All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2148: Fatty Crab

"Doctor, how is my father and my brother? Can it be cured?" Ding Xiao crab brought his two young brothers to the hospital in Stanley Prison again. His mood is quite complicated now, both worried about Ding Crab and Ding Li Crab was scratched by the glass and his internal organs could not be cured. He was afraid that their injuries were too light and he could not be released on bail. He had to return to the cell.

"The situation is not very good. Now we are being rescued by surgery. We are doing our best to save their lives." The doctor replied one at a time, daring not to have any tendencies in the language. Was the stolen money confiscated, was he expelled from public office and put in prison, he didn't want to do the same.

The doctor said a few words and left. Ding Yi crab anxiously asked, "Boss, will this work? Daddy and the fourth shouldn't...should they die?"

"Then what do you ask me to do?" Ding Xiao Crab was in full swing recently, and he was under the most pressure on this matter. The second child was so indifferent. He said, "Dad and the old man are beaten every day. They can’t eat enough to sleep well. How long do you see them going in? They have lost so much! At most there will be another two or three months, and they will be beaten by Hongxing. The **** is tortured to death! What can I do besides doing this?"

"Boss, the second child doesn't mean that, he just worried about his dad and the fourth son!" Ding Wang crab quickly played the round field, and comforted them by the way, "It should be okay, okay, the fourth son himself is a doctor, he must know how Only by doing so can the injury meet the requirements of bail without harming his life."

He knew there that the Ding Crab wasn’t swallowed by himself, but that the Ding Crab stuffed him hard, and even if he stepped back 10,000 steps, even a good doctor couldn’t guarantee that he would swallow the broken glass. The specific injury?

The three brothers waited anxiously outside the emergency room. After a while, the doctor came out in a hurry. "Several gentlemen, the patient's injuries are really serious. Many pieces of broken glass hurt their internal organs. Our hospital has no way. To complete such a meticulous operation, you must be sent to a better hospital for emergency treatment!"

"Then hurry and send it over! What are you doing standing here? The ambulance will use the helicopter when it's too late. All the expenses will be counted as ours!" Ding Xiao crab immediately shouted.

The doctor couldn't breathe with him, and immediately went to contact other hospitals. While Ding Xiao Crab and other people were in a terrified wait, a helicopter landed on the top of the building. The doctor and the nurse quickly sent the Ding Crab and Ding Xiao Crab up. Helicopter, the helicopter flew towards the best hospital in Xiangjiang, Ding Xiao crab they quickly got on the car and chased the helicopter towards there, continually running through the red lights, and finally rushed to the hospital, leaving the younger brother to blame, the three brothers quickly rushed Went in.

At this time, Ding Crab and Ding Li Crab had been sent to the emergency room. A nurse bravely stopped them. "You guys, you can't go in."

"What happened to my dad and younger brother? I warn you, if my dad and younger brother have three long and two short, I will burn your hospital!" Ding Yi crab rushed forward and said.

"Linda, call the police and say someone is threatening us!" A ghost came out. "I also warn you that even the Hong Kong Governor must come to our hospital for medical treatment. This is not a place where you can spread wild!"

"I'm sorry, sir, my brother just cares too much about his family's condition. He is a rough man. Please forgive me for saying the wrong thing!" Ding Xiao crab can only come over and whisper to say good things. The hospital with such a solid background really provokes him Sorry.

"Second child, do you want to go in and want to suffer the same crime as your dad and fourth son?" Ding Li crab quickly pulled Ding Yi crab, "Apologize to this doctor and nurse!"

"I'm sorry, I'm too anxious, please forgive me!" Ding Yi crab lowered his head and apologized to them for confessing their mistakes. At this time, he could not admonish him. If people call the police, the police will really come to arrest themselves. When he went to the detention center, Hongxing's people might follow him, tormenting him like a tortoise and a crab.

"Remember, since you are in the hospital, you must listen to the doctors and nurses. You must not allow loud noise and threaten the medical staff, otherwise we will call the police immediately!" This is a private hospital, not a public hospital in the Mainland. Ding Yi crab is wild here? After a few words of training, the doctor let them go temporarily.

"Now pay the surgery fee. This time it is Professor Smith who is the chief surgeon of the patient. His surgery fee is very expensive!" The doctor waved his hand and asked Ding Xiao crab to pay them.

Even if Ding Xiao Crab had already been psychologically prepared, after seeing the details of the operation fee, he still couldn't help but rely on it, which is too expensive, is this a hospital or a robbery, but he has no way at all, only Can pay according to the details listed on the list, and then hurriedly returned to the emergency room, waiting anxiously.

"The operation situation is not optimistic. Multiple pieces of broken glass scratched the internal organs of the patient, and even penetrated the internal organs. It was necessary to take out the pieces of broken glass with delicate techniques. The operation is very difficult and time-consuming. It may be accompanied by multiple complications such as excessive blood loss and infection. You'd better prepare yourself." The doctor just told them to come back and remind him.

"Doctor, can you give a definite answer, can my dad and my younger brother be saved!" Ding Xiao crab was more and more afraid.

"Everything depends on God's bless these unfortunate patients!" The doctor did not give a definite answer, but drew a cross on his chest.

Ding Xiao Crab fell to their knees helplessly and began to pray to the gods and gods in the sky, "Bless the Bodhisattva, bless Wong Tai Sin. If my dad and younger brother can be saved, I will rebuild your body."

A doctor who believes in God can't help but show his disgusted expression. This is a church hospital. What is the matter of praying to other gods in the church hospital? So he shook his hand and went to the office next to him to rest.

I don’t know how long I waited, but Professor Smith finally came out of the emergency room with a tired look. The three brothers Ding Xiao crab immediately surrounded them, "How are my doctor, my father and my brother?"

"The patient's body is very healthy and the operation is relatively smooth. Now all the broken glass has been cleaned and sutured, and the patient has been temporarily out of danger." The doctor said.

"Thank goodness!" Ding Xiao crab softened and nearly collapsed to the ground.

"Then my brother!" Ding Wang crab quickly asked.

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