All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2157: It’s not enough to be rich

"This kid is too much! How can he do this! Did no one care about him? Obviously our company, why became his?" The name of the Five Crab Group symbolizes their five fathers and sons working together, and the result is Shen Long But changed the name to Five Dogs Group, is this not equivalent to scolding Ding Crab's father and son for five dogs? Ding Crab can withstand this stimulation?

Especially now that Dingli Crab is dead, this guy refuses to let go of the dead, it's really inhuman! Ding Crab kept screaming, but they had no way at all. In order to take out the money and short the Hang Seng Index, Ding Crab regardless of the large amount of stocks sold by the Five Crab Group, Chen Taotao took advantage of the low-cost income and has acquired more than Seventy-five percent of the stocks with voting rights have no room for rejection.

Moreover, Chen Taotao's money to acquire the Five Crabs Group was originally theirs. Last week, Chen Taotao borrowed more than 60 million yuan from the father and son of the Ding Crab with a straw boat to borrow arrows.

"Hey, the impact of this stock disaster on Xiangjiang is too great, we can't stay out of it, we should do our best for the Xiangjiang stock market!" Back in the car, Shen Long's expression became serious, "Uncle Tian, You have a lot of people in the stock industry, so you should come forward and help attract the bankrupt stock elites. Although their investment has failed, but their ability is still there, it would be a pity if they go to the rooftop. It is better to send them to the company temporarily. Right."

"The company gives them a chance to make a comeback, so that they will not be desperate! In addition, the money earned from the New York stock market will also be invested in Xiangjiang's industrial economy! Dao, the stock market will be closed tomorrow, when you and Li Xuan held a press conference together and told Xiangjiang citizens of this good news, hoping to help Xiangjiang citizens regain their confidence!" Shen Long is not the kind of humanoid guy like Ding Crab.

"Zhanbo, if you do this, your dad must be very pleased to see it. You can rest assured. I will go to a contact now. If I can save one life, save one life!" Ye Tian nodded.

"I'll go to Dapu in a short time to find Mr. Li!" Chen Taotao also agreed, he knew that the most terrible stock disaster is the total loss of confidence in the economy. Shen Long's large-scale investment in the real economy in Xiangjiang will undoubtedly play a role in enhancing confidence. However, under such a large-scale stock market disaster, it is hard to say how much this trick can play.

But at this time, the average person would only want to try his best to keep his losses, but dare to stand up like Shen Long, but very few, it is already admirable by this point, after all, when the stock market disaster It is not a small risk to make a large-scale investment. He originally did not need to do this. The reason for doing so is for the economy of Xiangjiang.

"Under the nest, there is a complete egg. I still understand. The assets of all of us are based on the economic prosperity of Xiangjiang. If the economy of Xiangjiang collapses, can we go there better?" In fact, the real cold-blooded capitalists do not refuse the economic crisis because they can take advantage of the opportunity to buy high-quality assets cheaply, but this kind of thing is not contemptuous to do, and he is not willing to do it. He is not a vampire.

"I'll go find Wei Jiacheng, Guo Yingzhong, and He Xin to discuss with them. If they are willing to stand up, it will be even better! A Mei, help me make these appointments, and I will visit them!" Shen Long let Ruan May went to contact their secretary.

As a result, the reactions of the three rich men were mixed. Wei Jiacheng refused politely but firmly. He felt that this was a good opportunity to acquire other companies. Guo Yingzhong and Shen Long stood together. He Xin’s support for Shen Long Not as determined as Guo Yingzhong, but also paid a sum of money.

After discussing specific plans with Guo Yingzhong and He Xin, Shen Long returned home, and Luo Huiling, Fang Fang, and Fang Min had learned from Fang Ting about Shen Long’s acquisition of the Five Crab Group. They were puzzled. "Zhanbo, why do you want to buy Ding's company? What's the use of their stuff? Wouldn't you just be angry?"

"Sister Ling, I'm so big, and I'm not the kind of person like Ding Crab. Why would I do such a boring thing?" Shen Long explained to them, "Actually, many times in Xiangjiang, it's not just money. Yes! The Five Crab Group is very important to the Ding family. The assets of the Five Crab Group do not seem to be much, but this is the foundation of the Ding family."

"Ding Xiao Crab put all the industries he has accumulated in the underworld for so many years in the Five Crab Group. The company has many high-quality real estates in Kowloon and Wanchai, many stores, and many companies. He can use these store companies to raise Brother, don’t let him have nothing to do; now that’s all, these real estate, stores, and companies are all ours!"

"Ding Xiao Crab became a rootless tree. Without these, what did he rely on to raise the younger brother? Is it directly possible to pay the younger brother? This is definitely impossible! Without the Five Crab Group, the Ding family will only have money left. !What's the use of being rich? The younger brother of Zhongqingshe should slowly disperse."This is the most important purpose of Shen Long's acquisition of the Five Crab Group, but not just to change its name.

" It turned out to be like this!" Long Jiwen understood immediately, "After the real estate, storefronts, and company were taken down, many of the Chai's Ma Zi became employees of the company. They If you want to continue mixing with Ding Xiao Crab, you will definitely be expelled from you. If you don’t want to be expelled, you will have to quit the Zhongqingshe! This will make Ding Xiao Crab's people less and less!"

"But Zhanbo, they now have 300 million, and they can still re-acquire real estate and companies to relocate these younger brothers?" Long Jiwen asked again.

"It's not easy, I will let people stare at him, he wants to buy, we will go to bid, without having to grab each of their goals, but it will definitely make them pay a higher price!" Want to buy the line, I In the past, I bought the same store and the same real estate as you. Didn't you increase my price? If you don’t increase it, you won’t be able to get it. If you increase it, you will pay extra costs. Your Ding family has only 300 million assets. How can you fight me?

"Oh, by the way, Chen Wanxian also suffered a lot from the stock disaster. In order to recover the loss, he will definitely continue to use illegal operations. I have let Tian Shu stare at him. As long as he dares to move, he will send him again. Go inside the jail!" Chen Wanxian, who is also the enemy of the Fang family, must get revenge.

"One more thing, I'm going to Baodao recently, Ji Wen and Mei, you accompany me!" After earning so much money this time, I have to find a way to spend it!

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