All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2134: I plead not guilty

"Ding Xiao Crab was too arrogant and didn't even put our Xiangjiang Police Force in his eyes! He even dared to harass even the shops of the police's family members! Zhuo sir ordered not to beat the Zhongqingshe, our Xiangjiang Police Force How can I raise my head in the future! "Huang Zhicheng was furious in the courtyard of the serious case team.

"Today everyone will be thrown out, and the Chazhong Youth Club, O Ji will also cooperate with us. Even blue lanterns that have not yet joined the club should be checked. The detention centers in Kowloon and Wanchai have been vacated to detain the Zhongqing She ’s horses. Tsai. "This time, the Zhongqing Society can be said to have touched the scale of the police force, and the enemy is at odds with each other, and multiple departments have joined forces to prepare a lesson for the Zhongqing Society.

O Ke is a "section" of the "Crime Department" of the police headquarters of the Xiangjiang Police Force. The official name of "O Ke" is "Organized Crime and Triad Bureau" (English is Organised Crime and Triad Bureau), the English abbreviation is "OCTB" It is an organization set up by the police force specifically for the Xiangjiang community, and they will definitely make the Zhongqingshe look good.

"Yes, sir!" All the policemen paid their respects, and the Zhongqingshe even dared to harass the family members of the police force. They also suffocated the fire. Huang Zhicheng ordered them to come out of the police station and fill the street. The search for Chung Ching She ’s men and women, regardless of whether they committed a crime or not, brought them back to the police force and shut down for a day.

As long as they dig out their crimes, no matter whether they fight or fight, or even extortion, even thieves must be punished by the law, and be detained at the fastest speed.

And Shen Long was not idle, he immediately asked reporters to conduct on-site interviews, but his electronics factory put a lot of advertisements in the newspapers, and they are the big winners. Now that the big winners are in trouble, how can these media be possible? Not help? Besides, the Ding Crab case has become a hotspot in Xiangjiang's public opinion. Even if Shen Long doesn't speak, they want to grab the news.

"Now, this is where the gunshots were fired last night! Dear reporters, what is this place? This is Repulse Bay! The famous high-end residential area in Xiangjiang has always been in good condition. Now there are shooting cases in Repulse Bay. Will they go to the Taiping Mountain to make trouble? Will they shoot the Governor's Mansion? "Shen Long had no opinion about shooting the Governor's Mansion. They might as well kill the Governor.

"Even the safety of Repulse Bay cannot be guaranteed, which shows how arrogant the Zhongqing Society is and how they are rampant in other parts of Xiangjiang!" Shen Longyi was filled with condemnation.

After that, they took them to the door of Sister Ling's ice cream shop. The paint at the door had not been cleaned, and the glass was not replaced. However, the shop was still packed full, and they came to support Luo Huiling's police force with action.

"A sir, why is this store like this, and you still come here to eat ice cream?" The reporter immediately went to interview.

"Once, this is to show our attitude. The Xiangjiang police will not be intimidated by the arrogance of criminals, do n’t they want to make trouble? Can they come now! Secondly, is Ling Ling doing ice cream really well? Eat, and also welcome the people of Xiangjiang to come and taste, to ensure that everyone wants to eat the first time and the second time. "In addition to expressing his attitude, this one also helped Sister Ling play an advertisement.

With so many policemen gathered together and still carrying guns, the society went crazy for trouble at this time. The reporter slandered, but on the surface, he praised their behavior.

That evening, the Evening News and the TV station reported this news. The behavior of the Zhongqing Society aroused the indignation of the people of Quanxiangjiang. They were originally tired of the various organizations that were permeable in Xiangjiang, but they did not dare to speak out on weekdays. Encountered an opportunity to use Zhongqingshe to vent their grievances, how can they let go?

Some people even came to the police station to actively report the illegal activities of the Zhongqingshe, and the police got the evidence and quickly arrested several key members of the Zhongqingshe.

After dealing with the reporter, Shen Long came to the police force again, found Zhuo Jingquan, and donated a large sum of money to the police force on behalf of himself and some wealthy people who had business dealings with him. These were all legal and compliant and helped Zhuo Jing Quan brushed up a wave of prestige, and the money solved many problems for ordinary policemen, so they worked harder.

"Big brother, the Zhongqing Society is in big trouble now. The police are catching the Zhongqing Society. They do n’t even dare to take the guy out. Why do n’t we take this opportunity to take down Wanchai? The site can be more than doubled. "The pheasant took the opportunity to encourage the big brother B to launch a bigger attack on the Zhongqingshe.

"Such a big thing can't be solved by me alone. You must inform Mr. Jiang and get shots with other big brothers, but in this case, you must allocate some of the Wanchai site to them." Big Brother B I also think this is a good opportunity to expand my own strength.

"They want to get it by themselves. It's the rules of the rivers and lakes. Whoever grabs it is the one who gets it! Don't worry, gangster, when I get out, I have to grab a few more streets for the gangster to come back!" The pheasant snapped his chest.

"You and Honan are capable. I know, how can such a big thing leave you both?" Gangster B patted the pheasant's shoulder affectionately, "Honan is coming out soon, and when he comes out, we will be loyal Youth club, if you two can make a contribution this time, I will promote you to become a red stick and give you a lot of territory! "

"Thank you guys!" There was a little surprise in the eyes of the pheasant ~ ~ How long after joining the club, you can become a red stick. This is all thanks to the master teaching us kung fu, giving us money to let us collect the younger brother, the big brother, otherwise it would be so fast.

Gang B went to Jiang Tiansheng for a meeting with his trusted friends. Jiang Tiansheng was also prepared for this matter, and immediately summoned Hongxing Twelve FIT people. These gangs also knew the dilemma faced by Zhongqingshe and all supported In the war with the Zhongqingshe, some people even suggested that Ding Xiao Crab killed Zhou Jisheng's wife, which would allow Zhou Jisheng's horses to come to trouble Zhongqingshe.

The people in Jiucheng District, FIT, are the most active in their eyes, because his site is intertwined with that of the Zhongqingshe. If he can defeat the Zhongqingshe, his strength will be greatly expanded.

At the same time, Ding Crab was in the detention center and was seriously preparing to defend himself with the law book. He now thought he could convince the judge and jury by his own words.

"I ... no guilty, I don't confess, I don't ... confess guilty ..." Ding Crab practiced his speech over and over again in the mirror.

"Acknowledge your mother! Noisy!" However, Chen Haonan was soon kicked to the ground.

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