All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2159: Tomen

Zhang Zhongmou's experience was rather bumpy. He was born in Ningbo in 1931. When he was a boy, his family migrated to Nanjing, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Xiangjiang to avoid war. Most of his childhood time spent in Xiangjiang, and finally settled in Chongqing.

Despite bumps along the way, Zhang Zhongmou never gave up his studies due to his family background. His father used to be the Yin County Finance Director of Ningbo City, and his mother was a descendant of Xu Shidong, a famous book collector in Ningbo in the Qing Dynasty.

As a child, Zhang Zhongmou dreamed of being a writer one day. Due to the civil war, Zhang Zhongmou went to study in the United States, embarked on a journey to a foreign country, and completed his studies at Harvard University and MIT.

18-year-old Zhang Zhongmou entered Harvard University in the United States with more than 1,000 freshmen. He was the only Chinese. One year later, Zhang Zhongmou transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializing in mechanical engineering, and received a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 24. Bachelor of Science.

After graduation, Zhang Zhongmou joined Hivania due to a chance meeting and began his life with semiconductors. Because he knew nothing, Zhang Zhongmou devoted more energy to research, and successfully entered the industry.

After accumulating a certain amount of experience, 27-year-old Zhang Zhongmou joined Texas Instruments; here, Zhang Zhongmou broke his reputation in the semiconductor industry after the war, and then continued to promote within Texas Instruments.

He has successively served as the vice president and senior vice president of Texas Instruments. He is the third person of Texas Instruments, second only to the chairman and president; at this time, Texas Instruments has already become the world's first, with 60,000 employees worldwide, half of whom are Zhang Zhongmou managed, Zhang Zhongmou was the first Chinese to enter the top management of a large American company.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhongmou turned his attention to Intel’s biggest competitor at that time, Intel, and directly attacked the memory business that Intel was proud of. It was unable to fight back and could only find other ways out; but due to differences with the high level, Texas Instruments did not Can kill Intel, leaving a breathing opportunity for Intel, Zhang Zhongmou also because of disagreement with the top of Texas Instruments, returned to Baodao as president of Industrial Technology Research Institute.

During this period, he was still unwilling to let go of the semiconductor industry. In addition to his job and making outstanding contributions to the development of the semiconductor industry of Baodao, Zhang Zhongmou was also looking for entrepreneurial opportunities, even though he is now fifty-six years old, But he is still ambitious and wants to start a career.

His entrepreneurial idea is the same as that Shen Long said just now, that is to use baodao's labor cost advantage to provide OEM services for electronic companies in Europe, America and Japan. The company he planned is not responsible for designing products, but only provides production for semiconductor design companies. It was also realistic at the time, because at this time Baodao did not have a large company with independent design capabilities such as Intel and Texas Instruments, but it had the advantage of labor costs. The workers of Baodao had the ability to complete product design, and the salary was higher than that of Europe, America and Japan. The workers are lower, and it is sure to attract a large number of customers.

However, his idea was not supported by Treasure Island. Neither businessmen nor government agencies knew Zhang Zhongmou's understanding of the world's semiconductor industry. He didn't think there was a business opportunity here; so although Zhang Zhongmou was able to have ideas, he still didn't. Raise the funds needed to start a business.

The foundry industry is a heavy-asset, labor-intensive industry. Zhang Zhongmou’s salary in Texas Instruments is quite high. Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of assets, but it is far from enough to build a wafer foundry.

Today he heard that Shen Long had the same idea as him, how could he not be surprised, "It’s really awesome, I have worked hard in the semiconductor industry for more than 20 years, and I had such an idea. Mr. Fang was only more than 20 this year. Years old? You can see this step, which really admires me! So, Mr. Fang wants to invest in me?"

"That's it!" Shen Long nodded. "I can spend 100 million US dollars to help Mr. Zhang build this factory. Mr. Zhang is responsible for the management and operation of this factory. At the same time, I can also take this batch of handheld game consoles. The key components were handed over to Mr. Zhang’s factory for production.” This even solved the first order.

"What are the conditions for Mr. Fang?" Zhang Zhongmou asked. In front of 100 million US dollars, he was already tempted. During this time, the news that Shen Long made hundreds of millions of dollars on the New York stock market also reached Baodao. He knew that Shen Long had this. strength.

"I want this company to open in Xiangjiang, which can save me a lot of transportation costs, and Xiangjiang's electronics industry is developing rapidly. Mr. Zhang can also find enough skilled workers and supporting enterprises here," Shen Long said. He wouldn't put this golden egg-laying chicken on Treasure Island.

"However, Xiangjiang is hesitant in the technical talent reserve..." Zhang Zhongmou hesitated. Xiangjiang is much smaller than Baodao after all, and the number of universities is scarce, especially in science and engineering.

"This is also a relief for Mr. Zhang. I am also a member of the Preparatory Committee of Xiangjiang University of Science and Technology. This newly established university will set up corresponding subjects to train electronic talents for Xiangjiang. With the introduction of talents, people on the Baodao side can get a higher salary guarantee than they stay on Baodao." As long as you have money, you can't worry about digging up talents.

"If Mr. Zhang has this It’s okay to spend a lot of money digging from the United States! Mr. Zhang may wish to take a look at my design for this foundry!" Shen Long is not afraid that Zhang Zhongmou will not agree He took out the drawings he had designed by Bai Ze according to the status quo of science and technology during this period.

The technical level contained in it has exceeded Zhang Zhongmou's plan for his own factory, and he agreed to it. If he does not agree, even if he starts a company in Baodao, he will be overwhelmed by himself.

Coupled with Shen Long’s promised equity and compensation to Zhang Zhongmou, this carrot-and-stick negotiation strategy put Zhang Zhongmou to no avail. After returning to consider for a few days, Zhang Zhongmou accepted Shen Long’s invitation and began to resign Procedures, prepare to take your team to Xiangjiang.

After finishing the business, Shen Long also laid back and drove the car to take Long Jiwen and Ruan Mei to start their own trip around Baodao, enjoying the rare leisure time.

At the same time, Zhou Jisheng has always been unable to sleep well these days. He can dream about his wife, Huajie, almost every night. Every time Huahua appears in his dream, she suffers from heart disease. At the scene in front of Zhou Jisheng, he stared at him in a daze, seemingly asking Zhou Jisheng why he didn't avenge himself.

Zhou Jisheng felt guilty, so he found the aunt and wanted the aunt to help her dream.

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