All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2156: 5 Dog Group

"Hey, I warn you, don't rely on your own money to do whatever you want. We have money now!" said Ding Yi crab, holding his elder brother with his arms akimbo and pointing at Shen Long, and his swell of 300 million also made him inflate; In the past, the Ding family actually had money, but the money was earned by collecting protection fees and drug trafficking. I dare not tell people that now the 300 million yuan is earned from the stock market under the witness of everyone. It can be said that it is clear. Innocent, it is naturally different.

"Wow, rich? I'm so scared!" Shen Long shrugged and looked back at Chen Taotao. "Taotao, if you look at others, you only made 300 million yuan a day when you first entered the stock market. Isn't it great?" ?"

"Yeah." Chen Taotao also cooperated, "Old man, you are too powerful, thinking that when I first entered the stock market that year, I would be happy and crazy when I made 30,000 yuan a day, old man, you are really a genius."

Before the father and son of Ding's family were happy, Chen Taotao turned his words again, "However, we also made a little bit of the stock market disaster, but in fact it is not much, just like six or seven billion."

"Six hundred and seven hundred million!" Ding Yi crab suddenly got stuck. Ding crab, Ding Xiao crab and Ding Wang crab also all had ugly expressions. They thought that this time the income would allow their Ding family to narrow the asset gap between Fang and Fang. Unexpectedly, people earn more than themselves.

"Oh, I just forgot to say that these 670-700 million dollars are not Hong Kong dollars, but US dollars. The Hong Kong Hang Seng Index plunge has made you 300 million, but the New York Dow Jones Index has not fallen sharply. The Dow Jones Index has fallen by 20%. If you want more, we have invested a little bit of money and made six or seven billion dollars!"

"By the way, we used the money to buy the short Dow Jones Index. Some of it was still given by you. Last week, you lost tens of millions to the Five Crab Group. Most of it fell into our hands. Thank you for earning so much!" Shen Long added with a smile.

The father and son of Ding's face are getting more and more ugly. According to the current exchange rate, one dollar can be exchanged for 7.8 Hong Kong dollars. Six to seven billion is equivalent to four or five billion Hong Kong dollars. This number really makes them feel desperate, even if Ding Crab How bold, it is difficult to imagine that I can make so much money.

When money reaches a certain level, it is actually a number, but once the number breaks through a certain limit, it will make people feel horrified and shocked. The father and son of Ding family feel that they have entered the rich class after earning 300 million yuan. They are ten times twenty times, how can they fight him in the future?

"Son? Did he scare us? What index is really so powerful? Can it really make so much money?" Ding Crab was still a little unwilling to believe, Ding Xiao Crab nodded in black, but New York is the world Financial center, the size of the New York stock market does not know how many times it is larger than Xiangjiang. It is not impossible for Fangjia to make so much money from the New York stock market.

"Everyone, now I have obtained more than 75% of the shares of the Five Crab Group. According to the regulations of the Xiangjiang Stock Market, privatized acquisitions can be initiated. Such acquisitions are mandatory. You cannot refuse, I will follow the joint The price stipulated by the Stock Exchange is 20% higher than the existing price of the Five Crabs Group for acquisition! By the way, Taotao, what is the share price of the Five Crabs Group now?" Shen Long asked Chen Taotao again.

Of course, he knows these basic knowledge. This is just to stimulate the father and son of Ding Crab. Chen Taotao said with a smile, "Hey, what is the value of such a junk stock of the Five Crab Group? Today, I encountered a stock disaster and fell into the valley long ago. The current price is one dime and one share. If you want to privatize your boss, you only need to pay two cents! But the boss, two cents is also money. Is it worthless to spend on this kind of junk stock? "

The "privatization" of listed companies is a special type of M&A operation in the capital market; the biggest difference from other M&A operations is that its goal is to delist the acquired listed company and change it from a public company to a private company. That is, the controlling shareholder bought back all the shares in the hands of the small shareholders, expanded the existing shares, and finally delisted the company.

According to the regulations of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, once an institution obtains more than 75% of a stock with voting rights, it can initiate a privatization acquisition, because in this case, the company is absolutely controlled by the major shareholders , Can not guarantee the interests of minority shareholders and ordinary shareholders.

The price of privatized purchases is also stipulated, which can have a certain premium, but it cannot exceed a certain limit. The 20% premium given by Chen Taotao is just within this range, and it is reasonable; and such purchases can hardly be rejected. In the future, Xiangjiang’s most famous privatization acquisition case is probably the privatization of PCCW by Little Superman. Although this thing made Little Superman make billions, it also completely destroyed his reputation.

"Twenty-two! Why don't you go looting! We don't sell!" The share price of the Five Crab Group is actually far more than this number, of course, Ding Xiao crab refuses to sell.

"Robbery? Isn't that your specialty? We are law-abiding citizens, and illegal things will not be done!" Well, you have the ability to find evidence of my illegal! Shen Long looked at Ding Xiao Crab, "In the past, you have to obey the rules of the underworld when you are gangsters. Now that you have listed your company, you have to obey the rules of the stock you are not convinced , Let your little brother come over and smash the Stock Exchange? Otherwise, just hand over the stock!"

Ding Xiao Crab looked at his trader. The trader said tremblingly, "Mr. Ding, according to the regulations of the Stock Exchange, you really can't refuse!"

Haha, it’s not only the talents of your mixed society that can be sold out, but also in the stock market, Shen Long makes up again, "Actually, the money to buy the Five Crab Group is also from your Five Crab Group. What you earned, whoops, it’s really good to buy someone else’s company with someone else’s money!”

"Hey, don't force me too much! You can't look at it like this!" Ding Crab was angry.

"God, if you have glasses, you should have died instead of Dingli Crab! But that's fine, the taste of white-haired people giving black-haired people must be very pleasant, right?" Shen Long reacted unkindly. Going back, the three brothers of the Ding family would start when they were stimulated, but they were stopped by Shen Long's bodyguards.

"Tao, remember to apply for the privatization of the Five Crab Group to the Stock Exchange when the market was reopened. Oh, yes, I don’t like the name of the Five Crab Group. I will change it after the delisting. The name is good, I might as well call Wugou Group!" Shen Long left without looking back.

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