All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2132: Good situation

"... When practicing in the boxing gym, Mr. Big Head can break ten tiles with one punch, and can endure the thick wooden stick with his arm without being injured!" The lawyer also brought out a stack of photos to prove the big head Combat power, as well as anti-strike ability, these are also found by Shen Long to spend a lot of money, so that the judge and jury can understand the head more intuitively.

"I thought I was already able to fight, until that day when I met Ding Crab, Ding Crab only made one punch, and I couldn't carry it with only one punch, and beat me into paralysis, I was already lying in bed for more than ten There is no way to get up in the year ... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 'This big head cried, and he was so miserable for more than ten years.

"Then you can't blame me. We are all people from rivers and lakes. We have fate in life and death. Besides, haven't I already gone to your house to give you money after I got out of prison?" Ding Xie was anxious and blurted out without paying attention to the lawyer The testimony of the big head was confirmed, and the lawyer said it was speechless with one hand.

Why am I having such an unreliable party? I ’m so difficult. Not only do I have to face an opponent who is stronger than me, but I also meet such a pig teammate. It ’s strange that this lawsuit can win, he Now even the strength of opposition is gone.

Ding Crab's remarks made the scene uproar. He didn't know where to go, and he kept saying, "Originally, it's just that we came out of the mix. If we lost, we lost. You don't care if you don't care about it. They do n’t tell me, although I am an opponent with you, I still appreciate you. After all, I ca n’t stand up with a punch. "

When saying this, Ding Crab felt that his body was hurting again. If I could fight, what would it be to beat me in the detention center every day? At the thought of this, he was eager to stay in court for as long as possible, so he chattered again and again, and Ding Xiao crab reminded him that he did not control him.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Forced the judge to have to strike the mallet, "Suspect, please do not state these things that have nothing to do with the case."

"Hey, Master Judge, this is unfair. Why can he say that I can't do it! I have the right to speak too." Ding Crab's face was not convinced, and he didn't mean to shut up at all.

The judge struck the mallet again, "Warning the suspect, if you continue to disrupt the court order, then I can only declare a temporary recess and condemn you for contempt!"

This time Ding Crab finally stopped talking. He was not scared by the judge, but once he was adjourned, he could only go back and continue to be beaten by Chen Haonan. He also wanted to rest in the court for a while.

"Disputes lawyer, do you have any questions to ask the witnesses?" The court order finally returned to normal, and the judge turned his eyes to the sweaty forehead defense lawyer.

The defense lawyer was not prepared for the appearance of the big head, and the fact that Ding Crab directly satisfies the fact that he had beaten the big head. What else did he have to say? I can only ask a few words such as whether you were attacked by Ding Crab? Was your physical condition good that day? Was he holding a weapon when he hit you, etc.? He wanted to prove that Ding Crab's big head was just an accident. His combat effectiveness was not so good.

However, his fantasies were still broken by the big head. The big head claimed that he had a good body, and he ate two more bowls of rice in the morning. When he went to fight with the crab, he also brought a lot of horses. , Ding Crab bare-handed, but they held weapons like choppers, steel pipes, chains and the like.

But even so, he was still beaten by Ding Crab alone, and his younger brother was injured numerous times. His gold medalist was directly disabled by Ding Crab.

The prosecutor then revealed the evidence again, "Master Judge, members of the jury, please see this pennant. This is the champion pennant of the 1972 Hong Kong Free Fight Championship. You can clearly see that the name of the champion is Ding. Crab. "This pennant was sent by Ding Xiao Crab to encourage Ding Crab.

Unexpectedly, he was snatched by Chen Haonan and found a way to deliver it. Now it is an excellent evidence to prove the powerful fighting ability of Ding Crab. The prosecutor walked to the front of Ding Crab with a pennant. Not yours? Are you the champion of the 1972 Hong Kong Free Fight Championship? "

"Yes, yes, this is the pennant. Wow. At that time, almost all of Xiangjiang ’s combat masters had gone, but they were not my opponents. The vicious woman in the watery Yanghua has left the child and ran away! "Ding Crab ignored the eyes of his own lawyer again and confirmed the evidence again.

"Dad!" Ding Wang Crab is almost speechless, so how can the lawsuit win? Seeing this posture, Ding Xiao Crab had nothing to say, and could only get to Ding Li Crab's ear and whisper, "After the recess today, I will give you another one million, and you continue to send them over."

It seems that the lawsuit won't win, he can only take a backup plan. Fortunately, the death row prisoners in Xiangjiang will automatically get the Queen's amnesty order. Ding Crab is most sentenced to life imprisonment in Stanley Prison. Get these people to give false certificates, get Ding Crab an outsourcing doctor and get him out.

"Defense lawyer, what questions do you have to ask about this exhibit?" The judge looked at Ding Cr's defense lawyer again.

"No problem!" The defense lawyer is now desperate. UU is reading He is just about to prepare to question the authenticity of this exhibit and the authority of this game. If this banner can be described as a fake Or, to describe this game as a pheasant competition with no masters, Ding Crab only won the championship after defeating a group of old and weak and sick.

There is still room for recovery, but what Ding Crab admits is a simple one. It seems that the judges and jury underestimated his combat effectiveness. What does the defense lawyer have to say?

"Hey! How did you become a lawyer? The judge asked you to ask questions. You didn't ask anything. How can you defend me without speaking!" Ding Crab grabbed the iron railing and couldn't help it.

However, the defense lawyer is even more angry than him. What the **** did I do to show you such an unreliable client? This time it is over. This lawsuit will definitely not win. I will also become a Xiangjiang lawyer After talking about it, I am afraid that no one will want to go to court with me. Even if there is a lawyer's fee, it will have to drop significantly.

My career is all over! Blame you idiot! Lawyers are almost crying.

On Shen Long ’s side, there was a beam of joy. Even Luo Huiling, who did n’t know much about the law, could see that the situation in this lawsuit was very good!

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