All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2130: Ding Crab wants to defend himself

"I warn you, if my dad was sentenced to death, I want your family to pay for their lives!" Ding Xiao crab came over and said fiercely, his eyes full of fierce light.

If ordinary people look at his posture, then you must not scare urine? Ding Xiao Crab is a famous club boss in Xiangjiang, but Shen Long has encountered more fierce enemies. Does Ding Xiao Crab count as that onion? He didn't even bother to bother to bother, and immediately snapped his fingers, and behind him a barbarian lawyer stood up.

Speaking in proficient Cantonese, "This gentleman, I warn you that your actions just constituted a crime of intimidation. If you continue to do so, I will bring a lawsuit against you on behalf of my client."

That's right, Xiangjiang is a society ruled by law, but we rich people enjoy legal protection. If you want to threaten me, first see the lawyer's agreement or not!

Ding Xiao Crab was almost not suffocated, but wanted to speak a little harshly, and was immediately stopped by Ding Wang Crab who was a lawyer. Right now Ding Crab is still locked up in the detention center. They had to go in and accompany them. They brought so many gold medals, and there were police officers to testify next to them.

"Give up, block the road. What do you want to do to escape the crime of Ding Crab? Attorney David, see if we can't go to court now, can we apply for an extension of the trial like the court? Crab, the bastard, can stay in it for a few more days, and sometimes it ’s even more worrying, ”Shen Long said lazily.

"This kind of behavior by the family of the other party has threatened the safety of our witnesses and affected the normal conduct of the trial. According to the relevant laws and regulations, we have the right to request that the hearing be postponed." Ghost Lawyer immediately came to make up the knife.

"Boss." Ding Wang Crab pulled another handful of Ding Xiao Crab. Now it's not a time of despair. No matter how the court decides, the court must be opened as soon as possible. There must be no delay. By the way, their dad was recently beaten every day in the detention center.

Ding Xiao Crab was dragged away by Ding Wang Crab. The postponement of the court session was very unfavorable to them. The Ding Crab must not be allowed to suffer in it. What happened to those Hongxing boys? Why specifically target Ding Crab? And is it really possible to fight? Ding Xiao crab almost sent all the youngest brothers from the Chung Ching Society into play, but still couldn't beat others.

Since the main fighting power was taken away, Zhongqingshe was in an extremely disadvantaged position in the fight with Hongxing and other clubs. These days, Ding Xiao crab was tortured physically and mentally tired.

Dad, why can't you just stay outside and go back to Xiangjiang? You just go back to Xiangjiang and come directly to us. Isn't it good for us to pick up Grandma? This is a good time. It fell into the hands of the police and it made us so uncomfortable.

"That's right, I should have heard of good dogs!" Shen Long walked past Ding Xiao crab with everyone in a big way, came into the court, and sat in the front row; after a while, Ding Xiao crab They also came in, and both parties were waiting for the formal hearing.

When the time for the court hearing came, the judges with wigs were seated at the venue. This is a British tradition. When Charles II was wearing wigs in the UK, this trend was also brought to the court. Later, the trend retreated, but the judges This tradition is still preserved and even evolved.

Depending on the nature of the trial case, the wigs worn by the judges are also different: for example, they have hair curlers on both sides and a small "horsetail" hair set on the back, which is usually worn when trying civil cases; The traditional hair set only appeared in criminal trials.

Of course, gossip lovers must carefully analyze the reasons why judges like to wear wigs, not just for the sake of popularity. The reason why judges wear wigs is because they need to learn all the laws and use their own when determining cases. Knowledge and making corresponding judgments can be said to be heavy work for long-term practitioners. After a long time, the hair will slowly start to fall off, and after the judge wears a wig, he can better cover his head.

Not only can this avoid the embarrassing situation, but it also brings a sense of seriousness to the entire court, otherwise the Mediterranean Sea will sit in the court, this scene must look funny?

Ding Crab was brought to the court, and Fang and Ding's people brushed together, and Ding Xiao crab's face suddenly became difficult to look at, "Dad!"

But Luo Huiling and the three sisters of Fang family are happy, because although Ding Crab can't see any scars on the outside, her eyes are black and thin, and she walks with her waist down and looks haggard.

"Hahaha, Ding Crab, you also have today!" Luo Huiling couldn't help laughing. In her impression, Ding Crab has always been that sturdy figure, and there seems to be a violent man who can't make up the whole body. It became like this.

No matter how strong the Ding Crab is, he gets hit four times every morning, noon and night, and he continues to be threatened by the other party's language. In this way, after a few days, the strong man must be tossed out of adult form, Shen Long gave Chen Haonan and the pheasant teach Kung Fu is not a white religion, nor is the medicine given to them in vain.

"Son, save your dad, UU reads Dad has a life in it. It's not a human life. Staying in Dad will die!" Ding Crab saw four sons. , As if grabbing the life-saving straw, holding the fence with both hands, begging desperately.

"Dad, don't worry, we will definitely rescue you!" Ding Xiao Crab, Ding Yi Crab, Ding Wang Crab and Ding Li Crab were also distressed when they saw Ding Crab.

"Silence!" The judge struck the hammer and interrupted the picture of the father's filial piety. Several marshals came to calm down the father and son of the Ding family. Then the judge announced that the trial of Fang Jin's murder of Ding Crab began more than ten years ago .

The prosecutor made a statement first, and then the barrister invited by the Ding family also started to make a defense statement for Ding Crab. The barrister seemed a little nervous when making the statement, and looked at Shen Long from time to time. There was no way. Virtually, Shen Long has more lawyers than him. Some were his teachers when he first studied law, some were the leaders when he first entered the business, and some won him in the past defense.

To be honest, if Ding Xiao Crab had given enough money and there was a threat, he definitely did not want to take this lawsuit.

"Hey, what kind of barrister is this? I can't say anything!" Ding Crab was very upset and even gave birth to the idea of ​​defending himself.

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