All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2131: Unexpected witness

"The prosecutor and the defense lawyer have already stated that, and now there are witnesses invited, prosecutor, you can let the first witness come in!" The judge announced the next process.

The Xiangjiang court adopts a jury system, and the prosecution and the defense introduce witnesses in turn, and inquires. The jury members use this process to analyze whether the parties are guilty, but they can only determine the guilt or innocence. The judgement after the guilt is determined by the judge Ok; this model is very conducive to the play of lawyers, because the members of the jury are not legal persons, and the lawyer ’s words are more moving, and they are more able to persuade the jury to make a judgment in their own favor.

The prosecutor asked the first witness to appear. A middle-aged woman walked to the trench of the witness seat. Her face was haggard, and her face was covered with the wind and frost that had been tortured by the hard life. When she saw this witness, Ding Crab suddenly froze, Ding Xiao crab The four also stood up, hesitating for a long time before shouting uncertainly, "Mom?"

The four of them did not like the mother who abandoned them since she was a child, but she was her own mother after all. Ding Crab was very excited when she saw this woman. You do n’t have to think about it. His ex-wife certainly did not say good things for him this time. Yes, "You, a vicious woman with watery poplar flowers, wasn't enough to dump our father and son. Would you want to harm us now?"

"Ding Crab, you have already hurt me badly, please beg these children! You can stay with these children and you can only kill them." Ding Crab's ex-wife said with courage.

Ding Cr's defense lawyer was still qualified and immediately protested, "Master Judge, I object. The other party's witness has nothing to do with this case, and it caused a huge psychological disturbance to my client, and asked her to leave immediately."

"Oppose the opponent's lawyer's opinion!" The prosecutor is not vegetarian, "Master Judge, if you want to analyze the reason why Fang Jinxin was killed, you must understand the psychological characteristics of the suspect Ding Crab, while Ding Crab's ex-wife is The best and most suitable witness. "

"The objection is invalid, and the two parties can question the witnesses!" The judge accepted the prosecutor's opinion, dismissed Ding Cr's defense lawyer's application, and allowed Ding Crab's ex-wife to remain on the witness stand.

The prosecutor bowed slightly and went to the witness stand to start asking, "Witness, why did you leave Ding Crab at first? Is it because he is too poor to support you?"

"No!" Ding Crab's ex-wife shook his head again and again. "I can't bear it even if life is hard and tired, but I can't stand this guy. He is not a person. He is simply a demon, irritable, irritable, and paranoid. Hit me, I really escaped because he couldn't stand it. After escaping, I didn't even dare to wait for Xiang Jiang, so I had to go to Macau to be a dancer. "

There was a sudden uproar in the courtroom. What kind of man can make his wife prefer to be a dancing girl rather than stay with him?

The prosecutor continued to ask, "So why don't you file for divorce? What do you think of being a dancer in Macau? And, has Ding Crab ever found you again in the future?"

"I dare not propose a divorce. If he wants to say that, he will kill me! Although I work hard as a dancer in Macau, it is the happiest day of my years, because I do n’t have to worry about being scolded and beaten by him ... he went later I have been to Macau and I did n’t agree to go back with him, so he splashed me with boiling water, and now I still have scalds left by him at the time. ”Ding Crab ’s ex-wife lifted up her sleeves, revealing the scars on her arm, and exclaimed again at the scene .

"I finally escaped again, but since then I have been having nightmares for several days ... the dreams are all scenes of torture and beating ..."

"Master Judge, through the statements of witnesses, you can prove that the suspect Ding Crab is a person who is mentally paranoid and has a very strong tendency to violence ..." The prosecutor summarized the testimony of Ding Crab's ex-wife, and the jury nodded slightly and agreed. The testimony of Ding Crab's ex-wife moved them.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the defense lawyer immediately responded and immediately began to question why Ding Crab's ex-wife returned to Xiangjiang after disappearing for more than ten years. Since he was so afraid, why did he dare to come back and confront Ding Crab in court?

Ding Crab's ex-wife has long been given the advice of the gold medal invited by Shen Long, answering with reasons such as caring for the child and not having the heart to let Ding Crab affect the child's future.

Then the prosecutor immediately stated that because she was too afraid of Ding Crab, the current mental state of Ding Crab's ex-wife was very bad, and she could not continue to testify in court, requesting her to go to rest first and let the next witness appear.

The judge agreed with the prosecutor's opinion. Ding Crab's ex-wife went down after completing the mission. The second witness was pushed in a wheelchair. He tilted his neck and said something a little unclear.

"This witness was a member of a gang in Treasure Island. After escaping to Treasure Island, Ding Crab clashed with him, and was beaten by Ding Crab to a crippled position. He has not been able to stand up and walk so far. Big head, please tell us you How was it hurt by Ding Crab! "The prosecutor asked.

"I object. This case has nothing to do with this case. I also ask the judge to immediately withdraw this witness!" The defense lawyers protested again. They thought the prosecutor would let Luo Huiling, Fang Zhanbo and others act as witnesses. Their previous preparations were around these People did it, but I didn't expect the other party to move out these unexpected witnesses ~ ~ really beat them by surprise.

"Master Judge, members of the jury, Ding Crab's ex-wife appeared in court to prove Ding Crab's personality characteristics, and Mr. Big Head appeared in court to prove that Ding Crab was extremely destructive, even with bare hands can kill people and Ding Crab It is also very clear that this is crucial to this case. "The prosecutor immediately countered.

"The objection is invalid, please ask the prosecutor to continue to question the witnesses!" The judge again accepted the prosecutor's opinion.

"Yes, Mr. Big Head, can you tell us about your status in the gang and the conflict with Ding Crab?" The prosecutor began to ask normally, and the defense lawyer couldn't help but take out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat. Today He's trial is too bad for him.

"I ... I was 1.83 meters tall and weighed 81 kilograms. I was an out-and-out strong man. I had practiced martial arts in the boxing gymnasium earlier. Because I was able to fight, I became a gang's gold medalist. It is equivalent to the double-flowered red club of the Xiangjiang Community. "Datou first explained his fighting ability in his youth according to the lawyer's instructions.

"Hoo!" Hearing this, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene to see how he looked haggard in a wheelchair. Can you imagine him being so powerful when he was young? And such people are all beaten up by Ding Crab, let alone Fang Jinxin?

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