All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2160: Digging roots

After the market was closed for a few days, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange reopened. Affected by the stock market crash, the stock exchange was still in a bleak situation. The stock prices of various stocks continued to decline. Everyone lost all the debts owed by their family property, so they could only go to the rooftop and then merge into the blue sky.

If it were not for Ye Tian to raise a banner on the Stock Exchange to recruit people, I am afraid that there will be more people committing suicide this time, so Ye Tian has gathered a lot of outstanding talents, so that Shen Long’s company is stronger; The press conference jointly held by Li Xuan also lit up a lamp for the Xiangjiang economy amidst the ups and downs, helping many people to regain confidence.

Affected by these factors, Shen Long’s reputation in Xiangjiang is getting better and stronger, and his influence is getting bigger and bigger. Even during the stock market disaster, as long as Shen Long’s company talks about buying that stock, the stock opportunity will appear small. The magnitude of the upward trend has risen, becoming one of the few bright spots in a bleak stock market.

Chen Taotao also initiated the privatization acquisition of the Five Crab Group on the first day of the market opening, and the Stock Exchange quickly passed the application. This is really nothing to say. Since others have met the requirements for privatization acquisition , Then follow the process!

The father and son of the Ding family, who were so excited because they made more than one billion yuan today, suddenly got a blow. Although they were reluctant, they still had to sell the stock to Shen Long at an extremely low price. The four family businesses that have been worked hard for many years all belonged to Shen Long. They now only have more than one billion Hong Kong dollars in cash.

"It's okay, it's okay, we still have money, we still have more than a billion! Dad's luck is so strong, he will surely destroy the boy Fang Zhanbo!" Ding Crab said tremblingly, but he didn't believe himself in his heart In other words, the scene on the racecourse still haunts him. He has long regarded Fang Zhanbo as his nemesis.

"Boss, so many places and stores are gone. What should our brothers do?" Ding Yi crab played hard with Ding Xiao crab, naturally knowing the importance of these industries to the Zhongqing Society, without these industries, they took Why raise so many brothers? So many people are not available just by collecting protection fees and drug trafficking.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have money, are you afraid that you can't buy the industry? Now that the Xiangjiang stock market has collapsed, I don't know how many people will sell the industry to pay off the debt! Let's go and buy a better one!" Ding Xiao crab comforted, but It is not easy to buy so many industries at once.

After all, it's not just theirs who copy the bottoms in Xiangjiang now. Wei Jiacheng is already starting a large-scale acquisition, and since Shen Long's company has so much capital reserves, will he also come to buy it?

Ding Xiao Crab’s worries came true. He had originally taken a look at a three-story real estate property, and planned to buy it into a commercial complex integrating catering and entertainment. The owner of the company repented temporarily, "Sorry, Mr. Ding, some people have paid a higher price. If you are not willing to increase the price, then I can only sell it to others!" I’m not afraid of Ding Xiao crab’s threat.

"Hey, how can you do business like this? You have said it and changed your mind temporarily?" Ding Yi crab stood up arrogantly, seemingly wanting to hit someone.

"Second child, sit down!" Ding Xiao crab asked after a warning, accompanied by a smiley face, "Mr. Zhang, although the second child is not good to speak, but I am afraid that it is not appropriate for you to make a temporary change like this?"

"Mr. Ding, this is the way to do business. As long as you haven't signed a contract, everything will be impossible. If you don't sell my property and buy someone else, I have nothing to say?" Mr. Zhang shrugged. Since some people are willing to pay a higher price, then I am stupid not to agree, and I have no hatred for money.

"Which company? Should I go talk to them first?" Ding Xiao Cr is not a serious businessman. Seeing that Mr. Zhang is not threatened, he intends to find someone else's trouble.

"It's a coincidence. It happened to be your acquaintance, Mr. Ding. Oh, the one who bought the Five Crab Group. He said that my building is next to the one you opened the Japanese food store before. Planning." Mr. Zhang said with a smile, and now the five crab group's name change has become Xiangjiang's joke, especially those members of other associations, who often use this to stimulate the Zhongqingshe, the Ding family father and son are very No face.

"Why don't Fang Zhanbo die! Like a fly, and bother us all the time!" Ding Yi crab suddenly exploded and scolded at the table.

Ding Xiao crab also lost his temper, this one would obviously not be threatened by him, but he was determined to win this building, and he could only continue to talk to Mr. Zhang, "What price do they offer? I can pay the same price. Can you Can't sign a contract now?"

"Oh, I'm afraid it won't work. Mr. Fang's company promised to pay in US dollars, saving me to go to HSBC to exchange dollars, and I can go directly to Canada to go through immigration procedures. If Mr. Ding wants it, I'm afraid it will be higher." Mr. Zhang He smiled and said that this feeling of sitting on the ground is really good.

However, even if Ding Xiao Crab's price increased, they didn't sign the contract immediately. He still waited to tell Chen Taotao of this news to so he could continue to raise the price. If Ding Xiao Crab wanted to buy this building Building, you have to spend a lot of money.

In addition to allowing Chen Taotao to send people to continuously raise prices with Ding Xiao crab, Shen Long is also cleaning up the industry of the Five Crab Group, a nightclub? Forget it directly, we all do serious business. If this business is not done, we will change to a restaurant. As for the younger brother Ma Zi who worked in it, I will give you a severance payment. You can find a new job!

In casinos, this is even worse. It’s better to change to a convenience store. Convenience stores don’t require people to use usury to collect their accounts. You must leave quickly; fear of starvation? Am I paying severance pay? You can find a job again!

Replaying the loan shark collection will not do anything else? Oops, it really doesn't matter, is it just a bite to eat? Zhongqingshe can't give you food now, can you go to other clubs! Well, did you see that Hongxing is not recruiting? You can try it.

Betrayal society? This kind of thing doesn't exist. Since the boss doesn't support you, wouldn't you allow you to make your own living? The boss can't watch you starve to death!

In this way, Shen Long dug the roots of the Ding family with a hoe, and saw that the Ding family would gradually become a rootless tree. The size of the Zhongqingshe continued to shrink, and there was no good way for Ding Xiao Crab to hurry!

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