All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2155: Acquire 5 Crabs

After the all-day transaction ended, Wu crab Group lost 83 million, more than 20 million more than the 62 million in the TV series. The reason for this is that Chen Taotao is now working for Shen Long, although Shen Long Most of the funds were transferred to the US stock market, but Chen Taotao still has more funds than he had.

He turned out to be just a senior wage earner. How much capital can he have just to start a business? Now that Shen Long, a big man, is naturally different when leaning against a mountain, Shen Long casually throws him more money than his life savings.

Chen Taotao did not disappoint Shen Long. He only used a small amount of capital to make a lot of profits for Shen Long. Of the more than 80 million yuan lost by Wu Crab Group, more than 60 million went to Shen Long’s company.

Today happened to be Friday and the stock market was closed on the weekends. After work, Shen Long took Chen Taotao and they went home to celebrate. "Haha, Ding Xiao crab worked hard for more than ten years. With such a small amount of money, the result is now fine, and most of it is given to us!"

"Collect some interest first, and let them go bankrupt in the future!" Chen Taotao is now full of enthusiasm. He did not make a similar amount of money, but this time he not only made money, but also revenge for his favorite people. same.

"According to the current speed, when Monday, the funds of the Five Crab Group should be used up, then we can start the acquisition of the Five Crab Group. I don’t know that Ding Xiao Crab saw that his hard-working industry has become What would it feel like to others?" Ye Tian also happily took a drink.

"Monday's plan is to be changed, and it is not possible to continue to use the same means to acquire the Five Crab Group!" Shen Long splashed cold water on them, and he showed the data he collected to Chen Taotao and Ye Tian, ​​"According to the data It shows that in the past week, the big brothers in the US stock market have withdrawn, and Buffett and Soros have withdrawn their own funds. Soros even started to short the Dow Jones Index in reverse. What should it mean to you?"

"Stock market crash!" Ye Tian suddenly changed his face. He was also a person who experienced the stock market crash in 1985, and he was very impressed. "The New York stock market has always been the vane of the global stock market. If the New York stock market crashes, the Xiangjiang stock market will be affected. It’s awful, I don’t know how many people are going to jump off the building this time!"

"I have contacted the reporter to prepare to publish my research results on the weekend, but the Xiangjiang stock market is so strong right now, I am afraid not many people can listen to it!" Shen Long sighed. The Americans did not care about life and death. Xiangjiang people still have to take care of it Yes, this can be regarded as a continuation of Fang Jinxin’s new design, to make a good impression on the people of Xiangjiang. With a good reputation, it will be convenient to do many things in the future. He doesn’t just want to be a rich man.

“The current bubble in the Xiangjiang stock market is indeed very serious.” After such a reminder from Shen Long, Chen Taotao also reacted. “Now the Hang Seng Index is close to 4,000 points. In fact, the value of the Hang Seng Index is currently at most 3,200 points. However, most of them are bubbles at 800 points, and many stocks that were originally worth only five or six cents have been fired into blocks, which has more than ten times turned over. Even without the influence of the New York stock market, it will crash sooner or later!"

"Then what do we do on Monday? Stop the acquisition of the Five Crab Group?" Ye Tian asked. Their original plan was not only to make the Ding Crab lose money, but also to take the Five Crab Group.

"Of course we have to continue to buy, but we have to change the plan, and buy it when the stock crashes. At that time, the price of Wu crab Group will inevitably drop to the lowest point!" It can be acquired for a dime. Why should the company spend a dollar? Although I have a lot of money, it cannot be wasted like this.

The next day, Shen Long approached reporters from the financial media and listed a large amount of data to prove to them the possibility of a crash in the New York stock market. There are also a lot of bubbles in the Xiangjiang stock market. Once the US stock market crashes, the Xiangjiang stock market also It will inevitably be involved and lead to stock market disasters.

These financial media don't believe Shen Long's judgment very much. Now, in the eyes of all Xiangjiang people, the stock market is in good shape. How can it crash? However, considering Shen Long's identity and his assets, they still published these articles, but this did not wake up the Xiangjiang people who were drunk in the rich dream.

Even financial media reporters don’t believe Shen Long’s words, let alone ordinary people? Therefore, when the official start of Monday, although the Hang Seng Index fluctuated slightly, it quickly rose steadily and moved towards 4,000 points.

Driven by the broader market, the stocks with severe bubbles named by Shen Long also rose rapidly after a brief decline, and the accumulated bubbles became more and more serious.

Without Chen Taotao’s harassment, Ding Xiao Crab relaxed a lot, but Wu Crab’s stock was also eyeed by others. These veterans who have been in the stock market for many years also realized that Wu Crab Group has always been a rookie. Who else can bully him? Therefore, imitating Chen Taotao's low-absorption and high-absorption, he continued to suppress the share price of Wu crab Group.

At this time, Deng Crab asked Chen Wanxian, who had just been released from prison, to come back. He took Chen Wanxian's words seriously and thought he was lucky to do whatever he wanted. Then he saw that the traders in the Stock Exchange were all black, and Ding Crab also Realizing the possibility of a stock market crash, UU read and asked Ding Xiao Crab to throw out the shares of the Five Crab Group.

Try to absorb as much money as possible, and then short the stock index of the Hang Seng Index, so that if a stock disaster occurs, they will not only have no losses, but also make high profits from it.

Shortly after Ding Crab placed the order, the Hang Seng Index fell into a sudden, and fell from 4,000 to 3,900, 3,800... all the way down, the stock exchange cried, only the Ding family Four people laughed.

"Okay, the five crab group's stock has fallen to the end, let's start scanning!" Shen Long issued an order, Chen Taotao immediately began to operate, and now the market is full of sell-offs, who can take the order? Chen Taotao easily absorbed enough stocks.

When the market closed, the father and son of the Ding family excitedly calculated today's income, "Dad, we made 300 million a day!"

This number is less than that in the TV series, because Chen Taotao cut off more meat from them last time, so that Ding Crab could not pay more money to buy the futures contract.

"Wow, 300 million, it sounds so much!" Shen Long walked up to them with a smile. Although this time they did not let them go bankrupt, the acquisition of the Five Crab Group was successful.

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