jiwen is from Baodao and has no friends in Xiangjiang. I have to be busy with lawsuits these days, so you can accompany her more; Jiwen, Amei came from Hangzhou and knew no one in Xiangjiang. , I think you two may be friends. "In the TV series, they are getting along well. Maybe they can be girlfriends now.

"Several barristers are here. I'm going to discuss matters with them. The two of you will talk slowly." Shen Long left the conversation with the lawyer and went to the study to discuss the case of Ding Crab with the lawyer. They The efficiency was good, and the witnesses Shen Long needed were found.

With the help of these people, when the court will open in the future, they will be able to beat Ding Crab by surprise, and by the way reduce the chances of Ling Ling, Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Fang Min appearing in court, so as not to be shocked by Ding Crab.

The conversation did n’t end until the meal was over. The lawyers declined Shen Long ’s invitation to stay and went back to continue the preparation of the busy lawsuit. After this time, Long Jiwen and Ruan Mei both had impressions of each other. Yes, at first the hostility has been resolved, and it has become a joke.

"Jiwen, you do n’t have a place to live in Xiangjiang. People outside the Zhongqingshe are still staring. I ’m worried that it ’s not safe for you to go out alone. It ’s better to stay here with me. Anyway, there are so many rooms in the house. Live well! "This is a good opportunity to increase feelings. Why would Shen Long let it go? Even if you are in a lawsuit, you ca n’t delay your pick-up?

"Okay, I'll sleep well with Amei. Amei, don't you mind?" Long Jiwen said, holding Ruan Mei's hand. Although she likes Ruan Mei very much, she doesn't want to give up Shen Long. Naturally willing to stay at home.

"Of course I don't mind. I want to hear you talk about the scenery of Baodao!" Ruan Mei will not give up, but she can't bear to let Long Jiwen go out and be hurt by Zhongqingshe alone.

It ’s lonely for you two to sleep? Why not bring me too? Shen Long thought about YY ~ ~ Of course, I just thought about it, but I haven't reached this step yet, but I will realize this wish sooner or later.

After dinner, Shen Long temporarily stopped busy, talking and laughing with Long Jiwen and Ruan Mei in the living room, temporarily dispelling their recent worries, and the three people got along well.

At one o'clock in the evening, Shen Long appeared in Moxingling again, and the pheasant reported the latest situation to him. "Master, Zhongqingshe ’s Wanchai site was swept by us several times. Some clubs in Kowloon also took the opportunity to start harassing them. Ah Filial piety has now settled a lot for Dad's lawsuit. "

"Honan and I also gave Ding Crab a lot of lessons in it. The Ma Zi sent by the Zhongqingshe is not enough for us to fight. The guy has been beaten by me several times!" Said the chicken respectfully.

"Well done, this rewards you, and you can improve your skill after eating it!" Shen Long gave the pheasant a panacea he made in the martial arts world.

"Tomorrow you go inside to replace Hao Nan, let him come to me to receive the reward, and take people outside to continue to sweep the Zhongqing Youth Club's place; can you talk to Ding Crab in addition to fighting after you enter." Shen Long ordered.

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