All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2149: Dingli crab hung up

"Yes, doctor, my brother!" Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Yi Crab also reacted from the surprise. Why did the doctor only talk about the disease of Ding Crab, but not Ding Li Crab at all?

"Unfortunately, because the patient's Dingli crab swallowed broken glass more violently, swallowed more broken glass, and the time it was sent to the hospital was too late, so despite our best efforts, we still failed To save Mr. Dingli Crab's life, Mr. Dingli Crab passed away because of multiple pieces of broken glass, causing massive bleeding and unfortunately passed away. May his soul rest in heaven!" The doctor drew a cross on his chest.

Dingli Crab is not as good as Ding Crab. He was also panicked. If he did it himself, he wouldn't swallow so much broken glass at once. He still has 18 months in prison. The bail requirements are definitely not as strict as that of diced crabs.

But who made him so timid to dare to come by himself, and then put on such an unreliable father like Ding Crab? It was so vain to give away his life.

"Oldest four!" The three brothers Ding Xiao Crab, Ding Yi Crab, and Ding Wang Crab suddenly collapsed to the ground and howled to cry, although they were all scumbags, but the four brothers lived together since childhood. That feeling is really good.

Professor Smith shook his head. As a doctor, the scene of life and death was too much to see. The grief of Ding Xiao crab and others did not impress him. "Mr. Ding Crab has been transported to the intensive care unit for placement. He has not completely detached. During the dangerous period, it will take some time to observe, and even after recovery, the patient's body may not be comparable to the previous one!"

The three brothers of the Ding family cried bitterly, and Shen Long was still calling, "Since Ding Crab and his son are so ruthless, they should not return to Stanley Prison. I called Haonan and asked him to send someone to fight you right away. To replace you, while Ding Xiao Crab is busy with these things, continue to grab the territory of Zhongqingshe."

"No problem, Master, I've been suffocating in it for a long time." The pheasant showed a happy look and was finally able to regain his freedom. When he defeated the Zhongqingshe completely, when the time comes, he and I will have the greatest credit. Won't you give yourself a few more street sites? In addition, Jiang Tianyang was about to be released from prison. Having had a good relationship with him in the prison, after going out, Hou Nan and I were inside Hongxing, but there was one more big backer, and the days of development are coming soon.

Hanging up the phone of the pheasant, Shen Long thought about it and called Li Guang again, "Brother Guang, I heard that Ding Crab and his son were devastating themselves in the prison. What is the specific situation now?"

"I just asked my colleague from the prison police. According to them, Ding Crab passed away because of his injuries, and Ding Crab seems to have come back from the rescue." Li Guangke, a rising star in the police force, has won a lot of success. The appreciation of the two big brothers, Jing Quan and Huang Zhicheng, can be described as promising. This kind of thing is just a phone call.

"Wow, I don't know what would happen if Ding Crab's white-haired man sent black-haired people? By the way, Brother Guang, in this case, can Ding Crab be released on bail?" From the Ding Crab.

"It depends on his physical condition whether he is allowed to continue to serve his sentence. Generally speaking, he was so injured and his son died. For humanitarian reasons, he should be allowed to be released on bail! Zhanbo, You can rest assured, even if he comes out, my colleagues in the police force and I will certainly protect you!" Li Guang thought Shen Long worried that Ding Crab was in trouble, so he comforted.

"Of course I can trust Guang Guang! Then I won't disturb you! Let me tell Afang, Tingting and Xiaomin about this news!" Shen Long hung up the phone and told her family.

"This is also a retribution! It really deserved it. At that time, he killed our dad, and now he killed his son with his own hands. God is fair! Of course, we should celebrate this kind of good thing. Let's drink a few glasses later! "Fang Fang has already started preparing to find wine to celebrate.

"Which young son, Dingli Crab, died? Is he a doctor? It's a pity that he died at such a young age!" Fang Ting was sympathetic. How to say that Dingli Crab was also a playmate of their siblings when they were young.

"What is pitiful? He is a doctor on the surface, but he is actually helping Ding Xiao Crab in the drug business. This guy does not know how many people have been killed. I think this time it must be unsightly for God. Fuck him!" Shen Long debunked the true face of Ding Li Crab and suddenly let Fang Ting's sympathy disappear.

"They don't have a good thing with the father and son of the Ding family. Unfortunately, God is not fair, and they didn't take the Ding Crab! Tingting, you forgot how the four brothers were so fierce at the gate of the court that day?" Fang Fang reminded.

Why did you kill Ding Crab so early? Let him watch the four sons die one by one before they are addicted. Dingli crab is only the first, followed by Dingwang crab, Ding Yi crab and Ding Xiao crab, four of their brothers died in the TV series. It's too fast, the impact force on Ding Crab is not enough, it should die slowly one by one, it is appropriate for Ding Crab to continue to suffer.

"Call Sister Ling and let her go home to dinner with Brother Guang at night, we have to celebrate and celebrate!" Such a happy thing is naturally celebrated. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

So in the evening Ruan Mei and Ting Ting made a big table dish. The big guys got together to drink and celebrate. They were all very happy. Shen Long smiled and murmured secretly in his heart. This is just the beginning. Everyone is happy.

"What should I do? What should I do now? Fortunately, Dad is still in a coma, if the boss wakes up and can't see the fourth..." In the hospital, Ding Yi crab hurriedly circled outside the ward, Ding Xiao crab said nothing The hair looked at the Ding Crab inside through the window, and Ding Wang Crab went out to prepare for Ding Li Crab.

He and Dingli Crab are the youngest children in the family. Since childhood, they have been studying together and going to college together, inspiring each other to rely on the certificate. Dingli Crab is dead. Perhaps he is the saddest? But now he is not allowed to be too sad, because in addition to Dingli crab's aftermath, he also has to go through the bail procedures for Ding crab.

Ding Xiao Crab and Ding Yi Crab spent the whole night outside. Until the next morning, Ding Crab finally opened his eyes, and the brothers quickly went in and came to the bed of Ding Crab.

"Son, have I been rescued by a doctor?" Ding Crab's voice was unprecedentedly weak, and the operation also hurt him. He looked subconsciously, but did not see Ding Crab, "The fourth son went there ?"

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