All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2146: Outrageous

When the father and son of the Ding family were crying in the visiting room, Shen Long was entertaining Chen Taotao at home. He had returned from the United States after completing the separation procedures. Apart from himself, even the entire team under him had been brought over These people are all experienced and sophisticated stock elites. With their participation, Shen Long's securities companies will inevitably rise in strength.

"Tao, I welcome you very much. I wo n’t say much else. What you will do at Tongbao Bank will only be high or low when you come to me! When the company makes money, the bonus will be indispensable, and there will be equity incentives in the future. Everyone can do it boldly; besides the Xiangjiang stock market, you should also take advantage of your familiarity with the US stock market and start investing in the US stock market! "Shen Long plans to cut American chives.

What is the skill of cutting the leeks of Xiangjiang people in Xiangjiang? You should make American money, and then use the American funds to develop the Xiangjiang economy, instead of using some real estate to squeeze the Xiangjiang people, and then use the hard-earned money of the Xiangjiang people to invest in the European and American markets.

Well, after a while, I might be able to find Shen Bi of the HSBC Bank and pull him together to do this business. If I just cut so many leeks in the United States, I might not be able to bring the money back to Xiangjiang. Shen Bi is different. The influence of the British financial circle in the United States is greater than it is.

Shen Bi spent US $ 3.1 billion two years ago to purchase 51% of the shares of the Bank of America, and he can use this platform for financing; before that, he was also trying to recruit Chinese capital to enter the HSBC board of directors. Wei Jia achieved his recommendation in his recommendation. Join in below, you may be able to use this opportunity to occupy a seat in it.

If it was before, this thing is definitely not easy to handle. Shen Bi is a loyal running dog of the British, always guarding against the rise of Xiangjiang Industry, but now Shen Bi is about to retire, and he should plan for his life after retirement. By the way, many things that used to be difficult to do may now be able to be slightly slit.

Besides, Dapu ’s industrial park is still under construction, and its main assets are still on the stock market. Perhaps Shen Bi thinks he is also a financier who only knows how to **** blood?

Chen Taotao did not know that Shen Long thought so much in an instant, he introduced his team members to Shen Long one by one, and then began to apologize, "Mr. Fang, I am really embarrassed. When you were in a lawsuit, I was busy in the United States. In dealing with matters of resignation, I haven't paid much attention to the affairs of Xiangjiang, otherwise I will definitely come back to help you. "

"Why is Mr. Fang so formal, and now it's home and not a company, please let me show the fair; this lawsuit is just a trivial matter, I can handle it myself, without your trouble." Shen Long pulled Chen Taotao Sitting on the sofa, Fang Ting came out to give them tea, and then sat down to listen to them chat, she was also very happy to see Chen Taotao come back.

"There will be more things to trouble you in the future. After all, Uncle Tian is old. You need to help him share more in the company's daily management. I will only dominate the general direction of the company. You have to worry about specific matters. In the future, I will focus my main energy on the industry! "Shen Long will tell Chen Taotao in advance of the global stock market trend, and he and Ye Tian will handle the specific operations.

"I also want to take this opportunity to learn more from Uncle Tian and Uncle Tian!" Chen Taotao was also very happy to hear Shen Long's intention to reuse himself, and said humbly.

"When I go to the company on Monday, I will officially announce that you will take up the post of vice president of the company. The people you bring are arranged by yourself." The company also has the staff recruited by Ye Tian and Shen Long. You do n’t have to worry about being overruled by him, "Oh, yes, since Tingting is your assistant, it should naturally be arranged by you."

"This ... isn't that right? Miss Fang is your sister after all, she works under my staff ..." Chen Taotao certainly welcomes this decision, but there is still a little worry, he went to work in Fang's company, Tingting Will it treat me like before?

"What's wrong with this? Tingting isn't the second-generation ancestors. If I were to beg her, she wouldn't want to come to work in the company. She had wanted to try other companies; she had just graduated. When studying, you can rest assured that you are teaching her. "Shen Long said, looking at Fang Ting," Ting Ting, do you mean it? "

"Yes, surging, my brother is my brother, I am me, you don't have to think too much about how we got along before, and how we get along in the future!" Fang Ting nodded again and again.

"Okay, let's not talk about these work matters. Amei and Sister Ling have already prepared their meals. Let's go to dinner!" At the dinner table, Shen Long introduced Chen Taotao to his two colleagues. "Taotao Let me introduce to you, this is my secretary, Miss Ruan Mei, and this is my assistant, Miss Long Jiwen. Please cooperate well in the future. "

During this time, Shen Long also persuaded Long Jiwen to come over and help herself. She has more experience in this area and can help herself handle many things.

Hey, elder brother is good at everything, just spend some time, A Mei and Ji Wen are good girls, but he always hanged them, and he refused to make a choice, Fang Ting looked at these two girls ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ secretly sighed in my heart; but these two girls are really difficult to choose, it is not appropriate to give up that one.

It's weird. In general, shouldn't Mei and Jiwen become enemies in this situation? Why is their relationship so good? Looking at Long Jiwen and Ruan Mei talking and laughing at the dinner table, Fang Ting was puzzled.

She knew there that Shen Long's experience in dealing with women's issues was very rich, and she only needed to use some small means to get in touch with Ruan Mei and Long Jiwen at the same time without causing disputes between them.

She told Long Jiwen that Ruan Mei had a congenital heart disease, and he probably died when he didn't want to make Ruan Mei sad; to Ruan Mei, Long Jiwen lost the warmth of his family since childhood and was a lonely child. She took care of Long Jiwen a little bit more, and the two girls were fooled.

After eating, Shen Long and Chen Taotao and Ye Tian went to the study room to discuss work matters. When they officially went to work on Monday, Shen Long announced Chen Taotao's appointment. He officially joined Shenlong's company.

After a few days, the pheasant called from Stanley Prison and reported to him an urgent news that had just happened. After listening to the words of the pheasant, Shen Long felt a little surprised. Ah, what should I do next?

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