All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2133: Fierce conflict

At the end of the first court trial, when they came out of the court, the two groups of people formed a diametrically opposite scene. Shen Long was ecstatic and he was greeting the big guys to eat together. "Lawyer David, Lawyer Jin, Lawyer Qiao, do n’t let anyone go , I have a banquet at Fulinmen, let ’s go to dinner first, and then sing to celebrate after dinner! "

On the other hand, the four crabs of the Ding family were bleak and gloomy, and their faces were gloomy. What happened in the court trial just left them in despair. The lawsuit seemed to be unbeatable; this thing was originally that they did not Zhan Li, now Fang Zhanbo has hired such a powerful lawyer, and dug out so many witnesses against them.

Coupled with the magical operation of Ding Crab, his lawyer was beaten down. Judging from the jury members ’reaction, Ding Crab is probably difficult to escape. Now the best result is just what the lawyer said before. Try to make the case a manslaughter, and let Ding Crab stay in jail for a few years.

But Ding Crab is more than 40 years old this year. Even if the crime is convicted of manslaughter and the sentence is reduced as much as possible, then you have to go in for more than ten years and wait for Ding Crab to go out. I am afraid that you are too old. It looks like that; Fang Zhanbo will never let him go to jail with peace of mind. From the banner of the fight champion that the lawyer took out today, it can be seen that the two boys Fang Zhanbo and Hong Xing must have a relationship.

The two of them would also commit something to the Stanley Prison, and the Crab Crab would have been put down with blood mold, and it would be beaten to death at most in a year; If you do n’t go to Stanley Prison, the character of Ding Crab will not be divided safely in it. Fighting and fighting are absolutely indispensable.

When he was imprisoned in Baodao, he could still fight with those prisoners with his young strength, but seeing how he is now being tortured by the two Hongxing boys? After all, he is old, and when his physical strength is weak, he can only be beaten every day when he enters again.

"Let's go back!" Ding Xiao Crab glanced at the cheerful Shen Long, and went back with the remaining three crabs, ready to discuss the next plan.

After the banquet for these lawyers, Shen Long went home and discussed with them the key points of the next court trial. Everyone was very optimistic about the case, and felt that their own victory has been secure.

Shen Long did not carelessly, after sending them away, he once again communicated with the security company, asking them to strengthen the protection of Luo Huiling, Fang Fang, Fang Ting and Fang Min, and comforted them, "Xiao Min, you are now The university is about to take the exam, do n’t worry about these things, just concentrate on the review; A Fang and Ting Ting, you two do n’t think the bodyguard is uncomfortable with him. Ding Xiao crab is anxious, but he can jump into the wall! "

Hey, when thinking of the court trial in the TV series, Fang Zhanbo took Fang Minquan A's transcript to show everyone the scene, Shen Long felt sad for a while, how good girl, how can I let Ding Yi crab the king of **** harm? I must protect this simple little girl.

There are also Fang Fang and Fang Ting. These two girls were thrown upstairs by the staff of Zhongqingshe. They are so old and so young, but now they are well. With their own protection, they will never be in trouble.

"Tingting, did Taotao call you recently? When will he come back?" Shen Long asked Fang Ting that Chen Taotao had returned to the United States to deal with the resignation.

"He said he wanted to come back in advance, I didn't agree, let's wait for him to deal with the work and then come back, anyway, there is a big brother, you are here, we will definitely win this case!" Fang Ting said generously, but did not conceal Contact with Chen Taotao.

"A Fang, you need to hurry up, don't let Tingting get married before you!" Shen Long took the opportunity to tease Fang Fang.

"Qi, what's the big deal? In the future, Xiaomin and I will be Tingting's bridesmaids!" Fang Fang immediately changed the topic. "It's you, Amei and Jiwen are good girls. Which one do you choose? Set it down so as not to delay others! "

Children only make choices. Of course, adults need them. Shen Long smiled and said nothing, and continued to wonder how to convince them to be good sisters.

During the court trial, Ding Xiao Crab and his three younger brothers and lawyers visited Ding Crab again. When they met Ding Crab, they complained all the time, "Son, are the lawyers you are looking for at all? See if they are asked by the prosecutor in court. Like a fool, the judge is not fair. He always stands on the side of the Fang family. Why is the world targeting me? "

Several lawyers are speechless at the same time. If you were not talking nonsense in the court, can we be so passive? It's better now, you even complained about us?

"Son, I do n’t think it ’s better to defend myself. You do n’t have to waste money on them. You let people send me a few legal books to come in. I look good myself!" Ding Crab was very disappointed with these lawyers. , Intending to defend himself.

"Dad!" Ding Wang Crab was anxious and asked the lawyer to do the same. Do you still want to defend yourself? Speaking of Ding Wang Crab and Ding Li Crab, they are both talents. Everyone knows how difficult it is to test the qualifications of Xiangjiang ’s lawyers and doctors, but they only got their certificates in their early twenties. They are definitely young talents. A dad, the future is worrying.

"Dad, I listen to you!" Ding Xiao crab raised his hand to stop them, anyway, he no longer put his hopes on the court trial ~ ~ After the visit, Ding Wang crab complained, " Boss, how do you promise your dad to defend himself, because of his temper, the judge and the jury must be mad at him! "

"Then what do you want me to do? The lawyer we hired is not their opponent at all!" Ding Xiao crab was ruthless. "But those witnesses are not important. The most important thing is the Fang family. As long as they can scare them, Dad Debate can win! "

"Boss, don't you really plan to fight against them?" Ding Yi crab was afraid. Fang's family is now a rich man.

"The barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, I don't believe they dare to spare!" Ding Xiao crab immediately began to direct his men to prepare for the action, Ding Yi crab was trembling, but now it was not ten years ago. The trash bin picked up the leftover child, and he also put on his shoes and became the boss of the Zhongqingshe. If you let him work hard with others, he wouldn't dare to spare.

That night, Ling's ice cream shop was splashed with paint, the glass was smashed, and gunshots sounded outside the villa in Repulse Bay.

Since you want to make a big noise, then make a big noise. Shen Long doesn't mind the conflict becoming more intense.

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