All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2147: Ding crab out of prison

During the visit that day, when I saw the haggard appearance of my dad and my younger brother, Ding Xiao crab's heart hurt to the utmost. "Dad, fourth son, I will definitely save you out!" Ding Xiao crab lost his eyes to Ding Li crab. If you read this high-end technique of looking at eyes, you don't expect Ding Crab. Ding Li Crab receives thoughtful thoughts.

Haosheng calmed down and sent some more things. Ding Xiao Crab, Ding Yi Crab and Ding Wang Crab went back, Ding Crab brought Ding Li Crab back to the prison, and then was bullied by pheasant. "Wow, it's so polite, and when I went out, he brought us gifts."

These things fell into the hands of the pheasant indiscriminately. Ding Crab suffered a bit of beating a little slower, and then the pheasant distributed the things to everyone. "Never be welcome, the old man brought you a gift, everyone. Take it all... Oops, old man, I'm really embarrassed. I accidentally finished it. I forgot to leave some for you, doesn't it matter?"

"It's okay, it's okay, brother Pheasant is happy!" What can Ding Crab say? Is it to give it back to yourself? This is obviously impossible!

"Yeah, is that ridiculous? That's good, old man, everyone has been working hard in it. Tomorrow you will go out and get us something back! We don't need much, just like today. Okay!" The pheasant wouldn't let go of the crabs so easily, he started to make trouble again.

Ding Crab’s father and son were dumbfounded, and Ding Xiao Crab was not able to visit every day. The time and number of visits to prisoners at Stanley Prison are specified. This visit is over. I don’t know if I want to visit next time. When will you wait until you ask them to find gifts from there tomorrow?

Ding crab quickly begged for mercy, "Brother Pheasant, you have a large number of people, just spare us this time, next month...I will give you gifts again next month at most?"

"Next month? What a joke? Are we going to make us hungry tomorrow?" The pheasant just took the opportunity to take the trouble, stepped forward to grab the collar of Ding Crab, stretched out his slap and pulled his face, "Come out and mix Yes, you have to count the words, and you will have to say tomorrow if you want it. If you don’t send it tomorrow, I will let them turn your son!"

"Dad, help!" Ding Li crab cried again, clutching her **** tightly, fearing that they would be stabbed and blossomed, and the life inside was too miserable?

"Hahahaha!" The prisoners in the cell looked at the crying father and son, and laughed. The scumbag likes to treat others' pain as happiness.

On the second day, the pheasant came to trouble them, "Hey, old man, go out and get us gifts now? Why do you still stay in bed? Are you looking down on us?"

"Brother pheasant, I really can't help it! You also know that the visiting time for everyone in the prison is stipulated. I won't have the chance to meet my son until next month. When I let them send more in!" Ding Crab begged for mercy, and Ding Crab's face grew paler.

"Hello, everyone has limited visit time, but how much are you loyal youth clubs? Let your little brother go out for a visit every day, and then bring the gift back?" Pheasant is quite smart, so you can think of this way. Come out, but it’s good that Ding Xiao crab can come and see his dad, then there is still time to come and visit his subordinates every day?

Didn't get the gift he wanted, Ding Crab and his son were beaten again, and Ding Crab was stripped of his clothes, scaring him into a trembling shivering, Ding Crab worked hard to save his son Unfortunately, he couldn't beat the pheasant. He was beaten down by the pheasant with three punches and two feet. He couldn't get up on the ground. He could only watch the group of perverts discuss his body around Ding Crab.

"Wow, this kid's **** is quite upright, just like the old girl, and the skin is also good, if it feels from the back, it will be no different from finding a girl at Bowlan Street!"

"It makes sense, after waiting for this guy to go out, let him go to work on Bowlan Street. Thirteen sisters definitely want this kind of person, maybe this guy can still be the top card!" This looks like Hongxing people.

"Dad, save me, save me!" Ding Li crab curled up desperately. These people's eyes lashed at him like a whip, making him feel unprecedented pain and shame.

After some days, during this time, the father and son of Ding Crab were tortured by the pheasant every day. The pheasant tossed them with different patterns, and the Ding Crab and Ding Crab were tormented more and more.

Finally, it was time to let go of the wind. The pheasant went to say hello to Jiang Tianyang. The father and son of Ding Crab had a rare moment of freedom. Just when they were going to find a place to bask in the sun and enjoy this rare freedom, a new Zhongqing The younger brother of the club secretly leaned over to them, "Boss, Lige, Boss, let me bring you words!"

Then Ding Crab and Ding Crab whispered into their ears, and Ding Crab's lips began to tremble, and Ding Crab's hands and feet tremble. "No, is that what Brother said so? Is there no other way?"

"No, now the Independent Commission Against Corruption is focusing on Stanley Prison very tightly. No one dares to help us at all. The boss can't find as many people as he can. It's the only way!" said the younger brother.

"Dad, what should I do now? I really can't do it!" Dingli Crab looked at Ding Crab pitifully.

"Son, staying inside can only be beaten every day. At most, we will be tortured to death by that kind of Since this is not as good as this! We did it before we came back," Ding Crab was so stiff that he left Ding Li Crab immediately.

They found a place, shattered the glass, Ding Crab grabbed a handful of broken glass, and handed it to the mouth of Ding Li crab. "Come on, fourth son, we can go out after swallowing this."

"No, dad, no!" Ding Li crab dare to play so hard? The subconscious is about to flinch.

"Fourth, you will die if you don't swallow it! Hey, dad will help you!" Ding Crab simply grabbed Ding Li crab, opened his mouth and stuffed the broken glass into it, Then he swallowed a bite.

The little brother next to him waited a little while and saw them holding their stomachs and started vomiting blood. Then they started calling for help, "Help, help, someone committed suicide!"

After a while, the killer rushed over with the prison guards and saw the scene suddenly yelled, "Don't, even playing this set, you better hurt enough not to come back, otherwise you will look good in the future!"

Then the father and son of Ding Crab were rushed to the hospital, and this time they might be really released from prison.

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